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Everything posted by Bhishan

  1. This might be a very simple question, but I could not find an easy way to assign a keyboard shortcut to run Alfred with another workflow command arguments: For example: In Alfred: " throw" command will throw all the contents from the Downloads folder to Trash Folder. (workflow: Trash Downloads axelpeigne.trashdownloads) In Alfred: "emptytrash" command will empty the Trash contents using Alfred built-in command. Is there a way to combine these two commands and assign keyboard shortcuts for them? Required: ctrl-shift-E should run alfred commands `throw` and then `emptytrash`. My attempt workflow is here. Pesudocode: ``` tell application "Alfred 3" to run command "throw" tell application "Alfred 3" to run command "emptytrash" ``` Then just prepend a HOT key trigger to this File Script. I just don't know the actual AppleScript commands. Thanks.
  2. @vitor Thanks, now I can move the Fentere in the desktop corners. I have one follow up question. When I set up hot key to open Finder file to open with Fenetre, it does takes the file to the menu of Fenetre, I manuall need to go to Fenetre and click the menubar. Can it be made single workflow a) puts the file to the menubar of Fenetre 2) then opens it in Fenetre? Thanks a lot!
  3. There is a mac app fenetre using which we can make any window and youtube videos at the frontmost app. However, the keyboard shortcuts there works only when the frontmost app is fenetre. How to make the keyboard control make universal using Alfred workflow? For example, <alt-cmd-right> moves the fenetre window to right side. But it only works only when that app is highlighted. I would like to make it universal. If it is very time consuming to get all the keyboard controls of fenetre, I would like only to get the movement controls. e.g. only <alt-cmd-right> moves fenetre window right. Thanks a lot. I have shared my preliminary workflow here.
  4. @vitor For some reasons Cmd ` did not worked for me. I just remapped it to be Alt Cmd ` and disabled original alt-cmd-` combo. Now it works. No need to write any workflows, it was a hidden built-in feature. Thanks a lot.
  5. Many times I am running TWO bash terminals at the same time. In one terminal I can write code in vim editor, and in second terminal I can run the code, or do another things. I was looking if I can have some keyboard shortcut to switch between two terminals, without using mouse. cmd-tab will switch through all the open apps, not only two opened terminals. I was wondering how to achieve the goal. I have shared my workflow here. I found a code to activate the current terminal window from any frontmost app, but still looking for code to switch between two terminals. # Ref: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/231112/open-the-same-terminal-without-switching-spaces tell application "Terminal" if not application "Terminal" is running then activate else if (exists window 1) then activate else do script "" activate end if end if end tell Thanks a lot!
  6. I was trying to write a simple workflow to convert farenheit to celcius and display in alfred using script filter. Here is the workflow link. Code: import json import sys faren = float(sys.argv[1]) celcius = (faren - 32) * 5.0/9 data = {'valid': 'true', 'title': 'Farenheit to Celcius', 'subtitle': str(celcius) } data_lst = [data] data = {"items": data_lst} json.dump(data, sys.stdout) Problem: It gives following error IndexError: list index out of range How to fix the error? Thanks.
  7. I have shared an workflow that can be customized to display the world cities of our choice. By default it shows the time of Chicago, Kathmandu, and Brussels (America, Asia, and Europe cities). To add an city we need to edit the Script Filter, which is fairly simple: we need to write name of the continent followed by / and name of the capital city or the main time zone city if there are more than one time zones in that country. The full list of time zones can be found in this wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones. The workflow can be download from packal: http://www.packal.org/workflow/simple-timezone . Sample screenshot:
  8. I had tried "esc-m" in one single combination. Now I used two different keys "esc" and "m" and now it works. Thanks.
  9. In Alfred workflow, I can use most of the key combinations such as "Ctrl-M" and others. While working in jupyter notebook, I wanted to create a key combo "esc-m" that will toggle the cell to Markdown. But, I could not press the "ESC" key in Alfred workflow. Is there a way to simulate key press "esc-m" in Alfred workflow? Thanks.
  10. Date: Oct 11, 2018 Platform: MacOS Mojave I was running vim in the terminal and tried to use Alfred text expansion, but it does not work there. It gives the following error: Terminal seems to be preventing text expansion by locking secure entry For example, I have a snippet: ";;dd" for "date expansion". This works in all other text fields like TextEdit, Notes, and browser pages. But it does not work in terminal editor VIM. How to avoid this error?
  11. Thanks, I was assuming it was almost similar. Anyway this will be a good practice for me. Also, since Safari is working perfectly, most of the job is done. I mainly open safari and only few times open chrome and firefox.
  12. Thanks a lot it works for safari. But, when I changed "Safari" to "Firefox" I was having problem. How can it be made working for "Firefox" and "Googel Chrome" also? Simply changing Safari to them seems not working. Thanks a lot.
  13. You can use Mac app Mathpix snipping tool . It gives Latex version of OCR, but you have to convert latex to plain text manually.
