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  1. Decided to move most of what the script did into the “native” workflow builder instead.
  2. I have simple Workflow that only runs a python script. The script runs when called outside of Alfred and my other workflow are working correctly. I've done a search for this error and none of the fixes mention have helped. Thanks Ben I’m #MadeByDyslexia – expect creative thinking & creative spelling.
  3. Works really nicely! Thanks.
  4. @vitor and @vero Thanks for your help with this. I was able to edit the script ? but unfortunatly that didn't fix the issue I was having the workflow.
  5. Hi @Vero Thanks for the reply but the script that I need to edit is the ldap.sh one. Alfred's Workflow pref only show the Query, unless I've missed something?
  6. I've found a workflow for LDAP lookups (https://github.com/frdmn/alfred-ldap) but I need to edit the script to see if it will work with our ldap. After downloading the "raw" source, I can't workout how to turn it into a .alfredworkflow file. Any pointers would be gratefully received
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