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Everything posted by gingerbeardman

  1. 1. first thing today I updated to latest version 2. I was using Alfred OK since then 3. just now i tried to summon Alfred and nothing happened 4. i checked and it had quit Crash report: https://pastebin.com/raw/bfgZcCGs
  2. I often use Alfred to open my project folders in my Editor. This involves: summon Alfred type text to match project folder press right cursor choose Open With... type text to match Editor press enter Is there an easier way for me to do this? I assume a workflow of some sort? Ideally I'd like to be able to have sub-folders of my Projects folder automatically open in my Editor of choice. Any thoughts or help appreciated!
  3. Thanks! I'll look into these things and revise. I did already notice it breaks with some game names.
  4. This workflow allows you to search for games on Moby Games. I'd like to add image thumbnail more game data for each result alternative titles (foreign titles as defaults are US-centric) more search types https://github.com/gingerbeardman/alfred-mobygames/ It is a bit early to be submitted to the Gallery. I plan to add to it, but I feel there is a simpler way of me translating the Moby Games API JSON to Alfred JSON? This is my first time using `jq`. So I am here to learn.
  5. My workaround: 1. Argument to capture initial clipboard contents 2. Delay to wait until custom text is pasted 3. Separate Copy to Clipboard to restore old contents
  6. I would like to use "Copy to Clipboard" action to paste some custom text with a hotkey - automatically paste into front app - mark as transient but what is the good way to restore clipboard contents afterwards? or an alternative way to paste some custom text on hotkey would be appreciated. thanks!
  7. Yes that would have helped. Maybe it did show up with v5 last July but I can't recall.
  8. Thanks! That seems to be it, I will give it a try. I like to keep my brew/dependencies to a minimum, as that thing takes so long to do updates if left unchecked.
  9. Ah, found it! You need to create a workflow and then the palette button is at the top (never seen this before in my life!) Or you can do it through the right click menu (this is what I've always used) Anyway, it seems the docs could be clearer.
  10. Automation Tasks docs say I think I am in the right place, but I do not see any palettes? I just upgraded to Alfred 5.1 and I did see an update notice for Automation Tasks 2023.1 but I have no idea where that was related to. Reading the changelog it says refers to "Workflows > Alfred Gallery > Automation Task Options..." which of course I can see. But I still don't see what I am looking for with the screenshots in Automation Task docs. https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/automations/automation-task/ Any help? What am I missing? Thanks
  11. Thanks, not quite what I was looking for. I need the data-uri (base64) of the image, and the process needs to be transient - I don't want files to be created on disk. This is what my workflow does (produces base64 of the current clipboard image) but it relies on the third party tool pngpaste
  12. I often have to generate data-uri for some bitmap data. Previously I had to save the data to a file and process it that way. I needed to support - data currently in clipboard I can get old data from clipboard history and make it current clipboard My workaround is using `pngpaste` terminal command and a workflow that does: #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "data:image/png;base64,$(pngpaste -b)" | pbcopy https://www.gingerbeardman.com/alfred/image to data-uri.alfredworkflow That works well. I'm wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this in Alfred that relies only in built-in tools? matt
  13. Thanks! Promo site is at http://sparrowsolitaire.com Or big pinned threads on my social media accounts, I think you found them. Cheers!
  14. Hi Vitor! Sorry for the delay, I have just released a new video game project so have been busy. That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks.
  15. How would I rig a hotkey to this to toggle bluetooth regardless of current value?
  16. I get notifications from Alfred, check you're allowing those in System Settings > Notifications. Thanks for this workflow! The old one by mikegrb that I was using was no longer working.
  17. Thanks for this workflow. I installed via Gallery. And thanks for the tip about using the File Buffer!
  18. Old thread but useful information. You can configure askpass and then use sudo -A to automatically get the password from askpass If you want to automatically use your login password, without having to enter it: /usr/local/bin/askpass #!/bin/sh security find-generic-password -a yourusernamegoeshere -s login -w
  19. I am not keen on this developer as they only support the latest version of macOS for most of their apps. I bought multiple of their apps and support was withdrawn a few months later with no warning. This has happened at least twice, and leaves a bad taste. I try to support developers and then they pull stuff like this.
  20. Thanks for the workaround. I would mention it to DeepL but I'm not aware of any way to contact them.
  21. Clipboard Viewer app is part of "Additional Tools for Xcode", at https://developer.apple.com/download/all/?q=clipboard I thought to check other non-standard ways of copying text into the clipboard, but the ones I have found are not affected. Example copying a generated share link from a Dropbox webpage, shows up fine in Alfred Clipboard History.
  22. Repro 1. Download DeepL app https://www.deepl.com/en/app/ 2. Do a translation 3. Click the "[][] Copy" button Expected - Copied translated text should appear in Alfred's Clipboard History Actual - Copied translated text does not appear in Alfred's Clipboard History Notes - I can paste the copied text into a document - I can see the copied text in Finder > Edit > Show Clipboard window - I can see the copied text in the old macOS Clipboard Viewer.app Workaround - Select the text and press Cmd+C - This way the text appears in Alfred's Clipboard History Thanks
  23. Posting this for feedback, it's quite a niche use case. What it does Provides hotkey support for Safari Extensions Toolbar Buttons How Define a Hotkey and/or Keyword Define toolbar button title as an Argument Result Summon a Safari Extension popup from the keyboard Download workflow
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