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Everything posted by palobo

  1. Not at my Mac right now so can't check, but one of our fellow pythonista a already put together a feedback.py for generating the results list. That could be a good starting point. As for other classes, I'll have to think a little about that.
  2. Introducing Mail Actions Go crazy minimal with Mail.app and still stay functional thanks to the power of Alfred 2 Workflows. See it in Action here Features Use Alfred to: Navigate Mailboxes from Alfred. Drill down to the Mailbox you want and action the result. Move/Copy selected emails with Alfred. Type a few keywords to choose the desired folder. ↩ to move, ⌥+↩ to copy. Optimisations In order to limit the overhead of always having to query and generate a list of all Mailboxes, the workflow store the information in a plist file that is updated every 7 days. The file is located at: ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.palobo.mailactions/mbCache.plist Installation Download and import or alternatively use AlfPT. Usage Keywords mm - Move the selected messages to the chosen folder; mm - With ⌥ as modifier copies the messages rather than moving mg - Go To the chosen folder. mgu - Show list of mailboxes with unread messages minfo - Choose to view either Info & Usage or Change Log. Tries to use Marked otherwise it will use your default app for .md files. Hotkeys ⇧⌘A - Toggle script to Move/Copy messages ⇧⌘Z - Toggle script to Go To Mailbox; ⇧⌘R - Mark every unread message in current mailbox as read; ⇧⌘D - Delete every message in current mailbox!! (USe with caution) ⌘U - Show list of mailboxes with unread messages Todo Implement an action to update the cache on demand; Add history feature, showing list of last X used mailboxes for quick access; Filter list of mailboxes with unread mail; Integrate other useful workflows such as send to evernote/taskpaper etc.; Changelog 23-04-2013FIXED: Code optimisation by Carlos-SZ. Results are now limited to 20 mailboxes at a time. XML Encoding has also been optimised (Initial work by Carlos-Sz, improved by Ursan Razvan). 04-02-2013FIXED: Unread count was getting stored with folder list and not being updated on each run; NEW: Hotkey to mark all messages (unread messages in current mailbox) as read; NEW: Hotkey to delete every message in current mailbox (useful for me anyway) NEW: Keyword/Hotkey to show list of mailboxes with unread messages 03-02-2013Now shows unread count next to mailboxes that have unread emails. 29-01-2013Added Support for Local Mailboxes Added a new Action to view Info & Usage or Change Log 28-01-2013Fixed small encoding bug where special characters weren't encoded thus forming invalid XML. 27-01-2013Fixed wrong information in the Go To action (Thanks CarlosNZ); Uploaded to AlfPT (Forgot to do that initially)
  3. Hehe, way more elegant than my crappy code. I've got to step up and learn me better python
  4. Cool, you can check my App Store Linker workflow for an Idea on generating the feedback for Alfred from app store results.
  5. Most welcome mate. Glad others find it useful!
  6. Apparently there was an easy enough workaround. You can now add new tasks from Alfred
  7. Unfortunately I don't think it's possible simply because TicToc doesn't have support for it in it's AppleScript Library, but I'll have a look and see if there's a way around that
  8. Haha... Here you go buddy. Currently rocking v2 so enjoy.
  9. Implemented with a little more contrast as you suggested. Look good thanks!
  10. Cool mate. Hopefully it'll be useful to others besides myself. :-) Let me know of any bugs or other suggestions.
  11. This is a Workflow solely aimed at TicToc You can download from here or install/update via AlfPT. Usage is rather simple ttlist - Lists all tasks in TicToc. It supports a quasi fuzzy search so start typing to filter the list. Actioning a result will toggle the task on/off ttrun - Lists running tasks. Actioning a result will toggle it off; ttinfo - Will show you a list of tasks, actioning a result item will show more detailed info for that particular task. Start date for each session, session duration and if a note is available, actioning will open it in Growl ttnew - Create a new task and start tracking it. Tip: Remember that you can set a modifier to action all visible results, effectively toggling all visible tasks. Here's a quick video of the workflow in action: http://cl.ly/0w2F0x1L2O44 Update 23-01-2013: Added ability to create a new task from Alfred. Todo Improve fuzzy search and add additional features... Suggestions?
  12. This looks SO cool with blur! Give it a try people.
  13. palobo

