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    Santa Fe, NM USA

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  1. I uninstalled 1Password completely and re-installed. That didn't do any good. How can I get back to point when I first installed the 1Password Alfred workflow? The setup selection no longer appears in Alfred. Is there a way of completely starting over? Also, I have CleanMyMac running but it shouldn't do anything unless I tell it to.
  2. [08:41:32.425] Logging Started... [08:42:08.791] 1Password[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)' [08:42:08.867] 1Password[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [08:42:08.871] 1Password[Script Filter] { "items": [{ "title": "Sign in and update items", "subtitle": "Your terminal will open with instructions", "arg": "update_items" }] } [08:42:13.806] 1Password[Script Filter] Processing complete [08:42:13.808] 1Password[Script Filter] Passing output 'update_items' to Conditional [08:42:13.809] 1Password[Conditional] Processing complete [08:42:13.810] 1Password[Conditional] Passing output 'update_items' to Run Script [08:42:13.820] 1Password[Run Script] Processing complete [08:42:13.820] 1Password[Run Script] Passing output '/var/folders/t5/5x39fjtn661frq3h21d3nkkc0000gn/T/tmp.eP8Av4sD' to Terminal Command [08:42:14.401] 1Password[Terminal Command] Processing complete [08:42:14.406] 1Password[Terminal Command] Passing output '/var/folders/t5/5x39fjtn661frq3h21d3nkkc0000gn/T/tmp.eP8Av4sD' to Run Script
  3. Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4skjx91z3s8dc4j/CleanShot-2022-06-16_07.58.46.mp4?dl=0
  4. ### Workflow version 2022.12 ### Alfred version 4.6.6 ### macOS version 12.3.1 ### Architecture arm64 ### Workflow environment variables Dict { auto_refresh = 1 logins_only = 0 hostnames_only = 1 } ### 1Password version 8.7.1 ### op version In Workflow: 2.2.0 In /usr/local: NOT installed ### Biometric unlock NOT enabled ### Custom terminal feature NOT enabled ### Launchd job Loaded: - 0 com.alfredapp.1password Installed
  5. Sorry I missed that right in front of me. However, Terminal does not provide any instructions. I have quit Terminal and Alfred multiple times but only shows what is below.
  6. I installed the 1Password 8 workflow. Followed the instructions at https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/1password/#1pw8. The workflow is appearing in Alfred. The instructions state that Terminal should open. That did not happen. So I deleted the 1Password workflow in Alfred and started over. Still nothing happening with Terminal. Alfred is not showing any 1Password login info. Only minimal info shown below.
  7. I only recently upgraded to Big Sur and am also having these issues with Spotlight/Alfred. I performed the recommended actions (https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/) but with no luck. Hopefully, the next Big Sur update will remedy this? UPDATE: I need to retract the above comments. I forgot that I needed to wait a few hours for the re-indexing to take place. Now that everything has been re-indexed, it appears that Spotlight and Alfred are working as they should once again.
  8. Hello, I am trying to create an Alfred workflow that will convert lines of text to an unordered list. Example: Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 When I copy the above text and run workflow, Alfred will spit out: <ul> <li>Line 1</li> <li>Line 2</li> <li>Line 3</li> <li>Line 4</li> </ul> I don't have enough understanding of regex yet. Any help would be appreciated. Gary
  9. Sorry. Here is a link to the workflow in question. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1eyq7dm8ulaqf2z/Add linebreaks.alfredworkflow?dl=0 I am running Alfred 3.6 Mac OS 10.11.6 Thanks, Gary
  10. Thanks Vitor. I have set up the Replace as you have done above. I am manipulating clipboard contents and pasting using the Alfred hotkey for the workflow. However it is only pasting the exact text I copy without adding the <br>s.
  11. Hi everybody. I'm starting to explore workflows and I'm stuck on how to get Alfred to add line breaks <br> to ends of lines in plain text. For example, I would like the following text Line 1 text Line 2 text Line 3 text to be manipulated to Line 1 text<br> Line 2 text<br> <br> Line 3 text<br> Hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks, Gary
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