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Posts posted by ClintonStrong

  1. Well, I got desperate (did I mention that I REALLY LOVE this workflow?) and ended up writing my own version in AppleScript. It only works with Chrome, because that's all I really need it for, but I may try to add other browsers sometime in the future. 


    A warning: this is my first foray in AppleScript and only my second workflow, so it probably is terrible and will crash and not work for you. You have been warned.


    Known bug! If you have a Google Search open in a tab, it will not show up in the filter results. I'm not sure if this is because Google is using some proprietary Chrome API which makes Google search tabs somehow different than regular webpages? But for the time being I have not found a way around this. I'll try to fix it soon. Since I usually use tab search for hopping between email, Toggl, Trello, github, etc, it doesn't really bug me too much yet.


    Much of this is based on this very helpful post, "Generate Feedback in Alfred 2 Workflows": http://www.johneday.com/617/generate-feedback-in-alfred-2-workflows


    Here's the workflow: http://static.etling.com/assets/SearchChromeTabs.alfredworkflow


    I haven't had a whole lot of time to work on this workflow lately, but I'm glad you got something working.

    I've looked over the error reports, but there's nothing that really stands out to me. It's working fine on my system, which makes me think there might be something conflicting with it. I've considered making a new version which uses Safari/Chrome extensions to communicate with them via websockets (should also be faster than using AppleScript). I'll play around with that and report back if it works out.
  2. ha, I tried restarting, and it didn't fix the problem with your workflow, but it did break a few other things on my machine (IPython was throwing errors, among other things). So I had to change it back. Any other ideas what the problem(s) might be or ways to make it usable? 


    Could you try this workflow and let me know if it works for you? Install it, type in "example", and hit enter. It should show a dialog saying "It works!".




    If that works for you, I'll work on changing the way the workflow makes AppleScript calls. Hopefully that'll fix it.

  3. to be clear, since I didn't put this in there, I unzipped the archive they provided, and it said this:


       creating: Adobe Unit Types.osax/

       creating: Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/

      inflating: Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/Info.plist  

       creating: Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/

      inflating: Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types  

       creating: Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/Resources/

      inflating: Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/Resources/Adobe Unit Types.rsrc  

       creating: Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/

      inflating: Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings 


    If I list the directory, it looks like the zipped file is there (along with the old one, which I renamed), but the 'new' one is from August 2009? Also, I'm wondering what that 'not loaded' error means - do I need to restart/rehash/rebuild something so it knows to use the new one? 


    /Library/ScriptingAdditions$ ls -l

    total 56

    -rwxrwxrwx@ 1 root  admin   6071 Mar 16  2005 Adobe Unit Types

    drwx------  3 root  wheel    102 Aug  6  2009 Adobe Unit Types.osax

    -rw-r--r--@ 1 root  wheel  15782 Sep 23 14:38 Adobe_Unit_Types.osax.zip

    drwxrwxr-x  3 root  admin    102 Jan  2  2008 old_Adobe_Unit_Types.osax


    I think you may have to restart your computer for the updates to apply (if you haven't already). I haven't encountered the error on my own system, so I'm not entirely sure if that's the issue, but it's worth a try.


    Starting debug for 'Search Safari and Chrome Tabs'
    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: /Users/szeitlin/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.53C2BE3D-1840-4712-A682-C6F758ECF131/browser_tabs/applescript_utils.rb:30:in `block in osascript': AppleScript error: 2014-09-23 12:50:15.535 osascript[15430:507] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types:  dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types, 262): no suitable image found.  Did find: (BrowserTabs::AppleScriptUtils::AppleScriptError)
    /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
    osascript: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" declares no loadable handlers.
    from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open3.rb:217:in `popen_run'
    from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open3.rb:99:in `popen3'
    from /Users/szeitlin/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.53C2BE3D-1840-4712-A682-C6F758ECF131/browser_tabs/applescript_utils.rb:25:in `osascript'
    from /Users/szeitlin/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.53C2BE3D-1840-4712-A682-C6F758ECF131/browser_tabs/applescript_utils.rb:11:in `run'
    from /Users/szeitlin/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.53C2BE3D-1840-4712-A682-C6F758ECF131/browser_tabs/commands/command.rb:42:in `run'
    from /Users/szeitlin/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.53C2BE3D-1840-4712-A682-C6F758ECF131/browser_tabs.rb:51:in `run_command'
    from /Users/szeitlin/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.53C2BE3D-1840-4712-A682-C6F758ECF131/browser_tabs.rb:24:in `tabs'
    from filter.rb:7:in `<main>'


