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Posts posted by nemrod

  1. Hi !

    I've looked through the forum and there's a lot about displaying contacts, but unfortunately I'm not sure it answers my question: I would like to search only in contacts but in any field of contact cards.


    I specify in all my contacts their skills (I work with a lot of Freelancers).


    Currently I use Alfred2 with contact and it works if I type 3 letters of a first or last name, but not if I type 'Motion' to find a motion designer whose name I can't recall. 


    Can you help me, please :)


    Your URLs in Evernote are located in the note itself or in the note URL field?


    Every note has also an URL field that the workflow could use to start the browser. It would be faster than search for the note content itself.


    Please, give me an example of how your URL note looks like. Thanks.


    Thank you.


    Hi Carlos :)


    Thanks a lot for reading me 

    Here is my process...
    and a new one that I suggest humbly

    Hello Nemrod, change your workflow to:

    python webkit2png -F --width=1440 http://"{query}"
    ls *.png | grep -v icon.png | xargs -I {} mv {} ${HOME}/Desktop/

    -F = Only create fullsize screenshot

    --width = initial (and minimum) width of browser (default: 800)



    Thanks moom ...

    I notice that I was talking about two different workflow ...


    I was successful with 1440px

    BUT have try to shoot a Mobile size at 320px with a user agent ???

  4. Well first thanks for your workflow :)
    I would like to custom the screen capture width
    but ...
    I'm a designer, so i'm not quite good at coding
    I've tried to edit the webkit2png to modify the default size from 800 to ex:1440
    but after have it zipped and renamed .alfredworkflow then Alfred doesn't want to install it ...
    So I've try to duplicate

    1. python webkit2png -F -W 320 --user-agent=Apple-iPhone5C2/1001.525 "$(pbpaste)"
    2. ls *_320.png | grep -v icon.png | xargs -I {} mv {} ${HOME}/Desktop/

    But it doesn't work ...


    Can somebody help me :)


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    Well I answer to myself :)

    I think it's a Chrome trouble, it's impossible to resize the viewport under 400px

     no ?

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