Here's the log from Troubleshooting File indexing:
Starting Diagnostics...
File: 'Test.gdoc'
Path: '/Volumes/GoogleDrive/Il mio Drive/Test
Check file cache database...
✅ File cache integrity is ok
Check if file is readable...
✅ Alfred has permissions to read this file.
Check if volume '/Volumes/GoogleDrive/' is indexed by macOS...
✅ Indexing is enabled on this drive
Check direct file metadata...
⚠️ Direct metadata is missing, this file is likely not indexed by macOS
Check mdls file metadata...
❌ macOS metadata missing essential items
/Volumes/GoogleDrive/Il mio Drive/Test/Test.gdoc: could not find /Volumes/GoogleDrive/Il mio Drive/Test/Test.gdoc
❌ Troubleshooting failed
in Spotlight the file is shown (in others) on the Mac in which Alfred cannot find the file (Mac OS 11.1)
on the other Mac where Alfred works Spotlight shows the same file in Documents (Mac OS 10.15.7)
i've re-enabled "Request permission", recreate Spotlight indexing, but nothing seems to work