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Everything posted by EqualsNine

  1. Thanks for the quick response, works perfectly. You're the best!
  2. First off I have to say that I don't know anything about coding and have been piecing this together using different workflows and other people's scripts. I'm trying to make a workflow that takes my selection in MacOS, decodes it using Base64 and then opens a background tab using the result of said decoding as the URL. The only problem now is that someone else's script (that I obviously don't understand at all) gives more than just the URL after decoding: If the final URL would be: facebook.com My Workflow currently returns: <?xml%20version="1.0"?>%0A<items><item%20uid="base64%20Decoded%20(Invalid%20characters%20replaced%20with%20?)"%20arg="facebook.com"%20valid="yes"%20autocomplete=""><title>https://mega.nz/#F!pvxF2bZL?</title><subtitle>base64%20Decoded%20(Invalid%20characters%20replaced%20with%20?)</subtitle><icon>icon.png</icon></item></items> So, the makeshift solution I'm trying to come up with is to delete 2 "keywords" from the query. The 2 "keywords" would be: <?xml%20version="1.0"?>%0A<items><item%20uid="base64%20Decoded%20(Invalid%20characters%20replaced%20with%20?)"%20arg=" and "%20valid="yes"%20autocomplete=""><title>https://mega.nz/#F!pvxF2bZL?</title><subtitle>base64%20Decoded%20(Invalid%20characters%20replaced%20with%20?)</subtitle><icon>icon.png</icon></item></items> since these are the same no matter what I'm decoding. Could someone help me with the deletion of these keywords? My workflow: https://dbr.ee/mxSw The workflow that I stole the decoding part from: https://dbr.ee/rHsF
  3. I don't know AppleScript myself, which is why I came here to ask for help. The workflow works like this. Keyboard shortcut > run usr/bin/osascript > play sound this is the code inside the script (I didn't write it myself, found it on apple support forums and slightly modified it): tell application "System Preferences" reveal pane id "com.apple.preference.keyboard" tell application "System Events" tell process "System Preferences" tell window "Keyboard" tell tab group 1 click radio button "Dictation" tell radio group 1 if value of radio button "On" is 0 then click radio button "On" else click radio button "Off" end if end tell end tell if sheet 1 exists then tell sheet 1 click button "Enable Dictation" repeat while sheet 1 exists end repeat end tell end if end tell end tell end tell quit -- optional end tell Now the script does successfully toggle dictation, but whenever I turn dictation back on using the workflow, the spoken keyword phrase (which is found under system preferences > accessibility > dictation > [ ] enable the dictation keyword phrase) is disabled, even though the UI shows that it is enabled. I have to turn it off and on again to get it to work. Could one of you tell me how I'd have to edit the script to make it so that dictation is turned back on with the keyword phrase still active? My guess is that if "click radio button "Off" is performed, the script should also go into "Accessibility" and switch "enable the dictation keyword phrase" off and on again. I'd really appreciate the help & think it wouldn't take very long to fix for someone who knows AppleScript. Thanks!
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