    I believe that error's caused by an out of date scripting addition. Try following the steps here to fix it: http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/unit-type-conversion-error-applescript.html


    Let me know if everything works after that.

  5. Hi again, I think I found a bug: if I open a safari tab in chrome and try to kill the tab in safari from your workflow, both tabs are deleted.

    This happens if I copy and paste the link and if I use the open-in-chrome workflow.


    Oh, right. That happens because the workflow identifies each tab with a URL, but doesn't associate the browser with it. So if you tell it to close a tab, all it knows is that you want to close a particular URL. Alfred used to only be able to copy the "arg" of a result when you hit cmd+c, so while I could have added the browser to the arg, you'd end up copying URLs like "chrome;http://google.com/". I instead opted to only use the URL of the tab as the arg, which unfortunately means you'll have issues like the one you described.


    I just looked in to it though, and it seems Alfred v2.3 has a fix for this. I'll try to get it updated later today.

  6. hi, this is not working for me at all (Mavericks 10.9.4, Safari 7.0.6). I've been looking for something with this functionality for *ages*, so I'd really like to use it.


    Any chance this will be updated to run correctly, or that you'll post something with step-by-step instructions explaining *exactly* what needs to be changed for which version(s) of Ruby & whatever else needs patching?  


    I just paid for a powerpack license to be able to use this workflow, and now I'm not sure if it was worth the money. :(


    Sorry about that. Could you turn on error reporting and let me know what errors are being logged? You can get there by selecting the workflow and pressing the bug icon in the top right corner.



  7. Yosemite no longer includes Ruby 1.8, so extensions relying on that (or frameworks like RubyCocoa that were only installed for 1.8) will no longer work.


    They've also dropped Python 2.3 and 2.5, but 2.6 (specifically 2.6.9) is still installed alongside 2.7.6.


    Safari now stores its history in a database rather than a property list, but I expect most workflows searching Safari's history just use a file filter on ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/History. That still seems to be working.

  8. CocoaDialog isn’t working properly for me. Getting the following error:

    dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/Growl.framework/Versions/A/Growl
      Referenced from: /Users/clinton/Dropbox/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F57EC135-8D11-4A8B-A313-24C6BCB4D9A1/Resources/cocoaDialog.app/Contents/MacOS/cocoaDialog
      Reason: image not found
    I tried downloading cocoaDialog myself and that seems to be working fine. I looked into the app package and all the frameworks appear to be included, so I have no idea why it couldn’t load the Growl framework. I’ll try to look in to it some more tonight.

    Oh, and there’s an error if you’re using Safari as your default browser. I think this happens if you’ve never changed your default browser, but com.apple.LaunchServices.plist didn’t contain an entry for the http url scheme. You could probably just initialize defaultBrowser to 'com.apple.safari' to fix that.

  9. :)

    The code that generates the Script Filters is pretty straightforward, just scattered around a bit.

    I must admit, I think there's something deeply cool about a Workflow that can rewrite itself. I want to upgrade my Smart Folders workflow to the same "technology". I use that one a lot, and one of the things that puts me off fiddling with the code is having to recreate my custom Script Filters all the time.

    Nice! Only issue I ran in to was that it seems to take a while to load the initial results. For example, when I typed 'e', it returned over 6,000 results and took a couple of seconds before any other characters were processed.

    Unfortunately it doesn't look like you can limit the number of results with mdfind without dipping in to the C/Objective-C APIs. I suppose a quick and easy fix could be to ignore the search if the query's only one character long, since it'll likely be too noisy to find anything anyway.


