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  1. tl;dr: A new Alfred workflow to launch Zapier workflows from your keyboard. Ever wanted a quicker way to add data to your web apps? Say you get an email from a potential customer, and you want to add them as a new lead to your CRM. You have to copy their email address, open your CRM app in your browser, find your Lead page, open the Add Lead page, and finally paste in the info. Or if you wanted to find more details about a contact—perhaps to see what products they've bought from your store, or their last email to your support team, or the notes you wrote about your last call with them—you'd need to open a handful of other apps and search in each one manually. Personally, I wanted a simpler way to send template emails. I wanted to enter a contact's name in Alfred and have it find details about the contact in address book, then make a new draft email to them. That's why I made this Zapier for Alfred workflow. Zapier's to web apps what Alfred is to your Mac—it connects 750+ web apps (including Evernote, Salesforce, Shopify, Gmail, PayPal, and much more) so you can build workflows and automate tasks. And with Zapier for Alfred, you can start those workflows from your Mac's keyboard. Everyone will have a different use case, but the core workflow works the same. You'll make a Zapier workflow, and connect it to your Zapier for Alfred workflow in Alfred. Then, to run it, you'll enter some text into Alfred, and this workflow will send it to your Zap to kick off the online workflow you made. Then you can get the results back to your Mac in a Pushbullet notification, email, Dropbox file, or even an SMS message in Messages. Download Zapier for Alfred here, or check out our launch blog post for more details. Looking forward to hearing how you use Zapier with Alfred!
  2. Woah, beautiful.
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