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Sam Michel

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  1. Hiya - it'd be great to add the option to the fab new Split Argument Utility in Workflows so that you can specify the max number of splits as per Python's split(). I'm using it to split an Alfred command that has two arguments separated by spaces, but the second argument can also contain multiple spaces and I only want it to split into two! Hopefully this is easy to implement. Hope that's useful. Toodle Pip Sam
  2. Legends! Thanks so much for posting this here. I've been looking for docs on the JSON object for the workflow for ages and no amount of Googling yielded anything until I found this solution which worked a treat. It's incredibly useful for validating and calculating variables which can be used later in the workflow. Thanks again.
  3. Very handy script, but it stopped working for me with Mac OSX Mojave. I found this alternative AppleScript which seemed to do the trick - just replaced the Run NSAppleScript section of the workflow and it works now: #!/usr/bin/osascript on alfred_script(q) tell application "System Preferences" reveal pane id "com.apple.preferences.Bluetooth" -- activate set the current pane to pane id "com.apple.preferences.Bluetooth" try tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences" click button "Turn Bluetooth Off" of window "Bluetooth" click button "Turn Bluetooth Off" of sheet 1 of window "Bluetooth" of application process "System Preferences" of application "System Events" end tell delay 1 on error tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences" click button "Turn Bluetooth On" of window "Bluetooth" quit end tell end try end tell end alfred_script
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