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  1. Please disregard, I've just tried it again and it seems to be working. Must have been my finger trouble. Thanks for the update
  2. Thank you, mostly looking good but I can't get the 'Type Note' command to work Cheers
  3. Hi FroZen_X Thanks very much, all seems to be work fine now. I wonder if the author is still bothering with this as he doesn't seem to have posted for some time. Thanks again
  4. Hi It is here https://www.dropbox.com/s/slpehs5i241f6rz/Evernote%20workflow.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Cheers
  5. Hi Thanks for the reply. I checked my workflows folder, there was one other q file in another workflow so I changed the refs in that too. I even searched for invisible files in case one was still there. But the results are the same as before Cheers
  6. Hi I deleted the workflow from Alfred, installed the one you reference above and tried again with the same result. Alfred 2 is no longer on my machine I had Alfred 3 remove it when I installed that. The debug message remains the same. Cheers
  7. Thanks for that, I've installed it, changed the refs to Alfred 3 and it still won't work properly. I type ENS and it says search Evernote, then I add a space and it says search Google. I turned on the debug and got this [2016-05-24 13:22:36][ERROR: input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 0:90: execution error: mkdir: /Users/Pat/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data: No such file or directory (1) But I've no idea where to change that reference Cheers
  8. The prefs are in dropbox but the q file is not there, there is a q file in another workflow's folder but not in the Evernote one. I've used HoudahSpot to find the file and that is the only one it finds.
  9. I found the prefs in my dropbox folder, I forgot I was syncing via Dropbox, but the q_workflow file is not there
  10. Hi Yes, I looked at that but the files you speak of don't exist in that location on my machine Cheers
  11. Can you say how you resolved it, please? Thank you.
  12. That brings me to another issue When I type devonb or devonb! all that happens is Alfred offers to search Google for devonb as shown below
  13. Just downloaded it again, did a search in DT and found a file. checked the Library and that directory still does not exist
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