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  1. Nice one Vitor, I didn't know this! It looks like it can gather the frontmost tab but I don't see an automation task for bookmarking?
  2. This workflow bookmarks the frontmost tab in Brave as a Safari bookmark. This is because Alfred doesn’t natively support Brave browser in the bookmarks sync, so you can still easily sync your bookmarks via Safari’s built-in (and iCloud) features. Overview This workflow uses an AppleScript to do the following: 1. Grab the current tab’s URL and title from Brave Browser. 2. Open that URL in Safari and automatically trigger the “Add Bookmark…” option. 3. Set the bookmark title (either from the Brave tab or from your custom Alfred query). 4. Confirm the bookmark in Safari, then close Safari and return to your workflow. 5. Display a notification that the bookmark has been added. Below is the general flow: • Alfred Keyword (e.g., bmm): Type bmm <name (Optional)> Download link
  3. Just tested this with spotlight, and that is almost how spotlight behaves (search bar closes, but no notification that the file is being downloaded). Would be a big quality of life bug-fix for alfred
  4. When iCloud drive is enabled, opening a file via alfred causes it to freeze and be unresponsive until the file is downloaded. If you're on a slow internet connection, this could be several minutes, requiring a force quit via activity monitor. A better behaviour would be a notification that the file is being downloaded, and for the Alfred popup to close.
  5. +1 for multiple file drag-and-drop. File buffer is incredible and this multi-file drag is the final frontier for it to replace the need for finder entirely!
  6. Thank you @Vero & @Stephen_C - I appreciate this! Emailing now
  7. What you were doing when the issue happened: - Typing 'te' produces full alfred crash, requires 'kill process' Able to replicate? - Yes, 100% replicable Include the Alfred version & build number you are using - 5.5 (2257) Include your macOS version 14.2.1 (23C71) Tested disabling all workflows, problem still occurs. Happy to share diagnostic export if it's safe to in here.
  8. Amazing, thank you. I'm relieved this wasn't a stupidly obvious answer 😂 . This is perfect: My use case is using 90 minute ringfenced blocks for working on a project. Attached workflow for anyone else: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18rtvHqWmFqq_B2XWTOOl89JpWyZB8BkW/view?usp=sharing
  9. Brilliant workflow Vitor. How would you recommend setting a hotkey for a fixed time, e.g. ⌘+9 for a 90 minute timer?
  10. Feature request for the 5.5 beta: Outputting data in table format:
  11. @vitorthat's perfect - exactly what I was looking for 👊 Cheers @universe- also useful to know
  12. This may already be possible, but is it possible for alfred to replace the file selector when uploading / selecting / saving files in finder? This would be an awesome feature to see - the alfred file navigator is so much faster than finder!
  13. You are a legend, this is great.
  14. x2 please - 'sort by date added' would be very useful. Use case: Like a precision version of the 'recents' folder when using alfred file explorer. 90% of the time I'm looking for the most recently added file to a folder when navigating folders.
  15. You are a hero, genuinely one of the most useful workflows ever. Like @JJJJ I was a big fan of the old google one
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