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Posts posted by aiyo

  1. Yes, I have the latest version of the workflow; I just re-downloaded and installed it to make sure


    The issue did not appear until I switched from MAS Opera (12.15) to the latest Opera (previously 15.x, now 16.0.1196.62), from Opera's website


    I just downloaded Opera 16.0 (16.0.1196.62) and you are right, Send URL can not fetch the URL from it... I will try to find a solution for it.

  2. This workflow doesn't seem to work with Opera 15  :blink:. Based on a few tests, I think the latest versions of Opera do not support AppleScript  :(


    Cheers :)


    Do you use the latest version of the workflow? I don't have this problem with Opera (Next) 12.15...

  3. With this, is it possible to setup a hotkey so that whenever I click a link it asks me which browser I want to open it in?


    For example, lets say someone sends me a URL in skype, and my default browser is firefox -- could you make it so that if I hold a key before clicking the link, alfred will pop up asking me which browser to view the link in?





    Right now Send URL only fetches urls from a few browsers (Safari, Chrome, Opera, Camino and OmniWeb) or a url copied to the clipboard.

    I might add more applications later...


    You can add a keyboard shortcut to the script by navigation to the workflow in Alfred Preferences and click the + in the top right corner and then select 'trigger' -> 'hotkey'. Choose a key combination and press save and then drag a line from the 'hotkey' box to the 'script filter' box.



  4. I must admit this is one of the most useful workflows, however, I would like to know if and how you can add more applications to the list, as mail.app and more importantly: iSkysoft iTube Studio.




    Mail.app is supposed be in the list, if it's not please let me know so I can find out why.


    You can add applications to the workflow by adding the bundle ID to the "supportedApplications.txt" file in the workflow folder. Remember to add a comma and the filetypes the application can work with or "*" for any filetype. As an example, to add support for iSkysoft iTube Studio the line would be "com.iSkysoft.iTube Studio,*"

    The workflow make use of the shell "open" command so make sure the application supports this.


    I have added support for iSkysoft iTube Studio in the latest version of the workflow, you find the link in the first post in this thread.




  5. Hi,


    Thanks for an excellent workflow.


    I was just wondering if it would be possible to include the page title in the subject line, when sending url by mail.






    This is certainly possible and I will add it to the workflow in a future update




  6. Is it possible to add a option to send the URL to last active window?


    Ex.: say I am chatting in Skype and want to copy a specific URL, I navigate to the webpage, copy its URL, press cmd+tab to switch to Skype, and then finally paste.


    Instead if there's a option in this workflow that says something like "Send URL to Last Window", it will make life easier.


    Thanks in advance. 


    There is not really a reliable way to get the last window and paste the URL into the right field so I am not going to add this kind of functionality into SendURL. That said I might add support for Skype in a future release.




  7. I don't know why, but it doesn't work properly: on my iMac Alfred shows only Safari and Tweetbot as application to send the url, although I have Firefox, Chrome and obviously Mail installed.


    On the other hand, on my "crappy" MacBook the extension works without problems? Any ideas?



    Try open a link (though Send URL) with one of the apps the shows up (or copy it as a Markdown/HTML link), after that the workflow should refresh it's application cache.




  8. Thanks for this.


    Waiting for support for Firefox. i.e, detect active tab URL in Firefox and send it to other browsers.


    Support for fetching URLs from Firefox is not likely to come anytime soon...


    Firefox have no support for Applescript and the few hacks I have seen, don't work well (sometimes shows a wrong URL). 




  9. Would it be possible to have the option to send the url to Pocket ?  (http://getpocket.com/)




    Pocket.app (from the App Store) don't seem to be able to open a link through the "open" command. And don't support applescript.


    To post a link through getpockets.com's API requires a user token. I have not found a easy and satisfying way to store passwords and tokens safely for use in Alfred workflows. Therefore I have no plan for adding features to my workflow requiring password or tokens (at least not before I find a solution to this problem).



  10. Still no luck I'm afraid... test.sh output is different: 



    bash-3.2$ sh test.sh
    UUID:            e52f2309-8f90-43e0-bbe6-9c74d215860c
    State:           powered off (since 2013-02-26T15:27:50.000000000)
    bash-3.2$ sh virtualbox_control.sh
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    Would you like me to try any other command to help debug?


    The workflow is updated (again) and should now work with VMs that is not in a group.



    (All links in this thread points to the same version of the Workflow)



  11. Hi, I have a Windows 7 VM but it never shows up at all. Any idea why?



    bash-3.2$ sh test.sh
    Name:            Windows 7
    Guest OS:        Windows 7
    UUID:            e52f2309-8f90-43e0-bbe6-9c74d215860c
    State:           powered off (since 2013-02-26T15:27:50.000000000)
    UUID:            e52f2309-8f90-43e0-bbe6-9c74d215860c
    State:           powered off (since 2013-02-26T15:27:50.000000000)
    bash-3.2$ sh virtualbox_control.sh
    <?xml version="1.0"?>


    Try to download the latest version here: https://github.com/a....alfredworkflow




  12. ok, i replaced the command with the line out of the v1 script:


    /usr/sbin/scselect 2>&1 | /usr/bin/egrep -i "\({query}" | /usr/bin/cut -c 4- | /usr/bin/cut -f 1 | /usr/bin/head -n 1 | /usr/bin/xargs /usr/sbin/scselect

    That seems to work quite well. :-)


    Thanks! I did not know about scselect. Nice that it does not need elevated privileges.

    The other commands is not needed (it is used to trim down the result of scselect). I have updated Network Location to use scselect now!


    Thanks again!



  13. Hi, when I try to use the network location workflow I'm asked for admin password and the location isn't changed.

    Anything I have to do beside importing the workflow?

    I used the 1.x script for a long time with no problems!


    Thanks alot!






    OSX 10.8 has increased the security in many areas. Because of this "networksetup" (the commandline tool I use in the Network Location Workflow) needs admin privileges for certain tasks. This is why you are requested for the password (it's all done by OSX). If you cancel this request (or mistypes the password or try a username that does not have admin privileges) the network settings are not changed!


    You could set permission suid to /usr/sbin/networksetup to make it run with root permission, but that opens up for misuse so I won't encourage that.




  14. The heart of the matter seems to be that bash breaks arrays up on spaces.


    I got the listing right by resetting the $IFS environmental variable to a newline, but that still hasn't allowed me to switch to a new location...


    You are absolutely right.


    I've updated the workflow and it should now play nice with locations with spaces.


    You can download it here (or use the links in the first post) https://github.com/aiyodk/Alfred-Extensions/raw/master/AlfredApp_2.x/Network-Location/Network-Location.alfredworkflow






    I just rewrote the workflow now searching works better.

  15. Thanks for the updated workflows from 1.x!  I'm very much a coding noob and I liked how in the previous workflow from 1.x that all i had to do was type "wifi" and hit enter and it would just turn on or off the wifi connection.  Now I have extra clicks to enter the toggle and select on/off or the IPv4/6 selections.  Not a huge deal, but would love to know how I could change the script so it just turns on/off the wifi.  Thanks!


    Alfred will learn your preferred action after a few times, and at that point you just need to write "wifi" and hit enter, like with the 1.x extension.




  16. I have many workflows built that use applescript and even though it is no longer marked as an incomplete feature I can't get any of them to work.


    Even the simplest



    tell application "Alfred 2"
    end tell
    I have much more complicated scripts I don't care to share until Alfred 2's released. Are you guys or gals having these issues too?


    You need to wrap the code with

    on alfred_script(q)
    -- your code
    end alfred_script
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