Thank you for your response and the hint on how to find the Alfred debug mode. I see that it its quite prominent (the bug icon) but I always ignored... I'm sorry for that. Anyhow, if activate the debug mode, I only get debug output only related to other workflows e.g. those that search for groups. When I search for file there's not messages at all with debug mode enabled. I checked this with other published workflows that search DEVONthink databases and it seems that searching files is not working with these as well. Interestingly, using a workflow that defines the DTP database prior to searching files still works fine (this one with the keyword `dknd`). So I know now that this problem is not related to your workflow but do you have any clue what's the problem? I just don't have a clue. Anyways, thanks for sharing this most advanced dt workflow, this is greatly appreciated.