    Could you elaborate any on the methodology of such code? What does it look for in the settings? What does it add to the Script Filter info in the info.plist based on that data?

    Basically, each script, keyword, action, etc. is stored as an object in a workflow’s info.plist. You can see them listed under <key>objects</key>. The important part is the uid field; Alfred associates each object with a unique ID (I believe it uses UUIDv4).

    Alfred uses these UUIDs to keep track of each object’s relationship to another, which you can see below <key>connections</key>. Each of these relationships also has a unique ID, stored in the key field.

    Alfred also keeps track of the graphical representation of the workflow’s objects under <key>uidata</key>. If you’re programmatically adding new objects, you’ll probably want to find the largest ypos of the objects, and increment it by about 120 so it aligns correctly each object is 96 px in height and typically has 26px of padding between other objects (though you can adjust this).

  10. I kept finding myself writing one-off scripts to feed my indecision and make a random choice. I wrote this workflow to automate my indecision. ;)


    Download | Source

    Some of these keywords are duplicates of existing workflows, but I wanted to have all my RNGs in one workflow. Feel free to disable any keywords you don’t want or need.

    Oh, and you don’t have to worry about downloading a light or dark version of the workflow. The icons adjust automatically based on your theme as soon as you start using the workflow. See alfred-icons for more information about how this works.



    Enter a comma separated list of values and pick one at random.



    Roll a die. Enter the number of sides, and have a random number chosen.


    At its simplest, rand just an alias of roll. For example, rand 20 and roll 20 both do the same thing. However, you can define a lower and upper limit with rand.

    Example usage:

    • rand 20
    • rand 10-20
    • rand 50 70
    • rand 100..1000

    Flip a coin: heads or tails.


    Like flip, but with a yes or no response instead.

  11. 3b09f9.png

    Many Alfred workflows out there use monochromatic icons (aka “glyphs”). They look great, but it introduces a problem: you have to maintain two separate workflows. This creates extra work for the developer, and extra work for the user, should they happen to change their theme.

    This is a script to help solve that problem. Bundle both light and dark icons with your theme, and let alfred-icons decide which ones to use. This eliminates the need to maintain two separate workflows for light and dark themes; it just works.

    To sum it up: alfred-icons analyzes the background color of the user’s current theme and swaps out the icons based on whether it’s light or dark. Simple.

    Download | Source

    How to use

    To put it in use, you’ll need to conform to a simple naming convention. Alfred already names the icons for you, based on a UUID something like 3A20DDBC-D992-4DD1-9A65-4A1860EEEC7D.png. For the sake of explanation, let’s assume your icon is dark (i.e. designed for light themes). Now add in the light variant of your icon. Give it the same name as the dark icon, but with “-light” appended to the end. For example, you might name the new icon 3A20DDBC-D992-4DD1-9A65-4A1860EEEC7D-light.png. If your default icons are light (i.e. designed for dark themes), append “-dark” instead.

    So to clarify, add the “-light” prefix to light icons designed for dark themes, and “-dark” to dark icons designed for light themes. Don’t rename the original icons Alfred generates for you.

    Now that you have the icons set up, download the latest release and place the SetupIconsForTheme script into your workflow’s folder. It’s up to you how you want it to run: you could add in a keyword to manually change the icon colors, or you could automate the process and run it every time your script/script filter is run.

    Including it in your script

    In Ruby and PHP, you can run it by including the command in backticks:

    In Python, you can use subprocess:

    import subprocess
    In AppleScript:

    do shell script "./SetupIconsForTheme"
    You may need to adjust the path if your script is stored in a subdirectory, but you get the idea.

    Other notes

    The one drawback and this is still the case even if you have separate “light” and “dark” workflows is that the background color for the selected result might have a dark background, while the rest of the theme is light. This could cause “invisible” or hard to see icons for the selected result, while everything else looks fine. Unfortunately, we can’t change the icon for just the selected result it has to use the same icon for every result. You could work around the issue entirely by adding backgrounds to your icons, but then you lose out on the clean, simple look of monochromatic icons. I’ll leave that decision up to you.

