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  1. Wow thanks so much for that. Working great: The workflow is a lot more straightforward than I was thinking it would be. I'm really very impressed with Alfred so far.
  2. Yes that head output in my reply is actual. Sorry about the previous confusion 😣. I started using Qutebrowser because FF stopped support for non-WebExtension extensions which effectively killed the Vimperator extension I had been using for years at that point. I tried alternatives like vimium for chrome, etc. but Qutebrowser was by far the closest thing to FF + Vimperator. That said, I have found it to be a bit buggy and rough around the edges at times but it is getting better.
  3. Thanks @vitor The bookmarks file is located at ~/.qutebrowser/quickmarks. In my previous example I misspoke on the order of the columns. It is actually the bookmark name that comes first and then the url. Here is a larger example: [~] head -n 20 .qutebrowser/quickmarks clojure_weekly http://reborg.tumblr.com/ country_codes http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/country_code_list.htm liberator_decisions https://clojure-liberator.github.io/liberator/doc/decisions.html liberator_handlers https://clojure-liberator.github.io/liberator/doc/handlers.html y https://news.ycombinator.com/ r https://www.reddit.com/ reddit https://www.reddit.com/ instaparse https://github.com/Engelberg/instaparse maps https://www.google.com/maps swagger-codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen swagger_blog https://blog.philipphauer.de/enriching-restful-services-swagger/ swagger_code https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core swagger_codegen_demo https://github.com/cbdr/swagger-codegen-demo/edit/master/README.md openapi_specification https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#securitySchemeObject openapi_tutorial https://apihandyman.io/writing-openapi-swagger-specification-tutorial-part-1-introduction/ jsonlint http://jsonlint.com/ youtube https://www.youtube.com/ bbc http://www.bbc.com/news/world b http://www.bbc.com/news/world avc http://www.avclub.com/
  4. I'm using qutebrowser as my primary web browser. It stores its bookmarks in a flat, space separated file e.g. www.google.com google www.wikipedia.org wiki Where the first column is the url and the second column is the bookmark name. Would it be possible to write a workflow to (1) filter the bookmark name column and then (2) open the url for the selected bookmark name. I assume that (2) is possible with a script action, but I am not sure if (1) is?
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