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marginwalker last won the day on December 21 2018

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  1. This is great! Saved me a bunch of work and time. Thank you @jacoblo
  2. @deanishe I used the "write text file" functionality like this - ({clipboard}, {time}, {date} and {query} all ignore the single quote rules) (My query was copied to the clipboard in the previous step curl "https://beta.todoist.com/API/v8/tasks" \ -X POST \ --data '{clipboard}' \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Request-Id: {time}{date}" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer {var:bearer}" The output is "task.txt" Then I use bash task.txt It runs
  3. Nevermind - FINALLY got this to work... Thanks for the help... However, I am curious - I actually quite like my workaround - What would be a reason not to use it?
  4. I swear - as soon as I use double quotes, even with hard-coded values, I'm getting an error. Change back to single - No error.
  5. @vitor Thanks for that. I tried it your way - Unfortunately, the input needs single quotes, so escaping just isn't working. I'm getting errors every way i try. Instead what I did was build out the query with the variables using "write text file", and run it using bash. I'm not sure why you're upset that it works, but it does.
  6. Workaround found - Exported to a text file, and then ran bash file.txt - Thanks for the help
  7. Thank you @deanishe - Unfortunately it needs single quotes, are there any known workarounds to this?
  8. Hi @vitor - It's not really the workflow I need help with - I just don't know how to call variables into a bash script. If I have variable 'xyz' how would I call that into a bash script?
  9. Hi there, I have the following workflow, and I can get the global variable "bearer" (in green) to work, but using a variable defined in args and vars (in red), I can't seem to pass it through - Any ideas? curl "https://beta.todoist.com/API/v8/tasks" \ -X POST \ --data '{"project_id": 2187691249, "content": "{query}", "due_string": "$xyz", "due_lang": "en", "priority": 4}' \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Request-Id: $(uuidgen)" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $bearer" Would be keen to find out what I'm doing wrong here, as I can't seem to get it to work
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