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Everything posted by greghoch

  1. Great, this is awesome! Is there a way to filter by reminder list? I personally changed to keyword to 'remind' and set the argument to "optional" so that I get the full list of reminders right after entering the keyword without any search term. 'r' with optional argument works as well but the list gets polluted by other stuff that matches 'r'
  2. This might be a different workflow but it would be great to not only add but also look at and mark as done existing reminders. So a script filter shows all the reminders (with the due date and reminder list in the subtitle), allows you to filter through them with search terms or by reminder list, and mark them as done by selecting them.
  3. I am getting these error pretty regularly now. Sometimes when I start with 'sr' or 'snew' or sometimes it works at the beginning and while I type it switches back and forth between the error and the conversation. http://imgur.com/2r8nm1o,j4hXW5E http://imgur.com/2r8nm1o,j4hXW5E#1
  4. SkypingAlfred by xtin: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1377-alfred-to-skype-interaction/ Absolutly awesome!!
  5. Awesome! This is really great! Here are some small little things I realized: - The conversation does not seem to include my own picture. Only the one from the person I am talking too. I get the Skype icon. - I saw a number of empty messages and I think they show up when the last part of a conversation was a phone call. Is that possible? I would change that either to informations about the call (duration with call icon) or just remove these rows. - For `sr`, I think it would be better if you show the conversation right away without waiting for the user's confirmation. Currently, the user has to type 'sr', press enter (which complete the name), then the conversation show up and s/he can type. Maybe you can show the conversation right away without the enter step. But I am not sure about this. Would have to try. Great work! I will use this tomorrow all day and let you know when I come across something else.
  6. Hi, I have the problem that Alfred always shows the notification even when 'query' is empty. The notification is connected with an script action. When I want to show a notification, I print the message I want to show at the end of the script. When I don't want to show the message, I print "" or just use no print at all. But the notification still shows up even thought he option 'Only show if...' is enabled and the {query} really seems to be empty (I can see that in the content of the notification). Any ideas?
  7. I am pretty far with a workflow that allows you to search for items in your zotero database, open attachments and reveal items in zotero standalone. But it's still going to take some time before I can share the version, which requires adding some settings for the location of the zotero database etc.
  8. After using your workflow for some more time, I came across another thing: 'snew' seems to let Alfred sort the messages so that the most frequently used ones are on top. I think it would make sense to sort them by date. You can do that with random UIDs (e.g. "my.workflow.result.[randomuid]"). Here is a discussion about this: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1332-alfred-v2-not-honoring-xml-order-in-script-filter/?p=6544 This is particular useful if you still plan to show multiple messages in a conversation so that they are sorted correctly by date.
  9. This looks really great!! What I was looking for is this: - Support of smart mailboxes. Currently, they don't seem to be supported. - Keyword action to reply to the last received message. I receive an email, which shows up in the notification center and I quickly want to reply. So I just start this action 'reply', which open a new email in Mail.app as a reply to the last received message. If I also enter text such as 'reply Yes, that sounds good', the message is send directly without opening mail.app - An action that shows me all (unread) messages in a predefined folder and let's me reply to them (i.e. open new mail in Mail.app as reply to the respective message). So I type my keyword 'mail', get a list of all the emails in a predefined folder (or maybe all unread emails) sorted by time, can filter through the messages by entering a query (maybe search based on sender and subject), selecting a message starts a reply to the email using mail.app. With a modifier, it would even be great to reply to messages directly from Alfred.
  10. Awesome! Can you support d3.js? and R? I guess you though about this but I would prefer a syntax like this h (returns list of supported languages/frameworks ) and then h css h py ... or alternatively '?' instead of h
  11. Great! I now have to evernote workflows and don't really know what the difference is. One by Florian Pellet and one by Carlos Alberto Sztoltz. Can someone comment on the difference?