    Note that there’s a bit of delay before the script recognizes you’ve switched themes. If you’re testing it out and it doesn’t work right away, just give it a few seconds and try again.

    Ideas for future improvements

    • Use a cache file so it doesn’t run on every keystroke. Maybe limit it to 30 seconds or a minute so it’s still responsive to changes by the user, but it won’t run needlessly.
    • Check if Alfred’s preferences have changed since the last run. If they have, it’s possible the user might have changed their theme. If not, we know the theme didn’t change, so there’s no need to run it again.
    • Generate the dark or light icons for you, without needing an image editor. Not guaranteed, but I’ll consider it for a future release.
  12. I often use Google to calculate percentage fast i.e. "2,35% of 195"

    I use it in German "2,35% von 195" ;)


    Is there a way to get this without going to google and have a result in alfred? Or is there a workflow?


    Thanks in advance for you help and reply.


    Hey there. I created a workflow that does this (and a few other things), called QuickCalc. It still needs some work (there are a few bugs lingering around), but it should be able to accomplish what you're asking for.
    It doesn't automatically detect locales, so you'll need to manually set the thousands/decimal separators. In Alfred's preferences, find QuickCalc, double click the "qc" script filter, and set the script to the following:
    export DECIMAL_SEPARATOR=','
    /usr/bin/ruby main.rb "{query}"

    I just added support for those separators today, so let me know if you find any issues with it.


    Oh, and one downside to setting the separators like this is that you'll have to re-enter them when you update the workflow. I'll try to find a better solution for that.


    It did create an errorlog.txt file.  Looks like it's getting errors ... Thoughts?  Thank you thank you


    /Users/AP/Dropbox/Alfred Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.00AAD8B0-1E92-422F-AB71-9C25FAEA482F/browser_tabs/applescript_utils.rb:30:in `block in osascript': AppleScript error: 2014-02-19 00:06:55.747 osascript[35947:507] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types:  dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types, 262): no suitable image found.  Did find: (BrowserTabs::AppleScriptUtils::AppleScriptError)
    /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
    osascript: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" declares no loadable handlers.
    from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open3.rb:217:in `popen_run'
    from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open3.rb:99:in `popen3'
    from /Users/AP/Dropbox/Alfred Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.00AAD8B0-1E92-422F-AB71-9C25FAEA482F/browser_tabs/applescript_utils.rb:25:in `osascript'
    from /Users/AP/Dropbox/Alfred Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.00AAD8B0-1E92-422F-AB71-9C25FAEA482F/browser_tabs/applescript_utils.rb:11:in `run'
    from /Users/AP/Dropbox/Alfred Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.00AAD8B0-1E92-422F-AB71-9C25FAEA482F/browser_tabs/commands/command.rb:42:in `run'
    from /Users/AP/Dropbox/Alfred Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.00AAD8B0-1E92-422F-AB71-9C25FAEA482F/browser_tabs.rb:51:in `run_command'
    from /Users/AP/Dropbox/Alfred Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.00AAD8B0-1E92-422F-AB71-9C25FAEA482F/browser_tabs.rb:24:in `tabs'
    from filter.rb:7:in `<main>'



    It looks like that's being caused by an out of date scripting addition. Try updating it and let me know if that fixes it. http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/unit-type-conversion-error-applescript.html


    If all goes well and it works, you can go ahead and remove the debugging code:

    ruby filter.rb "{query}"
  14. For some reason I'm having issues ... every time I try and search my tabs no results are being populated from Chrome.  I'm running OS X 10.9 with the most recent version of Chrome and I have 20+ tabs.  I've tried forcing an argument in the script filter so that it doesn't search unless I give it something to search for, but it's just defaulting to the basic search options - searching Google, Amazon, or Wikipedia.  Any thoughts?


    Thanks for your help in advance!


    Hm, would you mind checking if any errors are occurring? For the script filter, change the script to the following:
    ruby filter.rb "{query}" 2> ~/Desktop/errorlog.txt
    Run the workflow in Alfred, and check your desktop for a file called errorlog.txt. Let me know if anything's being logged there.
  15. I purchased the power pack to be able to use this workflow. It's great, although a bit slow when many tabs are open (it may take up to 50' for results to open, and that on a fast computer.

