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  1. Like
    Belfong reacted to BCraftMath in Reminders   
    Wow... I was on v77! Haha... I feel like a dumb@$$ now. 🤦 Thanks man. Your Reminders workflow has been one of my most commonly used Workflows in Alfred. Great work. Just contributed a lil something to your efforts through PayPal!
  2. Like
    Belfong reacted to outlander in Reminders   
    I just discovered this, and it looks awesome! One thing I didn't see anyone ask and don't see being supported (I think) is adding reminders to a specific section. That's not possible right now, correct?
  3. Like
    Belfong got a reaction from jangelsb in Folder Navigation X   
    The create folder here and create file here sounds really useful to me. I’ll download and try it out. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Like
    Belfong reacted to vitor in Why Some Apps Can Access the Email.app While Alfred Can't   
    It is possible to make a workflow for it, Mail has an AppleScript dictionary. The Mail Link workflow uses it. The reason there isn’t a workflow for it is more likely to be that Alfred can already send emails by default and that looks to be enough for what most people want. Whatever information you saw about Alfred being unable to do it might have referred to some specific feature of Mail which is not automatable. Apple has stopped adding AppleScript capabilities to their apps (even before making Shortcuts) even as it adds more features.

    Here’s a first proof of concept. I can already:
    Show messages from inbox. Open a message in the Mail app. Open a reply to a message ⇧↩. Delete a message ⌘↩. Toggle read status ⌥↩. Might work this into a more full fledged workflow soon.
  5. Like
    Belfong reacted to jangelsb in Folder Navigation X   
    Hi all,
    I've been using Alfred for a while now and I love this app. I love making workflows and I have a few I am working on. Here is my first little collection of Universal Actions that enhance the Folder Navigation quite a bit. I plan to keep adding more items to this as I think of them.
    I have uploaded it to github here: https://github.com/jangelsb/folder-navigation-x-alfred-workflow
    I hope you all enjoy!
    - josh 
    Create new folder here
    Creates a folder in the folder selected or in the folder the file is in
    Create new file here
    Creates a file in the folder selected or in the folder the file is in
    Delete & Stay in Alfred
    Moves an item to the trash and stays in Alfred
    Copy & Paste File
    Copies a file to the clipboard and pastes it 
  6. Like
    Belfong reacted to vitor in Banner Be Gone — Close notification alerts   

    Clear visible macOS notification banners via the notclear keyword.

    Configure the Hotkey for faster triggering.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  7. Like
    Belfong reacted to vitor in [WIP, POC] Spotlight like rich preview pane for alfred workflows   
    Just to avoid confusion, a Prefab has a specific meaning in Alfred’s Palette and refers to a saved collection of configured objects. What you’re referring to are simply individual workflow objects.
  8. Like
    Belfong reacted to vitor in How can I get rid of this notification every time I use Alfred?   
    It is indeed. See this other post for an explanation and a way to turn it off. Though if you do turn it off, you may not be able to use the workflow anymore.
  9. Thanks
    Belfong reacted to vitor in [WIP, POC] Spotlight like rich preview pane for alfred workflows   
    {q} isn’t a thing, it looks like you mean {query}. In which case it is unnecessary; if that’s what you’re trying to do you can remove that object as there is no reason to get an argument and just send it along again. As for the Run Script, that executes code and passes it along, and you’re outputting the JSON which is part of a Script Filter, you’re conflating two objects.
  10. Like
    Belfong reacted to vitor in System Settings — Open macOS System Settings Panes   

    Open System Settings panes via the workflow’s keywords: about, accessibility, airdrop (and handoff), appearance, applecare (and warranty), apple account, apple intelligence (and siri) autofill (and passwords), battery, bluetooth, control centre, date (and time), desktop (and dock), device management, displays, extensions, family, focus, general, game centre, game controllers, icloud, internet accounts, keyboard, language (and region), lock screen, login items (and extensions), mouse, network, notifications, printers (and scanners), privacy (and security), screen saver, screen time, sharing, software update, sound, spotlight, startup disk, storage, time machine, touch id (and password), trackpad, transfer (and reset), users (and groups), vpn, wallet (and apple pay), wallpaper, wifi.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  11. Like
    Belfong reacted to Mr Pennyworth in Better Dictionaries   
    Good catch @Belfong!
    I should fix the better dictionaries workflow to fix this! In the meanwhile, yup, deleting the one in Applications folder should do the trick
  12. Thanks
    Belfong got a reaction from Mr Pennyworth in Better Dictionaries   
    I installed AlfredExtraPane. I already have "Define Word" workflow by Patrick Sy installed and they work seamlessly together. Not much tinkering is required. This AlfredExtraPane is wonderful! 
  13. Thanks
    Belfong got a reaction from Mr Pennyworth in [WIP, POC] Spotlight like rich preview pane for alfred workflows   
    Answering my own questions: I need to give AlfredExtraPane access to Documents folder.
    Then, it will be able to read Alfred preferences and give me a list of all my workflows under Configure menu.
    And so, the extra-pane-config.json will be saved into each of your workflow's own folder.
  14. Like
    Belfong reacted to dood in [WIP, POC] Spotlight like rich preview pane for alfred workflows   
    This is truly amazing stuff, @Mr Pennyworth – I'd been dreaming about this sort of minimalist "browser" for a while!
    Also wanted to mention that – in addition to the possibility of "search as you type", I've found that AlfredExtraPane workflows make for excellent fallback searches:
    sorry for the GIF quality, but it gives you an idea:

