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Everything posted by petty

  1. This took forever to figure out: I think this page could add a paragraph about how to navigate from file results to a preview in the Alfred user interface (not Quickview) by pressing the Right Arrow: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/previews/
  2. When you see this screen: ... that appears after typing "find grumpy" in Alfred AND then selecting a result AND clicking the right arrow. Pretty proud of figuring that out. https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/previews/ I always thought I had a setting turned off that I couldn't find. It is documented here, but in a different context: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/file-search/ This was one of the most frustrating things about Alfred.
  3. How do I start the Upgrade from 3 to 4 over? I'm in an infinite loop where I get a vague dialog about a permissions issue. What would I do if that were the actual issue? Looking through System Settings I've granted all the permissions required. Update #1: Also, I've stopped Alfred from starting, and restarted my Mac ... That did not help. Update #2: I restarted Alfred 3 & installed the latest version. That did not help. But I have a version of Alfred working -- just need to figure out how to get Alfred 4 working.
  4. Is there functionality I'm not seeing in Alfred to build or compile Workflows? For example, I found this repo: https://github.com/surrealroad/alfred-notes There isn't a .alfredworkflow but even if there was; what would I do build the the workflow from that code?
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