    Minimal HUD

    Tried it on mine.. Looks SO cool!
  14. palobo

    Minimal HUD

    Great theme man!
  15. RoadMap Will update soon. ChangeLog
  16. TaskPaper Actions Is intended to be a set of actions for TaskPaper. For the time being, it has only my previous actions ported but I will be expanding on this as time passes in order to further functionality. Included Actions Extended Notes; Time Tracking with TicToc Installation Either download the workflow from here or use AlfPT to install/update Usage Extended Notes Configuring this action is a simple matter of choosing your desired values and configuring the worklist variable. The variable is a list in the manner of: set workList to {{"note", "outline"}, {docPath:"/Users/pedro/Dropbox/Notes/", ext:"txt", appname:"nvALT"}, {docPath:"/Users/pedro/Dropbox/Outliner/", ext:"opml", appname:"Mindnode Lite"}} Breaking it down we have: Item 1 is a list of your tags. In my case I have “Note” and “Outline” Item 2 onwards is a list of records pertaining to each tag. So in the above example, item 2 is a list of the path where you place docs related to your Note tag and the extension of your Note tag (some may prefer txt, md, mmd etc.). Finally we have the app with which you want to open the note (must be apps exact name, correct caps and all) Item 3 pertains to tag outline. If you prefer more tags/document types then just expand on this. NOTE: If a document with the specified name doesn’t exist it will be created (Text file types only so far…) TimeTracking You need to have TicToc installed for this particular action. Before the first run it is important you customise the script with your preferred tags. @tictoc is the default “tracking” tag. The Value of this tag has to be the name of your task in TicToc. Take the following example: I would then have to have tasks in TaskPaper as: - Complete readme.md for script @tictoc(TaskPaper Timetracking) - Complete some random test @tictoc(test) NOTE: This is case insensitive so no need to be too fussy @running is the default for tasks being “tracked” After the first run you can set registered to true. It’s only needed on first run in order to register the script with Growl. Errors In this first version, the script will output errors in the following situations: Entry selected is not a task; Entry selected doesn’t have a tracking tag (@tictoc default); Tracking tag is either empty or it’s value doesn’t correspond to a task/event in TicToc Caveats Unfortunately Tictoc’s AppleScript support is still rather limited and therefor I have no way of telling if a task is being tracked/timed except by the @running tag. This means that if you start a task in TPM and then stop it in TicToc, I have no way yet of syncing those changes (updating @running tag in TPM) so therefore all starting and stopping should be done in TPM. It is also not yet possible to create new tasks/events in ticToc with AppleScript so they will have to either already exist or be manually created beforehand. You MUST configure TicToc to allow tracking of multiple tasks otherwise things will get confused real quick
  17. The text of the selected result is darker than the rest. But yeah, I'll have a play and see what works well. Thanks, glad you think so
  18. Cool, I started something similar today. Had an Openmeta tagger for v1, was treino to go more mainstream with The v2 workflow.
  19. Minutes after posting I realised that export was available, Theme is now ready for download. Go nuts guys and enjoy. Hope you like it. Let me know of any tweaks that can make it even better though Cheers, PL
  20. As soon as export is working i will do so
  21. Yeah mate, sorry. I had to rush out and couldn't complete the post here, will do so ASAP. Meanwhile you can check basic fubctionality over on palobo.tumblr.com
  22. Awesome mate! I'm just adding a new workflow and it's sooo cool to be able to say: Installation: Download and install workflow from here or use AlfPT Cheers, PL
  23. Hey Tom, Two things. 1. The workflow I was trying to update had a DB for cache that I totally forgot about, hence the inflated size; 2. Yeah, I wrote the App Store Icon cache in python, but it easily feasible to get it to just download the app icon I think.
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