  15. Like
    Belfong reacted to Mr Pennyworth in [WIP, POC] Spotlight like rich preview pane for alfred workflows   
    @Florian here you go:
  16. Like
    Belfong reacted to Mr Pennyworth in [WIP, POC] Spotlight like rich preview pane for alfred workflows   
    Thanks @Alfred0!
    My most favorite use-case is actually something that I hadn't originally thought about:
    "Search Google as You Type"
    Google has become more and more of a question-answering-machine.
    So many times, I just want a quick answer and am not looking at reading articles/blogs etc.
    For those cases, the mode of operation is "search google -> look at result -> move on".
    The extra pane fits so well for them!
    And ofc, pressing enter would open the same page in browser if I want to interact with that page further.

    @Andrew The above involved writing this script filter:

    I would agree that writing such a script filter is a minimal-effort, no-hassle thing.
    It does feel like a teeny-tiny duplication-of-function though, given that Alfred already has awesome web-searches.
    Is there a way to access the URL the web-searches are building?
    Or, would it be possible to expose those URLs through press-secretary?
    Or, is that not desirable due to privacy concerns?
    Also, is there a programmatic way of accessing the web-searches? cc: @deanishe @vitor
    (that way, someone could programmatically build a workflow mirroring the web-searches and their keywords if they want)
    I scoured through various plists and alfdbs, but couldn't find where they are stored...
    Are they stored in some proprietary format / right inside the binary?
    Or did I miss something obvious?
    Having said all this, I must agree I don't really foresee much value in doing this for all web-searches because with the exception of google and wolframalpha, I would assume most of the searches are such that they require further interactions with results (like clicking a link, copying some text etc).
    Here's a different (vertical) configuration I've been toying with:

  17. Like
    Belfong reacted to Mr Pennyworth in Tutorial: Build Your Own: Generate and View Images As-You-Type with Meta AI   
    I wrote a tutorial on building a workflow that generates and shows images as you type (using https://www.meta.ai/) with AlfredExtraPane.app:
    Here's the end result:

  18. Like
    Belfong reacted to Vero in How to tell Alfred to search the web instead of retrieving local files   
    @cuttlejellyfish You might also like this video I created recently about using Fallback Searches
  19. Thanks
    Belfong reacted to vitor in Calendar++   
    Moved above to the (likely) right thread.
  20. Thanks
    Belfong reacted to zeitlings in Calendar++   
    Wrong thread? 😄
    If this was intended for the Calendar++ thread, it's good to hear that it worked out.
  21. Like
    Belfong got a reaction from Floating.Point in Thank you for continuing development on Alfred   
    Want to echo the same sentiment. There’s a couple of recent posts up in MacPower Users forum praising Alfred 
  22. Like
    Belfong got a reaction from tqwhite in Thank you for continuing development on Alfred   
    Want to echo the same sentiment. There’s a couple of recent posts up in MacPower Users forum praising Alfred 
  23. Like
    Belfong reacted to FireFingers21 in Update Workflows   
    It will not. While that guarantees a local copy of the file, there is still added latency when saving files in an iCloud synced folder. Because Alfred needs instant read/write access to the preferences file, you'll still run into issues if you keep it in an iCloud folder.
  24. Thanks
    Belfong reacted to zeitlings in Window Navigator   
    Hey @unfunfionn
    In 1.3.0, I've added an environment variable to explicitly exclude specific window names (not entire apps though).
    But from the looks of it, you should able to suppress the those (weirdly, also repeating and probably invalid) windows by entering App Icon Window, Gesture Blocking Overlay as the value of the ignored_window_names variable.

  25. Like
    Belfong reacted to zeitlings in Window Navigator   
    What I was missing in the existing window switchers was a way to navigate between windows of the same application that are scattered across different desktop spaces, so I created one that does just that 😄
    Window Navigator

    Navigate to any window of the currently focused application or any application across all desktops, or switch windows within the current desktop space.

    Search the windows of the active app globally using the Navigator keyword. Search app windows in the current desktop space using the Switcher keyword. Search all visible windows of all apps globally using the Global keyword. ⏎ to navigate to the selected window.  ⌘⏎ to close the selected window. ⌥⏎ to quit the owning application. Configure the hotkeys for quick access.  
    1. Navigator

    2. Switcher

    3. Global

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