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Everything posted by DJay

  1. Thanks for sharing your workflow. I changed in the appsearch.py en to de for Germany search_lang = 'de' But alfred still shows the $ price. Any chance to change this? what am I doing wrong?
  2. thx for sharing morten. nice idea. love to use it with spotify app because of it has not build in airplay support. so I always have to change manually alt+volume to change the audio output. with your workflow it could help. but.. wen my macbook air is running i have two airplay sync devices running. I want to sync to apple tv. but macbook is first in line so your workflow switches to that. I'm not good at the the scripting thing so I want to let you and all the creative heads here know about this behavior.
  3. OMG you know what guys..?! Thought Music and Musik (<- German) because of its a default, doesn't matter. but it does. I changed it to set chosenPlaylist to "Musik" and now everything is fine. all 13.000 songs are there. sorry guys for the inconvenience. but now we all know.
  4. so i changed the "music" playlist to "Zuletzt hinzugefügt" playlist. "Last added". About 100 songs. And it works so far.
  5. thanks caleb531. but unfortunately no. doesn't work for me. seach for an song titel, search for artist. nothing in alfred to see. always "searching". sorry..
  6. http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/916-mailapp-search-by-author-subject-or-content/
  7. thanks for sharing. sounds nice. but my library has 12300 song. seems like didn't work for me. the status is always "searching".
  8. Sweet. Thanks a lot. You guys and girls are the best!
  9. First of all thanks for your great work and sharing it. Is this right, Evernote has to run/be open all the time. It's not like search via spotlight?
  10. sweet! great. thanks a lot. now I have all my Alfred V1 helpers back.
  11. well.. I did it this way.. not sure If everything is right, but it works for me. Templates -> Essentials -> Keyword to Script /usr/bin/osascript set mainURL to "<https://website.de>" as text set mainLogin to "username" as text set mainPword to "password" as text --display dialog mainURL tell application "Firefox" activate set thisDocument to make new document at end of documents tell application "System Events" tell application process "Firefox" delay 2 -- keystroke (ASCII character 9) — tab character keystroke mainLogin --delay 1 keystroke (ASCII character 9) -- tab character --delay 1 keystroke mainPword keystroke (ASCII character 13) -- this equals return end tell end tell end tell
  12. wow.. thats was fast. thanks. changed all the en.wiki to de.wiki in the w.py file. now safari and the de. wiki websites opens. but searching for i.e. frankfurt oder frankfurt am main doesn't show a result in alfred. also with names like "dirk" "dirk bach" thanks for you passionate work and sharing.
  13. thats great. thanks a lot. which lines do i have to change to work with german wikipedia? only in the w.py replace the "en.wiki" with "de.wiki" does't work well. search yes, open safari wiki website no. thanks again..
  14. Had a script with Alfred V1 but can't bring it to work with V2. Somebody talented? http://d.pr/f/4BH6 --- SCRIPT BEGINS HERE --- on alfred_script(q) try set the clipboard to (do shell script "curl " & quoted form of ("http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=" & (do shell script "perl -e 'use URI::Escape; print uri_escape(\"" & "http://lmgtfy.com/?q=" & q & "\")';"))) Growl("LMGTFY Link Copied", "Your victim awaits.", "LMGTFY", "Alfred") on error ErrorMessage number ErrorNumber if ErrorNumber is 6 then Growl("LMGTFY Error", "Could not connect to the internet.", "LMGTFY", "Alfred") else Growl("LMGTFY Error " & ErrorNumber, ErrorMessage, "LMGTFY", "Alfred") end if --if (do shell script "defaults read com.zibity.donate nonsence &") = "yes" then do shell script "afplay /Users/Sebastian/Desktop/nonsencenonsencenonsence.mp3 &" end try end alfred_script on Growl(tit, desc, iden, icon) tell application "Growl" to notify with name "Extension Output" title tit description desc application name "Alfred" identifier iden image from location "~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/extensions/applescripts/LMGTFY/icon.png" end Growl
  15. Great. Thanks a lot. But didn't work well for me. Name of my MacBook ist "MacBook Air" But I have to connect with "MacBook-Air.local" see the - Have no Idea what this is about.
  16. well.. don't know what the two buddies think of but I use this speedtest at the moment. not really nice. SPEED=$(curl -o /dev/null -w %{speed_download} --location http://speedtest.b42.eu/test.php?file=10M) SPEEDMBITS=$(echo $SPEED | awk '{print $1*8/1000000.0}') echo "Geschwindigkeit $SPEEDMBITS MBits/s" http://d.pr/f/iOt9 You have to let it run for a moment, then a notification comes up.
  17. First of all, what a great community. Thanks for your help, work and sharing it. Now I hope there is help for my problem. Unter Alfred V1 I was using a Applescript and it worked well. The Script opens Firefox and did a login on a special website. Now with V2 the script starts but opens 2 firefox windows. Could anybody please help me and fix the script or build a workflow? Sorry.. I'm a complete newbie. openFirefoxURL("https://specialwebsite.de/") on openFirefoxURL(x) return do shell script "open -a Firefox" & space & quoted form of x end openFirefoxURL tell application "System Events" delay 4 tell application "Firefox" activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "username" tell application "System Events" to keystroke tab tell application "System Events" to keystroke "password" tell application "System Events" to keystroke return end tell beep end tell Thanks in advance for your help.
  18. Well.. for those who like purge I think thats all. Isn't it? http://d.pr/f/iVwQ
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