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Posts posted by xeric

  1. I see, then I think my workflow did not support point to other profile folder than default one - 'Main Profile'.

    Please give me some time, I will find how to support non-default profile in next release.

    Before that, if you hope to use this workflow, here's a 'hack' workaround for my workflow:

    * goto Alfred Preferences -> Workflows and choose Outlook Search in sidemenu

    * right click on Outlook Search item and choose Open in Finder

    * You can see in Finder, there are some *.py files, select main.py and use a text editor open it

    * In opened file, around 50# line (if it is latest version, it is exactly 50#), it is:  

    outlookData = homePath + r'/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/Main Profile/Data/'

    now, change 'Main Profile' to 'JOE2', save it, now you have your own hacked and worked version😏


  2. Thanks for this debug information, could you please check if below file/path exists?

    /Users/JOE/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/Main Profile/Data/Outlook.sqlite


    From the error you provided, includes screenshot, they pointed to the database file is not existing.

  3. @Joe O. Please follow below step to get some debug log, then I may dig into what happens:

    * goto Alfred Preferences -> Workflows and choose Outlook Search in sidemenu
    * click most right 'bug' icon button in main windows toolbar to step into debug mode
    * try to trigger Alfred input with your hotkey and input text and something else (at least three characters), you will get some debug information in debug console.


    Please anonymize some sensitive information in debug info you got.


    In your case, there may be something wrong with the database path, what you will see in debug log something like:

    /Users/{yourAccount}/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/Main Profile/Data/

    try to access this path you your local file system and check if the path is existing or not.

  4. I create a workflow for searching mail from Outlook for Mac V16 (A.K.A. 2016).

    Now it support searching Mail sender, Subject and Preview Content with below format:

    olk [keyword]

    And also you can search with multiple keywords:

    olk [keyword1] [keyword2] [keyword3]

    To limit search scope in one attribute:

    olk from:[keyword]
    olk title:[keywords1] [keywords2] ...



    By default, this workflow searches mail from all folders and with default page size 20, for results more than 20, you can click last item 'Next 20 Results...' to go to next page.

    You can also configure the search:

    olkc pagesize [number] 

    for change search result in one result list.

    olkc folder

    then you can get a list of all your Outlook folders, choose one to limit search scope.



    Project hosted in Github:


    Download latest release workflow file from:



    Welcome your feedbacks!

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