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    JimmyTheSaint reacted to Carlos-Sz in Recent Items 4.3 beta 2 for Alfred 4: Finder Recent Items   

    Workflow to display recent Finder files and folders featuring:
    5 default categories 2 custom categories Favorites, including a file action Keywords and hotkeys for Favorites and all categories apart Interaction with Open/Save dialogs and Finder Go To Folder Preview, reveal, open or use Alfred file actions Usage

    Show Alfred and type the keyword rec:

    You can also use the category keyword if you prefer to access the recent files directly, without an initial menu:
    Now: keyword now Folders: keyword fol Applications: keyword apps Documents: keyword docs Downloads: keyword dow Custom Category 1: keyword c1 Custom Category 2: keyword c2 Favorites: keyword fav In addition, there is a hotkey for the keyword rec, Favorites and all categories apart.

    Note that all keywords, as well as the hotkeys, can be changed (go to Alfred Preferences > Workflows).

    Finally, once inside a category you have the following actions:
    Return key: open the file or folder Command key: reveal the file or folder in Finder Option key: pass the file/older path to an open/save dialog or Finder window Control key: add/remove an item to/from Favorites Shift key: preview (Quick Look) the file or folder Custom Categories

    You can set up to two custom categories:
    Show Alfred and type the keyword recpref Select a category to configure and press return key Type an unique category name with at least 3 characters Type one or more (separated by comma) file types e.g.: com.adobe.pdf,public.plain-text To find a file type you can use Alfred Metadata Analyzer.

    To remove a custom category press command key while highlighting one of them in recpref.


    All files or folders set as a favorite item will remain in the list no matter how old they are.

    To add an item to Favorites just highlight a file or folder, hold control key and press return key.

    To remove an item go to Favorites, highlight an item, hold control key and press return key.

    You can also add items utilizing Alfred File Action (accepts multiple files).

    Note that Favorites has also its own keyword (fav) and hotkey.

    Interacting with Open/Save Dialog or Finder

    You can pass a recent file or folder path, or an item in Favorites, to an open/save dialog or even the current Finder window to go to that folder:
    when an open/save dialog is displayed type the keyword rec or any other category keyword find an item (a file or folder or an item from Favorites), highlight it, hold option key and press return key wait a bit so the workflow can load and paste the item path Default Folder

    The workflow remembers the last path used per application. To use the feature just type the keyword df when an open/save dialog is displayed.

    If the workflow was never used for the application, or the path does not exist anymore, then the keyword rec will be automatically triggered so you can select a path from a file or folder.

    There is also a hotkey to make things even faster.

    Make sure to give the feature time to process because e.g. if you hold keyboard keys way too long then the feature may not work as expected.

    What’s new
    Up to 2 custom categories (keyword recpref) Downloads category Keyword for each category Hotkey for each category Multiple files in Add to Favorites file action Changed Auto-path to Default Folder (keyworod df) Changed Just Now category to Now Added Help (keyword rechelp) Update to Alfred 2.3 features Several internal improvements  
    Version 4.3 beta 2 (removed Alfred 3 references) Release date: 12 Jul 2020 Requires Alfred 4 Download  
    Version 4.2 Release date: 19 Jun 2016 Requires Alfred 3 Download  
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    JimmyTheSaint reacted to dfay in RPN calculator   
    No worries I’ll sort it out and post updated version.
  3. Like
    JimmyTheSaint reacted to Alan He in Adding AirDrop Support to Alfred   
    you can have a try.

    Now, it is only simplified, right click=》 share=》airdrop operation
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    JimmyTheSaint reacted to dfay in RPN calculator   
    Haha it only took four years for someone to take an interest in this   I've updated the link -- hope you find it useful.
  5. Like
    JimmyTheSaint reacted to jgarza9788 in Show Hidden Files - Toggle (Finder)   
    get from GitHub

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    JimmyTheSaint reacted to nikivi in Learn Anything - Search Learn Anything Website   
    Learn Anything
    This workflow lets you search for any topic on Learn Anything website. 
    For more information, on how you can use the workflow, you can read the GitHub readme.
    Hope you like it. ?
    Code | Download
  7. Like
    JimmyTheSaint got a reaction from Yuri in How to make the Alfred search window a frontmost app   
    I posted my K-E launcher at https://gist.github.com/Jimmy34742/7be28de581e706c37b059b395bf8900f
    It uses spacebar and tab as sticky keys. The organization is:
    spacebar + letter => application
    spacebar + number => folder or file
    spacebar + shift + number => a logically (to me) different category of folder or file
    tab => URL's, Alfred workflows and (I intend) LaunchBar actions
    (future) tab + spacebar => workflows and actions and tab (above) only launches URL's.
    All suggestions and comments welcome.
  8. Like
    JimmyTheSaint reacted to nikivi in I made a curated list of workflows   
    Alfred Workflows List