  14. I was trying to write an Alfred workflow that will close all the other Safari tabs and also closes all other open safari windows open. There is keyboard shortcut "cmd opt w" which will close all other tabs. But I have to manually close all other opened safaries. How can this workflow be created? I have shared my preliminary workflow here. This is pseudo code: Sometimes watching movies Safari creates a lot of unwanted tabs and windows, I want to get rid of them and open only current tab. Thanks for help. on alfred_script(q) tell application "Safari" close (every window except this tab) end tell end alfred_script
  15. Link to workflow: workflow_link. Using the information from this apple stackexchange link, I tried to create an apple script to click the menu "Get LaTeX" from the app called "Mathpix Snipping Tool". NOTE: The Mathpix Snipping Tool is a great app, it can get the OCR of any image and converts it into LaTeX item. Since it is difficult to remember so many keyboard shortcuts, I decided to write alfred keyword to simulate "ctrl-cmd-m" of this app, but got problem and posted the question. Here is the code: tell application "Mathpix Snipping Tool" activate end tell tell application "System Events" click menu item "Get LaTeX" of menu 1 end tell When I run the first part in terminal using `osascript myscript.scpt` it runs fine. However, when I run the whole code it gives error. mymathpix.scpt:94:138: execution error: System Events got an error: Can’t get menu 1. (-1728) The application is not a regular application like Safari with menu items, its just hanging in top of the menubar and we can use some keyboard shortcuts to run the commands. How to fix the problem? Thanks.
  16. @vitor Apologies for forgetting to upload the MWE workflow. For completeness, uploaded posthumously: workflow link Its sunday evening here in Ohio USA. I was not expecting answer until monday. The Community of Alfred is awesome! I know there is one father and one mother of Alfred, I guess there are so many brother and sisters of Alfred who are helpful and active almost all the time. Sorry for the probable XY question. Rather, I should have explained the problem and seek for the suggestions from the expert. Its always tempting to beliveve that if we know the small part, we can ourself solve the rest of the problem and avoid taking too much time of the helpers. But sometimes it goes the wrong way and instead the asker needs too much time of helper. Thanks again, the new workflow with JXA works nice and also helps to write further similar workflow. I need to look and grab some basic concepts of JXA now.
  17. Update: The MWE workflow can be found here. tldr; Needed help using appplescrip to edit string, I know how to do in python. (The required workflow is working help needed to make it better.) I was writing an Alfred Workflow to render ipython notebooks `.ipynb` files nicely using nbviewer of github. For that we need to use the website: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org For example to render a ipynb file: https://github.com/bhishanpdl/pdl_practice/blob/master/a.ipynb We need to open https://nbviewer.jupyter.org and paste the above notebook url there. i.e. From: https://github.com/bhishanpdl/pdl_practice/blob/master/a.ipynb To: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/bhishanpdl/pdl_practice/blob/master/a.ipynb Then, we just need to open the new url in safari. ---------- I did following: - applescrip to find frontmost tab url and copy to clipboard - edit the url using python - again use applescript to open edited url This seems to be bit of too much of a work. Is there way it can be done in only one applescript. The only thing I don't know is how to edit the string in applescript. I am only comfortable working with python and use it for most of the work. The codes used are following: # First applescript tell application "Safari" ignoring case set theURL to URL of front document set the clipboard to theURL end ignoring end tell # Second python script to edit url import sys query = sys.argv[1] query = 'https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github'+ query.split(r'github.com')[1] sys.stdout.write(query) """ From: https://github.com/bhishanpdl/pdl_practice/blob/master/a.ipynb To : https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/bhishanpdl/pdl_practice/blob/master/a.ipynb """ # Last applescript to open url on alfred_script(q) set theURL to the clipboard tell application "Safari" open location theURL activate end tell end alfred_script How can all these codes can be written in only one applescript?
  18. @vitor Thanks a lot! This is a lot easier than what I did. I had done following: - Record the button clicking in Automator - Create an app and give System Permission - Use Alfred to Assign Hotkey to that application.
  19. @evanfuchs Thanks for alternatives, but I do not have Keyboard Maestro and I was thinking it is possible with Alfred with not so complicated codes.
  20. @dfay @vitor This task proved to be too complicated than I initially thought of. I was just trying to create some hot key that will commit the changes i made in a file in github while working online. Its not a big deal commiting and pushing a file from the local computer to the github online, I was just trying to avoid going to bottom of the page and clicking the green "commit changes" botton each time when working online. It takes just a second but I was looking for alternatives. Example: - open the README.md file online in github website - do some changes - now hitting some keyboard shortcut should commit the changes. What I can do: If I have already cloned the repo locally, I can upload the changed file using some bash commands using alfred.
  21. I am trying to write an workflow that will do following things in github page: - go to the bottom of the page - click commit button The main thing is whenever we are editing a file in github online to commit the chages we have to go to the bottom of the page and click "Commit changes" button. The github does not have that button on the top of the webpage and also does not have keyboard shortcut to do that. Commiting and Pushing edited files from a terminal is pretty simple a simple bash function in `bash_profile` will do that easily, but while working on online pages, we need to scroll down each time if we need to commit the changes. It will not save a heavy amount of time but if it is possible, the Alfred workflow to do it worth it. Thanks.
  22. For those who uses github and markdown, I have created a simple workflow to automatically create the Table Of Contents for the markdown files. The github website is: https://github.com/bhishanpdl/Alfred_MARKDOWN_TOC We can also find this package in packal.
  23. Thanks a lot @vitor I inserted an Utilites > Delay With 2 seconds, it worked for now. My attempt with AppleScript on alfred_script(q) tell application "Lepton" activate end tell tell application "System Events" tell process "Lepton" click menu item "Search" of menu "Gist" of menu bar 1 end tell end tell end alfred_script And, this works. Thanks a lot!
  24. Is there a simple way of opening an app and execute its menu command using Alfred ? For example, in Lepton app the keyboard combination `shift-space` will do the gists search. I would like to make an alfred workflow to do this search. Attempt: 1. Assign a hotkey 2. Lauch app Lepton 3. Key combo However, this will only open the app and does not run the key combo. Is there a simple AppleScript to do this? Or, am I doing something wrong here?
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