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Everything posted by heyJoeCampbell

  1. When I type the snippet keyword, it does not respond, for example: Brave Address / Search Bar → No snippet reaction Alfred Forum Search Field → Snippet Works Google.com Search Field → No snippet reaction
  2. I am unable to use the Snippets features in within most search fields.
  3. My apologies - I thought the workflow had the ability to perform Find & Replace when renaming folders and files. But is does warrant the consideration for the developing such a workflow: Select Folder via file action Enter search string Enter replace string The workflow then replaces all instances of the string recursively. Does it sound like a worthy workflow?
  4. Hi @vitor how can I get the workflow work recursively?
  5. Thanks @vitor the revised code works perfect (executes in the same window) 😀
  6. Thanks @vitor one small request - how do I go to the destination in the same/current window (instead of opening a new window) Perhaps it could default to same window, while executing the workflow with ⌘+Enter open in a new window.
  7. This would make for workflow that anyone could reuse for various use cases (similar to the default Alfred Web Search) Workflow Logic: 1) Copy front browser url (automatically) 2) Append copied url to predetermined url 3) Open appended url into current browser window Use Cases: Annotate Current Webpage https://via.hypothes.is/{frontmost-browser-url} WaybackMachine Search https://web.archive.org/web/*/{frontmost-browser-url}
  8. What's the likelihood of this feature being added @vitor? We should be able to call or text a contact - this seem like such a basic feature for Alfred.
  9. @Vinay W I figured out how to add Brave Private Window with Tor functionality - I exported it for your review (I also fixed a few typos and modified some of the descriptive text) - Your thoughts? https://share.getcloudapp.com/6qu5gpnv
  10. Hi @Vinay W - consider adding a "Keyword" trigger and support for Brave Private Window with Tor (if this is possible)
  11. This looks good - I especially like that your workflow supports Brave Browser
  12. Hi @vitor using a modifier would be cool as long as the user can define phone action: ↵ do tel:// and ⌘↵ do sms:// or ↵ do sms:// and ⌘↵ do tel://
  13. My apologies for he delay in response - I did not realize I was not receiving forum email notification. I already have Brave set as my default email reader:
  14. If possible, I would suggest changing the Contact: Custom Action "Phone" field to "Home, Work, and Mobile" - adding the additional selections would enable users the ability to utilize the URL Schemes to trigger a call or text message: Home ‪— tel://{query} Work ‪— tel://{query} Mobile — sms://{query} ‬ Currently users can only either activate a Facetime call or a text via Messages. The ability to do both would be awesome 😀
  15. I expected selecting "Use Gmail to compose mail" work all any email initiated from Alfred's Contact feature would be passed to Gmail (via the default browser). Instead, Alfred uses the Mail app. I'm far from a coder, but I expect passing the email address via the following Gmail URL syntax would resolve the issue: https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&source=mailto&to=EMAILADDRESS
  16. I am modifying the sample kitten code to create my VERY FIRST Alfred Workflow that for adding an event to Google Calendar. This is what it looks like so far:
  17. Here's the sample workflow @CJK — thanks to @Vero https://www.dropbox.com/s/3dbo30mhhk2cfsg/Kitten Image.alfredworkflow?dl=0
  18. Hi @Vero that Kitten Image workflow is no longer available
  19. Hey @deadesq the workflow is no longer available - please provide new link
  20. Thanks @CJK but what I am looking for is a way to add multiple variables into one URL website.com/{query1}/blah/{query2} I do not code - I need a plug & play workflow that I can mod ? This thread from 2014 looks promising:
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