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Everything posted by nasteffe

  1. Ah, I see. My apologies for jumping the gun. Just excited to give it a shot.
  2. I tried to use the Copycite key with Better-Bibtex functionality by setting the COPY_CITEKEY_MOD workflow environment variable to -. But when I copied the citation, it remained in the default format. Am I using it improperly?
  3. Thank you both for your help. I'm new to Alfred and am trying to learn what I can.
  4. I have a list of word documents that begin with the prefix DO. When searching 'do', I find that many documents come up that do not have the letters 'do' in the filename itself. My hypothesis is that searching for the letters 'do' brings up anything with a .docx extension. Is there a way to stop Alfred from searching the file extension text? Do you have a different suggestion for how I should proceed?
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