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    JGC reacted to deanishe in ESV Online Bible   
    I noticed an encoding error in my script when I entered "job" as the query (probably something to do with "smart" quotes).
    If you don't mind, I "Pythonified" the script and implemented the caching I mentioned. The script below catches and displays API errors (apparently the API returns a detail field if something went wrong), handles non-ASCII text, and caches the results for queries for 40 days (by default), which takes the response time from ~0.8 seconds to ~0.02 seconds for responses that are in the cache.

    Hitting ⌘L on the result will show the passage in Alfred's Large Type window, and ⌘C will copy the same to the clipboard.
    So if you'd like to, try this:
    # encoding: utf-8 """Alfred Script Filter to search the ESV Bible.""" from __future__ import print_function from hashlib import md5 import json import os import re import subprocess import sys from time import time from urllib import urlencode API_KEY = '<redacted>' API_URL = 'https://api.esv.org/v3/passage/text/' API_OPTIONS = { 'include-passage-references': 'false', 'include-first-verse-numbers': 'false', 'include-verse-numbers': 'false', 'include-footnotes': 'false', 'include-footnote-body': 'false', 'include-short-copyright': 'false', 'include-passage-horizontal-lines': 'false', 'include-heading-horizontal-lines': 'false', 'include-headings': 'false', 'include-selahs': 'false', 'indent-paragraphs': '0', 'indent-poetry': 'false', 'indent-poetry-lines': '0', 'indent-declares': '0', 'indent-psalm-doxology': '0' } # HTTP request headers API_HEADERS = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Token ' + API_KEY, } # Directory for this workflow's cache data CACHEDIR = os.getenv('alfred_workflow_cache') CACHE_MAXAGE = 86400 * 40 # 40 days def log(s, *args): """Write message to Alfred's debugger. Args: s (basestring): Simple string or sprintf-style format. *args: Arguments to format string. """ if args: s = s % args print(s, file=sys.stderr) class ESVError(Exception): """Base error class.""" class NotFound(ESVError): """Raised if no passage was found.""" def __str__(self): """Error message.""" return 'No passage found' class APIError(ESVError): """Raised if API call fails.""" class Cache(object): """Cache results of API queries. Attributes: dirpath (str): Path to cache directory. """ def __init__(self, dirpath): """Create a new cache. Args: dirpath (str): Directory to store cache files. """ log('cache directory=%s', dirpath) self.dirpath = dirpath if dirpath is None: # not being run from Alfred return # Alfred doesn't create the directory for you... if not os.path.exists(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) else: # remove old cache files self.clean() def search(self, query): """Perform API query, using cached results if not expired. Args: query (unicode): Search string. Returns: Passage: Passage from API or cache. """ cachepath = None if self.dirpath: cachepath = os.path.join( self.dirpath, md5(query.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() + '.json' ) # ------------------------------------------------------ # Try to load data from cache if cachepath and os.path.exists(cachepath): # Expired cache files were deleted when `Cache` was created log('[cache] loading passage for "%s" from cache ...', query) with open(cachepath) as fp: data = json.load(fp) return Passage.from_response(data) # ------------------------------------------------------ # Fetch data from API # Combine query and options into GET parameters params = dict(q=query.encode('utf-8')) params.update(API_OPTIONS) # Execute request data = fetch_url(API_URL, params, API_HEADERS) passage = Passage.from_response(data) if cachepath: # Cache response with open(cachepath, 'wb') as fp: json.dump(data, fp) return passage def clean(self): """Remove expired cache files.""" i = 0 for fn in os.listdir(self.dirpath): p = os.path.join(self.dirpath, fn) if time() - os.stat(p).st_mtime > CACHE_MAXAGE: os.unlink(p) i += 1 if i: log('[cache] deleted %d stale cache file(s)', i) class Passage(object): """A Bible passage. Attributes: fulltext (unicode): Passage text as paragraphs ref (unicode): Canonical passage reference summary (unicode): Passage text on one line with_ref (unicode): Passage as paragraphs + reference """ @classmethod def from_response(cls, data): """Create a `Passage` from API response. Args: data (dict): Decoded JSON API response. Returns: Passage: Passage parsed from API response. Raises: NotFound: Raised if ``data`` contains no passage(s). """ if not data.get('canonical') or not data.get('passages'): raise NotFound() ref = data['canonical'] s = data['passages'][0] summary = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', s).strip() p = cls(ref, summary, s) log('---------- passage -----------') log('%s', p) log('---------- /passage ----------') return p def __init__(self, ref=u'', summary=u'', fulltext=u''): """Create new `Passage`.""" self.ref = ref self.summary = summary self.fulltext = fulltext self.with_ref = u'{}\n\n({} ESV)'.format(fulltext.rstrip(), ref) def __str__(self): """Passage as formatted bytestring. Returns: str: Full text of passage with reference. """ return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): """Passage as formatted Unicode string. Returns: unicode: Full text of passage with reference. """ return self.with_ref @property def item(self): """Alfred item `dict`. Returns: dict: Alfred item for JSON serialisation. """ return { 'title': self.ref, 'subtitle': self.summary, 'autocomplete': self.ref, 'arg': self.with_ref, 'valid': True, 'text': { 'largetype': self.with_ref, 'copytext': self.with_ref, }, } def fetch_url(url, params, headers): """Fetch a URL using cURL and parse response as JSON. Args: url (str): Base URL without GET parameters. params (dict): GET parameters. headers (dict): HTTP headers. Returns: object: Deserialised HTTP JSON response. Raises: APIError: Raised if API returns an error. """ # Encode GET parameters and add to URL qs = urlencode(params) url = url + '?' + qs # Build cURL command cmd = ['/usr/bin/curl', '-sSL', url] for k, v in headers.items(): cmd.extend(['-H', '{}: {}'.format(k, v)]) # Run command and parse response output = subprocess.check_output(cmd) log('---------- response -----------') log('%r', output) log('---------- /response ----------') data = json.loads(output) if 'detail' in data: # 'detail' contains any API error message raise APIError(data['detail']) return data def exit_with_error(title, err, tb=False): """Show an error message in Alfred and exit script. Args: title (unicode): Title of Alfred item. err (Exception): Error whose message to show as item subtitle. tb (bool, optional): If `True`, show a full traceback in Alfred's debugger. """ # Log to debugger if tb: import traceback log(traceback.format_exc()) else: log('ERROR: %s', err) # Send error message to Alfred output = { 'items': [{'title': title, 'subtitle': str(err)}] } json.dump(output, sys.stdout) sys.exit(1) # 1 indicates something went wrong def main(): """Run Script Filter.""" log('.') # Ensure real log starts on a new line # Fetch user query and decode to Unicode query = sys.argv[1].decode('utf-8') cache = Cache(CACHEDIR) try: passage = cache.search(query) except ESVError as err: exit_with_error(query, err, False) except Exception as err: exit_with_error(query, err, True) # Show passage in Alfred json.dump({'items': [passage.item]}, sys.stdout) if __name__ == '__main__': start = time() main() log('------ %0.3fs ------', time() - start)  
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    JGC reacted to mutasem in Cheatsheet - shortcuts for your tools   
    Just released a new version that's customizable, with added support for Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Word. You can easily find the custom.json file to edit from the workflow itself, or overwrite any defaults from the workflow too. To update, you can wait for the workflow to give you the option to update (it checks once a day), or you can just enter [cheatsheet workflow:update] into Alfred. Enjoy 
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    JGC reacted to mutasem in Cheatsheet - shortcuts for your tools   
    Awesome, I will add them to the list.
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    JGC reacted to xilopaint in Cheatsheet - shortcuts for your tools   
    +1 for Pixelmator and Evernote.
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