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  1. Hello and thanks for that (PP email updated). I disabled the system command lock in Alfred, renamed the WF to Lock and it seems to be working great at this stage - thanks for the input. Not sure if its worth updating core Alfred to work in a similar way. thanks again
  2. I can confirm that Ctrl-Cmd-Q works immediately, unlike the Alfred lock command - seems an ideal change? How can we make this happen?
  3. I think I'd rather stick to Lock than to use something that could screw any displays up, it's worth noting that the Lock function does work, it locks the screen right away it just takes 10-15 seconds to update the screen toothed locked state. I wouldn't rely on Apple getting back to you any time soon!
  4. Hi all - I'm getting the same issue, I use the function every day when I step up from my mac and it's become ingrained in me to lock the machine when I am at work. @Sid , i you get any more info would you mind updating here?
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