    I wonder if it would be possible to show website icons on tabs, instead of the Safari or Chrome icon?

    Many thanks!


    Thanks. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there's much I can do to speed it up. Most of the time spent is waiting for a call to AppleScript to complete.
    It is possible to show favicons for websites, but in most cases they just wouldn't look good. Most favicons are small (16x16), so when you display them in Alfred they would look blurry. Another issue is speed. Both Chrome and Safari store favicon data in an SQLite database, but Chrome locks its database while the app is running. If I wanted to access it, I'd have to copy it to some other location on your drive before I could read it, which could potentially be quite slow. I could probably get the favicon data from Safari fairly quickly, but I'd still need to dynamically generate images for each of the icons and store them someone on your drive. I haven't tested the performance on this yet, so I can't say for sure if it'd create a notable slowdown.
  16. AppleScript should be able to do this. Set up a "Run NSAppleScript" action in a workflow and use the following code:

    on alfred_script(q)
      tell application "System Events" to key code 111 using {control down, option down}
    end alfred_script

    If you want it to switch to a particular application first, you can do something like this: 

    on alfred_script(q)
      tell application "Safari" to activate
      tell application "System Events" to key code 111 using {control down, option down}
    end alfred_script

    Just replace Safari with the name of the app you want to activate.

  17. Try building the gem and install it locally.
    cd to the directory of the gem (I'm assuming you placed it in '/Users/Trevor/Documents/Development/code/alfred/sonos'). Then build the gem from the gemspec and install it:
    gem build sonos.gemspec
    sudo gem install sonos-0.3.4.gem

    Now you should be able to require it as normal. If you plan on releasing the workflow for other people to use, you'll probably want to bundle it with the workflow rather than installing it on your system. Unfortunately, it's not obvious how to do that, so feel free to ask if you need any help with that.

  18. Clinton,


    I think I found a fix for this. Can you try it and let me know if it works for you? I found that the error disappeared when I copied files using a regular ".app" instead of a command line program. I'm guessing it's something in the way the application is loaded. Anyway, I created a little app that simply takes files from the command line and copies them to the clipboard and then exits. I also set it to show a notification, but that doesn't show up for some reason, so I put a notification in Alfred.


    Curiosity got the best of me, so I poked around on this, but I'm not really a Mac programmer. However, take a look at see if it solves it for you. So far it's working fine for me, so if this is a good fix I'll post the workflow. The only thing is I'm wondering if you have to right click on the actual ".app" instead the workflow folder to open it once manually just to tell Gatekeeper that it's ok to run the app.


    Click here to download the workflow.


    It isn't quite working perfectly for me. Some files still randomly exhibit the sandboxing error (but I can usually re-copy a file to get it working again). Seems to act the same as my updated version of the workflow, at least for me. Also, when you use the `open` command to open an app it goes through Gatekeeper, so I got a message saying I couldn't run it when I had that enabled.


    The behavior appears to be random, so I'm still not sure the best way to fix it. It usually works fine, there are just the occasional instances where it doesn't seem to copy the file correctly in sandboxed apps.


    Thanks again for the help.


    Ok, I found what is causing the issue on my computer although I still don't know why. I'm posting it here in case you know the solution and it helps others.


    First, this may be unique to pasting files in Mail. I was using Mail to test pasting a file into a new email. I noticed, for example, that I could still paste files just fine in Finder. When I paste a file copied by this extension into Mail I get the following lines in Console: 