    I was quite upset that Packal search was no longer working and I was quite unhappy with all the other curated Alfred workflows lists out there so I made my own. I am updating this list very often and I will include all the useful workflows that I have personally used and liked. 
    Feel free to scroll around and see if you find something you have never tried before. The list is also open to contributions and I am open to feedback in improving it.
    You can view the curated list here.
    In the future, I want to make a Packal alternative in Go with hooks to GitHub releases and tags. Together with discovery of new workflows by showing all new workflows that were created with Alfred topic. Until then, this list should work well.
  9. Like
    JimmyTheSaint reacted to deanishe in syntax to trigger workflow from Karabiner-Elements json file?   
    Just the quotation marks. This should be correct:
    "shell_command": "/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 3\" to run trigger \"SafariTabs-ext\" in workflow \"com.my.SearchTabs\"'"  
  10. Like
    JimmyTheSaint got a reaction from nikivi in How to make the Alfred search window a frontmost app   
    I posted my K-E launcher at https://gist.github.com/Jimmy34742/7be28de581e706c37b059b395bf8900f
    It uses spacebar and tab as sticky keys. The organization is:
    spacebar + letter => application
    spacebar + number => folder or file
    spacebar + shift + number => a logically (to me) different category of folder or file
    tab => URL's, Alfred workflows and (I intend) LaunchBar actions
    (future) tab + spacebar => workflows and actions and tab (above) only launches URL's.
    All suggestions and comments welcome.
  11. Like
    JimmyTheSaint reacted to deanishe in How to make the Alfred search window a frontmost app   
    It was largely a rehash of previous threads on the same topic, and yeah, it was kinda going in circles. There really wasn't much new or worthwhile (in the sense of "worth preserving for posterity") in there. @nikivi's comment that I reposted above was a clear stand-out in terms of adding something new (which is why I reposted it).
    The purpose of the forum isn't to be a platform for debates, no matter how interesting: it's is to help Alfred users have a better Alfred experience, and hopefully, to be a friendly and welcoming place for Alfred users.
    That thread was another example of the XY problem. It was framed in terms of Y ("Why isn't Alfred more like Launchbar?") instead of X ("How do I do XYZ in Alfred?").
    The nature of the thread violated the "why" of the forum, and my getting stroppy at going in circles violated the "how". So the thread got hidden.
    I'm sorry for my part in getting the thread hidden.
    Going forward, how about you try to frame your questions in terms of X, not Y, and I'll try to not be a nob?
  12. Like
    JimmyTheSaint got a reaction from nikivi in How to make the Alfred search window a frontmost app   
    On the contrary, it was a productive and intelligent discussion among thoughtful, experienced users who are also paying customers. It was honestly critical and honestly praiseworthy as appropriate. The topic was to compare user experiences of Alfred and LaunchBar, and it stayed on topic quite well. When points are being debated back and forth, that is neither unnecessarily negative nor repetitive. Why not honor everyone who put time and labor into the forum, restore it, and let readers decide what they think? Perhaps edit out the posts that merely characterize what other people have written rather than responding to content with content.
  13. Like
    JimmyTheSaint reacted to deanishe in How to make the Alfred search window a frontmost app   
    @nikivi, @JimmyTheSaint Here's Niki's epic post (the thread is hidden, not deleted):
    If you really care about saving keystrokes, I advise you to look into Karabiner.

    I have over 500 or so workflows I use and I can access anyone of them from one keystroke. Just one. 
    I nearly never use Alfred default (cmd + space) interface (It is single press of right command or jl keys together for me). Because Alfred has this awesome feature of making super focused searches for anything I wish to search and creating external triggers for them I can then call from Karabiner.
    So there is literally no use to have default search aside from opening some applications which I also open from single keystroke in Keyboard Maestro.
    The most exciting thing about Karabiner and making every key on the keyboard into a modifier key is that there are literally thousands of keys you can fill and customise. Where accessing any one of these keys (which can map to workflows / Keyboard Maestro macros ..) is literally 1 second away. Compared to (1. opening Alfred 2. searching for trigger).
    It's kind of insane if you think about what it really enables you to do. You can even create extra virtual layers of keys with Keyboard Maestro palettes. For example I have space key modifier to accessing different palettes. I can then space (held) + e and quickly enter an emoji insert palette:
    So inserting ? is space + e + a and emoji is there. And in case I forget what key ? is. The palette can remind me. So you can do anything you can dream of in two-three keystrokes. Of course emoji palette is just an example, you can run some more complex macros or workflows if you so wish.
    Just as an example, because this forum uses some weird markup and is not markdown, I am forced to use @vitor's MarkdownTransform workflow. So I can then just select some text and press t + b and it will convert the selected text into BBCode. Where t is my modifier and b is the action key to press if t is held down (b for BBCode). If I didn't have Karabiner, I would either will need to remember some cryptic hotkey like ⇧⌘⌃+B or something. Because hotkeys are scarce and they will run out quickly. Or open Alfred and start searching for a trigger to do this but that takes too many keystrokes.
    Setting @deanishe's Searchio to JK pressed together and J + : pressed together to access currently open Safari tabs with Safari Assist is life changing already. Or LM to search my safari bookmarks and LN to search chrome bookmarks. Or setting s + hjkl to mimic arrow keys (How about vim everywhere?). This list goes on.
    It's quite strange but I sometimes check on the internet if anyone actually uses Karabiner too in this way and I never found another person. Would be awesome to see other people's setups and what they made.
  14. Like
    JimmyTheSaint reacted to deanishe in How to make the Alfred search window a frontmost app   
    To run an .scpt file:
    /usr/bin/osascript /path/to/applescript.scpt
    or to run AppleScript:
    /usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell application "Alfred 3" to ...'
    This seems to be a textbook case of the XY problem. Ask about your problem ("I want to launch a Script Filter from Karabiner Elements"), not your solution ("I want to simulate keypresses in Alfred").
    If you're inexperienced, chances are good that your solution isn't a good one, and you'll waste a lot of time and effort barking up the wrong tree.
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