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Everything posted by RodgerWW

  1. ok, another test: Open Apple "Script Editor" in the top window, the big blank space, put the following: tell application "Finder" set temp to (get the desktop picture as alias) end tell Then, hit the PLAY button at the top and look at the result pane at the bottom. Does the result show the correct path to the current wallpaper? For example, when I do this, my result is: alias "Macintosh HD:Users:Rodger:Pictures:Wallpapers:Apple 5K iMac Waterfall.jpg"
  2. That is very strange to me. Can you try something for me? Edit the script ... clear what's there and replace with: tell application "System Events" set posix_path to (picture of current desktop) set file_ref to (POSIX file posix_path) as alias set file_name to displayed name of file_ref end tell tell application "Finder" reveal file_ref end tell This uses System Events first, to grab the info, and posix path ... then Finder to REVEAL the file in a new window. It SHOULD select the file. The original method works fine (just not for you) ... but this does essentially the same thing for me.
  3. Are you saying that when the Finder window opens that the image is NOT selected? Because, that is what is SUPPOSED to happen with the 'reveal'.
  4. What information do you want from the image? I mean, David's applescript to reveal the file just requires one more keypress ( CMD+i ) to get the info for the file from finder. And with the google image search ... do you mean you want Alfred to upload the image to google images to find similar? Or, just the name of the image?
  5. Hmm, ok this one isn't QUITE working right for me. It's not finding everything or autocompleting ... apps like Calculator aren't even showing up. So, for now, I am just going to use a file filter to get the autocomplete stuff working, but I'm adding a script to do an alfred search with results of the file filter. One more keypress than I want, but so far so good.
  6. Hmm, One way I can think of doing this with minimal effort: Create a new blank workflow. Add a Hotkey Trigger, and set the hotkey to whatever you want. Add an Action "Run Script" leave everything default (/bin/bash) and paste the following in the Script area: date "+%y-%m-%d" Then drag a connector from the right edge of the Hotkey box to the Run Script box Now, add an Output "Copy to Clipboard" and in the blank box put: {query} then select "Automatically paste to front most app" Now, drag a connector from the Run Script box to the Copy to Clipboard box. and save NOW, when you hit your hotkey combo, the date in format {y-m-d} will be pasted wherever your cursor was last.
  7. Did all that ... and it doesn't do anything, also, looking at the workflow folder it doesn't seem to create any data files either. I get this in the debug: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 254: Parse error: parse error in Command line code on line 1 [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] XML Parse Error 'The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 4.)'. Row 1, Col 1: 'Document is empty' in XML: Parse error: parse error in Command line code on line 1
  8. Please pardon my ignorance here Shawn, but how the heck do I use this?
  9. Just to clarify a little if I can: In the above screenshot, the first result listed in Alfred2 is just a file filter so that I can type "app" and START to type an application name, but use autofile to complete the app's name. If I hit enter on the first result, I have it set to display the file version in large type. BUT, what I want is to be able to show the SECOND result instead ... in the results of Alfred so that I can start to type an app's name, autofill if it's a long app like "Adobe Illustrator CC 2014" and see the file version / size / id / icon or whatever right there. I'm just trying to simplify as much as possible by just using the results of Alfred
  10. A 'little' ... except that the workflow only copies the info to the clipboard ... I would like to be able to see the version in the Alfred results, and be able to action the items separately ... I'll be adding other stuff specific to the APP extension and may need to copy those items separately.
  11. OK, so what I want is to be able to type "app" with a name of an application installed on my system, to show the version of the app in the Alfred results ... much like how in Yosemite we can type an app name and have the version/purchased date/etc listed on the right pane of Spotlight. I have had to go back to Mavericks for now as Yosemite feels so unfinished on my system. I LIKE how in Alfred I can TAB to complete an application's name with a file filter, but I can not display results of a script with a file filter unless I use large text. I have a workflow (temp) that will use the file filter and run an osa-script to output the application version to large text: get version of application "{query}" BUT, I'd like to be able to get autocomplete into a script filter if I could ... is this possible?
  12. You could use Automator, which allows to 'whitelist' certain apps ... and then just tie that into another workflow of your own. Link to Automator setup: http://osxdaily.com/2013/06/02/quit-all-applications-mac-os-x/
  13. I think this is what you want: /Applications/Alfred 2.app/Contents/Frameworks/Alfred Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources
  14. Outstanding news ... exactly what I personally was hoping for!
  15. +1 this request: To be a bit more thorough, perhaps the ability to change the theme within a workflow.
  16. The correct value IS entered with a 'defaults write', but Alfred won't update the theme until I restart him. And just to be thorough: Yes, I used not only 'defaults', but 'plistbuddy' as well. BOTH can easily modify the value for 'theme' in the plist, and when I open Alfred the correct theme is actually selected in the appearance panel, just that, the theme won't take affect until Alfred reloads.
  17. I have the correct plist ... but I only know a bit about terminal and bash ... so perhaps a 'defaults write' is not the correct way of changing the theme?
  18. sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.metadata.mds.plist This works for me in Yosemite
  19. Crap ... it doesn't switch ... I mean, I can change the value in the prefs.plist, but Alfred will not update to the new theme automatically.
  20. Ya, switching to a different Alfred Theme. I have an applescript to toggle Dark Mode in Yosemite ... thought it would be neat to also switch the theme in Alfred at the same time.
  21. IS it possible to switch a theme based on a hotkey or keyword? I am having a hard time finding this info in the forums,
  22. If you have NOT opened "About This Mac" from your menu bar on a new system or a fresh install ... do so please. THEN, reset the workflow and try again. MANY times this issue arises because the required plist file does not exist unless "About This Mac" from the system menu is run first.
  23. This is primarily to keep the results fast and accurate. The behaviour CAN be changed: Again, you will need to open Alfred's Prefs, and click on the 'Features' button at the top, then select the 'Default Results' at the left: Now, You will see on the right that only the "Essentials" are selected. Beside 'Extras' check the items that you want Alfred to find (without having to hit SPACE first): like "Folders". Also note, that with the "Advanced" button beside the extras list, once opened, will allow you to drag individual file types into the well. Let's say you ONLY have movie files on an external ... you can simply drag your M4V/MP4/MKV/AVI/MOV etc files into that to add the filetype to the Extras. Now, if you want to leap RIGHT IN ... fair warning ... just select the "Unintelligent - Search all file types" box ... Alfred states this is not recommended, but if you find your results slow and muddled, you can always de-select the option.
  24. 1: Open Alfred Preferences 2: In left column, click on "Default Results" 3: On right side look for "Search Scope" and there is a "+" button at the top of the list ... click that. 4: Select the drive (or volumes, or folders) etc, to add to the list in "Search Scope" As long as Spotlight has indexed the external, it will show up now in Alfred's results when you do a standard search starting with SPACE.
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