  12. 1) I was thinking about displaying the most recent messages as multiple feedback items not as multiple lines in one feedback item. When I type 'snew', I get a list of recent messages from different people. You could use the same approach for the recent messages in the conversation with a particular person using my own picture for messages I sent. Does that make sense? I would look something like this: (friend icon) Yes, let's go that (my icon) What's about coffee tomorrow morning? (friend icon) How are you today? I omitted the subtitle just for the example. For conversations, I would actually show the content of the message in the title and the date in the subtitle because the user name already is the query field as 'snew username:'. For the results in 'snew', I would continue to show the user name as the title. 3) I was thinking about typing 'slast' or something and the most recent conversation pops up in the style I describe in 1. So I type 'slast', Alfred retrieves the most recent conversation (maybe changing the search field to 'slast username:' automatically), and I can send a message in that conversation directly from alfred replying to the last received message without ever opening Skype.
  13. Works perfectly! love it! It's my new favorite workflow. Here are some more suggestions and one small bug: 1) When I am sending a message to a contact (both with s and snew) I can see the last message in that conversation. Why not the last 5-9 messages in this conversation (including the ones I sent by myself) 2) Sometimes see what seems like the markup used by skype such as DATE <ss type="yes">(y)</ss> or DATE <partlist alt=""> <part identity="..."> <name>... I can't really pin down when exactly right now but I will let you know when I manage to do that. For the second one, the most recent thing was a call. 3) I really like 'snew' but it still would be great to have an slast or something which skips the step of showing the last of last conversations and instead opens the last conversation with the most recent message right away.
  14. And maybe as a small addition to your workflow: A have a contact action that is connected to script with the code below. It allows you to call people from the contact detail list. # code from Brett Terpstra # http://brettterpstra.com/2011/04/13/address-book-search-and-skype-from-the-command-line/ number=`echo {query}|sed 's/[\(\)\+ \-]//g'|sed 's/^1//'|sed 's/^/+1/'` osascript -e "tell application \"Skype\" to send command \"CALL $number\" script name \"CLIDIALER\""
  15. I am also having problems. 'Use skype update to cache friends' places a call in skype that connects forever without anything happening. No prompt to allow anything. Also wanted to say that this is going to be one of my absolut favorite workflows!! It would also be great to have some mechanism to quick reply to the last received message. Right now it looks like I will have to search for users whenever I write a message. It would be great to have a 'reply to last received message' command possibly showing the last chat messages in Alfred.
  16. Thanks for the tips. I will go for caching if the database has changed and only update the cache for modified items. That seems like a good solution. In general, using the database directly is fast and only takes about a second. But of the great things about Alfred is to get results quickly and the second was too much for me... just disturbs the workflow.
  17. Hi, my workflow shows results from a large database and caches the relevant information from this database so that the information is easier and faster to retrieve (I have a search index and separate files for each database entry). The problem is that I don't know when to run the caching function. It slows everything down. Here is what I tried: 1) run it in the background using subprocess or from the shell (still seems to stop alfred from showing my results) 2) run it after printing the feedback (Alfred seems to wait until the end of the script before showing any results 3) run it when len(query) == 0 and only show results when len(query) > 2. I thought that is a good idea but now I would like to show the results from the last search before the user has entered at least three characters. And ideas?
  18. I agree that it would be great to have native Alfred support for something like this with html support (you can easily convert markdown to html in most langues). It would really be a nice way to show results that have a lot of text. It could be implemented as one large box below the query box (where the search results are), the query box could disappear and the window could be closed a small x in the top right corner. Simple and clean design... As long as that does not exists You could use qlmanage, which is the quick look 'debug and management tool'. You can start it from the command line and it opens a quick look window with the document as long as the format is supported by quick look (html, pdf etc). Some people discourage this use of qlmanage manage though because it misuses a debug and management tool. Below are some details. http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/qlmanage.1.html
  19. The Applescript solution works for me with a small delay but I agree with Bueno. It would be nice to have native chaining support...
  20. Stupid question... Already answered it myself. Just feedback an xml that corresponds to the 'please wait' message...
  21. This is great! Would it also be possible to search for and play artists and albums? I would love that!
  22. Hi, is it possible to clear results list and show the "Please Wait" message again? I would like to show the results from the last search when the query=="" (which works), clear the result list when the user starts typing a search term and show the "Please Wait" message, and show the results list when they are ready. Thanks!
  23. Hi, it would be great to have a workflow that shows the calendar events in the next 3 days or something! Does that already exist? Thanks!
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