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Everything posted by biomarx

  1. Thanks Vitor, I did find this js page that allows quick paste/copy to transform into markdown. https://euangoddard.github.io/clipboard2markdown/
  2. Hi there, I love this workflow! I now have the opposite problem: I am using Craft.do and it seems to not allow pasting RTF but does accept Markdown! Does one exist or is there a way to make an RTF or HTML -> Markdown workflow? (at minimum to keep bold, italics, and links?). Thanks! Joe
  3. I'm so glad to have workflows that i can send to specific browsers, as I use them in different ways (because of specific extensions sometimes, one for research, one for personal). Is there anyway to have 1password sent to anything other than my default browser? (I have powerpack) Thank you!
  4. Hi @AlfredFreak the link has expired again. Thanks!
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