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Everything posted by gingerbeardman

  1. OK thanks. I'll check python and fix when I get home. latest macOS 12.3 removed python 2.
  2. Which version of the workflow are you using? Which link was it downloaded from?
  3. Just take a browse of Twitter mentions @pinboard it's plain to see. No hypothesis or doubt needed.
  4. This is what he did. He asked existing subscribers for more money, which some gave, and he apparently employed somebody. But zero has been done to the site since. Just increasing frequency of outages and errors. I've reported multiple errors already this year. He did say thanks for my reports. I ended up installing an equivalent on my own server and I now use that instead. It's less hassle.
  5. That is a Pinboard server error. The owner of Pinboard is on hiatus and the service seems to be falling into disrepair. His contact details are on his twitter profile (though he's taking a break from twitter)
  6. Version 2.4 - fixes generic search (example highlighted below) - fixes mu command https://www.gingerbeardman.com/alfred/
  7. Since 2016 an iTunes (and now Music) deep search workflow is here: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8418-apple-music-search-with-alfred/
  8. I've updated this: fixes for Python 3 excludes app plugins (any app containing one or more plugins would quit but not restart) bump version number to 3.2 https://www.gingerbeardman.com/alfred/
  9. It does, I use it with Alfred 4 every day. What made you think that it didn't work with Alfred 4?
  10. Thanks, that should make things more consistent and predictable. I do see matches for other trigger ids across all my workflows, as you suspected.
  11. I had just finished editing the post when you posted your reply. I appreciate that partial matches will generate more results. If matches are only supposed to be the beginning, I see two oddities: "lp" matching the end of "help" in Searchio! but not the end of "TTLP" "Suggest" matching "Amazon Suggest" Usually with search it's possible to figure out the rules if they are not stated, but here I cannot figure them out as search seems inconsistent.
  12. I have a workflow titled "TTLP" If I search/filter workflow list in preferences using the text "TT" it will be found If I search/filter workflow list in preferences using the text "LP" it will not be found My expectation is that the search should filter items that "contain" the search text, but it seems that the search filters some other way. This also happens if I use the "Search Preferences" field to search for the workflow "TTLP". Another example, I search for the "Amazon Suggest" workflow using the text "Suggest" it will be found. But if I use "uggest" it will not be found. And finally, it's confusing that "LP" search is matching the end of the "help" keyword in the "Searchio!" workflow, but it does not match the end of the word "TTLP". I think this is a real bug, even if the others above are not considered bugs.
  13. I updated my workflow available above. I rewrote it in bash as I'm more familiar with that than ruby. mount and unmount both list Volumes by name, rather than device number mount will only show unmounted Volumes unmount will only show mounted Volumes vol one keyword that lists all drives available for mount/unmount- certain Volumes/Devices are skipped (hardcoded) no more need for list command cheers!
  14. Thanks for this. I rewrote it in bash: mount (lists by Volume name) unmount (lists by Volume name) [these are customised to ignore some of my system volumes, you may want to edit it] vol (lists by Volume name) [both mount and unmount combined into one node, code is duplicated so any edits will also need to be done here] https://www.gingerbeardman.com/alfred/Disk Utilities.alfredworkflow
  15. I also run into this issue using my iPad (10.2", 7th generation) as external display (effective width 1080px in landscape)
  16. I don't see many prefs there at all, I'm using normal Terminal, screenshot below. So I guess that means I'm not seeing the behaviour you describe/expect and my OP is accurate and contains detailed information as to what is happening instead.
  17. * What you were doing when the issue happened > echo "hello world" Expected - Terminal should run command Actual - Depending on what terminal windows you have open and in what order (age, not z-index) they were created Terminal will not run the command * Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action Yes * Include any screenshots that might help us Attached. - In my example I guess the man/rsync window is receiving the command. * Include the Alfred version & build number you are using 4.3.4 [1229] * Include your macOS version 11.4 (20F71)
  18. I'm a long time Alfred user (next month it will be a decade since my first powerpack puchase; I started with Alfred version 0.8.2). Even as a workflow creator/power user I consider my use of Alfred quite limited in scope: clipboard history, web searches, a few workflows with keywords, a few workflows with only hotkeys, and of course app launching. Anyway, I found out about Raycast yesterday and given that I'm away from my computer right now all I can do is read about it and watch YouTube videos. This is the only thread on Alfred Forum about Raycast (surprising!) so I thought I'd add my thoughts here. I'm excited to see how it fits with my habits, it has the possibility of replacing multiple apps on my Mac. At a minimum the user interface and preferences window look extremely well considered. It seems Raycast have done a few things different which has given them traction: targeting developers ahead of normal users bundled workflows for popular services onboarding process that empowers users user interface is insanely great all features are free (for now, they say) big team and rapid iteration is apparent everywhere Reading yesterday on twitter a couple of thing caught my eye which I feel summarises the situation nicely: There are many more along this line, with many developers stating that they are switching from Alfred to Raycast citing things that were already possible in Alfred. They were obviously unaware of these things. Example: (of course I replied to say that this is indeed already possible using Alfred) So I'm wondering how many Alfred users dive into workflows to customise the experience to suit themselves? Apparently not as many as I would have expected! And these users are all developers. Thinking about it, Alfred workflow discovery is actually very difficult for users. It might make sense for Alfred to rise to the occasion and surface more things during onboarding to make it known that the gap between Alfred and Raycast may not be as big as some users think. Apologies if it already does as it's been many years since I saw the Alfred onboarding process. Finally, I have to mention that this thread comes across as quite dismissive of good intentions in a host of ways. I found it really tough to read. This vibe pervades a lot of this forum in my experience. I'd like to see that improve. To get back on topic, if workflows are already managing API and tokens themselves in a whole variety of ways, it seems obvious to me that an official way to do that with a unified interface/experience could only be a good thing for users?
  19. Something is wrong if it is taking 30 to 120 seconds for you. For me it generally (depending on the complexity of the query) takes a few seconds, and one of those is a wait before we actually begin the query. That said, things (Apple's server?) never used to be this slow, so I think it's good to have faster options. So I've uploaded 2.3 which defaults to skipping thumbail images. https://www.gingerbeardman.com/alfred/ The keywords for song/album with thumbail images are still there, but renamed as isong and ialbum, for people who wish to use them. Thanks for the suggestion!
  20. I've uploaded a new version, 2.2 This uses the modern folder locations for Alfred (not the old Alfred 3 folders) https://www.gingerbeardman.com/alfred/ That should be easier for everybody.
  21. Yes, you're missing folders to store the thumbnail images. See my previous message.
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