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  1. Hi, @Damien Cuvillier I'm also running macOS Big Sur. I tried the following steps to reproduce the issue but it worked fine: Removed the Chrome Incognito workflow Downloaded it from this Packal link Installed it by clicking on the downloaded file Triggered the workflow using Alfred It worked afterwards. Could you try this as well?
  2. You'll have to update the workflow to set the variable NEXT_USER_ID conditionally.
  3. Hi Rutger, Thanks for your interest. You can download the workflow from here. It's the Github's releases page from the workflow's repo. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Best regards, Rodrigo
  4. Thanks @CJK. @Gevor Due to heavy workload I can't currently commit to finding a fix for this bug but I am, like I previously said, open to contributions from the community.
  5. I couldn't reproduce the error on my computer but I am open to code contributions to make this plugin better.
  6. Currently there is no version in the making. There are no open issues or feature requests on alfred-chrome-incognito-workflow. @Gevor What would you like to see in a new version of this workflow?
  7. @CJK What is the purpose of declaring www as local variable in the method?
  8. There must be a way to write the condition with whose clauses. In my opinion, the condition with whose clauses look more elegant.
  9. @politicus @Gevor I just released v1.1.0. Please let me know if you find another bug.
  10. Thanks for the lesson @CJK. I think there is a small error in getting the result's count by doing: if (count T) = 0 then return null -- Logging (count T) always returns (*2*) -- Logging T returns (*,*) when no empty tabs are open. Thus, throwing an error by accessing item 1 of item 1 when no empty tab is open. It works with: if (count item 1 of T) = 0 then return null
  11. @deanishe That works but in my script it doesn't. on run argv tell application "Google Chrome" set W to every window whose mode is "incognito" if W = {} then set W to {make new window with properties {mode:"incognito"}} set [W] to W set userQuery to item 1 of argv set incognitoQuery to "https://www.google.com/search?q=" & userQuery tell W to set T to make new tab with properties {URL:incognitoQuery} close (every tab of every window whose URL contains "chrome://newtab/") set index of W to 1 activate end tell end run
  12. @CJK I implemented the suggested changes. However, the script fails to close empty tabs. I would like to know why. close (every tab of every window whose URL is "chrome://newtab/") I found that create-react-app from Facebook includes a script for finding tabs with a given URL. Just for reference, here is the link.
  13. Currently there is no such option but I will consider your request for a future release.
  14. @CJK @deanishe Thanks for taking the time to review the workflow so thoroughly! I really appreciate it. @Gevor @politicus I'll release a revised version of the workflow this weekend. Stay tuned.
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