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  1. Hi! I'm trying this workflow for the first time today. While I can trigger the creation, where is the created GIF stored?
  2. Hi @Vero It works🥳. Thank you for your swift reply.
  3. No output for chatgpt Hi Vitor, thanks for the great work. I encounter an issue. When typing 'chatgpt' and I enter the query and hit enter, there is no output. Debug of my error: With DALLE-E it works fine (see debug of DALL-E here: Again, thank you for the work. I'm looking very much forward to use this. Best Corina
  4. Hey Alex! So, I've instelled this workflow again on my new mac with Alfred 3. I get the error message "Workflow incompatible. Please update to the latest version of Alfred" I assume this is Alfred 4. Is there a possibility to get the "old" workflow for Alfred 3? Best, Corina
  5. Thank you, Alex, for building this workflow! I use it on a daily basis and it saves me so much time. 💐 Cheers!
  6. Hi there! Anybody else gets error message: Error in workflow `Confluence Quick Serach v1.0.3` Any hint what's wrong? I get the error message since yesterday 17 of january. Best, Corina
  7. @stefan Thanks for your reply. Find here the debug output: ```Starting debug for 'Confluence Quick Search v1.0.2' [2018-09-04 16:47:52][input.keyword] Processing output of 'action.script' with arg 'https://ofri-hq.atlassian.net/wiki' [2018-09-04 16:47:52][ERROR: action.script] 16:47:52 workflow.py:1859 DEBUG```
  8. @Stefan KleineikenscheidtI'm having the same issue with the error @doctorwho mentioned. Have you already worked it out? Looking forward, this tools looks promising! Thanks Corina
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