    11/13/13 6:27:12.173 AM Mail[627]: Failed to obtain a valid sandbox extension for item: [789514] of flavor: [public.file-url] from the pasteboard.
    11/13/13 6:27:12.174 AM Mail[627]: Failed to get a sandbox extensions for itemIdentifier (789514).  The data for the sandbox extension was NULL
    That's the initial error that leads to the file being the correct name, but zero bytes when pasted into Mail. Interestingly, I tried copying a file directly from Finder into Mail and then from Quicksilver and pasting it into Mail. The file was attached at the proper size. Each time I also tried pasting the file into a text editor to see how the clipboard contents were represented as text. When I pasted from Finder or QS the file name was pasted. When I pasted from this extension the file path past pasted as a url prefixed with file: . This tells me that when Finder and other apps copy a file to the clipboard they are somehow sending it differently to the pasteboard. This is confusing because, as far as I can tell, the way you are doing it is per Apple's standard practice.
    This is odd behavior, I'm just posting it in case you can recognize what the problem is (I'm not good at Obj C) or it helps someone else having trouble. I have reset all permissions, etc to make sure there's no problem on that end.



    Very interesting. I did some experimenting and (after several failed attempts) I think I was able to stop the errors in Console when pasting into Mail. Let me know if it solves the issue for you: Download


    Also, you're awesome. Thanks for all the help with tracing this issue down.  :)


    Edit: Er, never mind. I tried pasting in some random files from Dropbox and got the error. I also had "deny file-read-data" and "deny file-read-xattr" errors logged. I'll have to keep looking in to it.

  20. Yes, I can copy and paste them just fine in Finder. I actually wrote a little Objective-C program that does what your script does to test the issue. It seemed that files in one of my Dropbox folders were showing up as zero-bytes when pasted, but would paste properly when copied to the ~/Downloads folder. Is this an issue with Apple sandboxing that's affecting your script and my program where it's prohibiting access to the contents of files in certain folders?


    As far as I know, sandboxing is something you have to specifically enable for you app, so I don't think that's the issue in this case.


    Does it only happen with one particular folder? I tried a few folders in Dropbox and couldn't replicate the problem.

  21. Clinton,


    This works great on my computer except for Word docs created with Word 2011 (".docx" files) which, oddly enough, a copy and paste quite a bit. Any idea why it doesn't work for this file type? Other file types seem to work fine.




    That's strange. Are you able to copy and paste those files in the Finder?


    I don't use Word, but I downloaded some docx files and they seemed to copy fine on my system. Not sure if having Word installed would affect that though.

  22. This workflow + 1Password are completely awesome.  1Password has these 1 click bookmarks that will jump to a web page and log you in if it's required. I figured out if I gave 1Password and this workflow the same keyword, that they will give me both results in the Alfred list.


    I tweaked the workflow a little more. Here's what it does now.


    • Changed keyword to "go". Just easier for me to type.
    • Changed 1Password keyword to "go". This combines the output of this workflow and 1Password. Check out the screenshot.
    • "go " shows my shortcut app list that I use all the time. Though after combining this workflow with 1Password, it might not be that useful.
    • "go " + [any text] searches all browser tabs plus 1Password for sites that match [any text]. See the screen shot.
    • [Command]+[Enter] runs an applescript to open alfred and type "go "

    I'm finding I hardly have to take my fingers off the keyboard. And instead of bookmarks, I'm loading these URLs into 1Password, whether they need UID/Password or not.


    Link to the workflow. I feel like I've forked your code, but I don't want to share it under a different name and don't want to share my changes under your name. Feel free to include any of my changes into your wordflow.






    Awesome. And no worries about the name/attribution, I'm all for people making changes and making it their own.



    Any answer on this? Thanks?


    I couldn't reproduce the issue on my end. The only other thing I can think of is to see if your install of Ruby is working correctly. If you open up Terminal and enter this:
    /usr/bin/ruby -e 'puts RUBY_VERSION'

    Does it display "1.8.7"? I suppose it also couldn't hurt to go into Disk Utility and repair your disk permissions, in case something got messed up there. Sorry again for the trouble, this one just has me perplexed at the moment.

  23. The title says it all. When I do Cmd+C on a file in Alfred I'd like to copy the actually file and not a path to the file. I frequently need to paste a file and I cannot find a way to do this.


    This isn't built in to Alfred, but here's a workflow to accomplish this as a file action: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/831-copy-files-to-clipboard/


    Once installed, just type "copy file" into the file actions screen.

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