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  1. working great, thanks! 🎉
  2. no worries! thanks for looking into it
  3. @pseudometa here's my config – I do have more than one subreddit added
  4. Hi @pseudometa, the option to skip to the next subreddit doesn't seem to be working for me Here's the debug: [10:51:32.900] Reddit Browser[Script Filter] Passing output 'next' to Run Script [10:51:33.011] Reddit Browser[Run Script] Processing complete [10:51:33.023] Reddit Browser[Run Script] Passing output '' to Call External Trigger [10:51:33.027] Reddit Browser[Script Filter] Running directly with argument '' [10:51:33.042] Reddit Browser[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)' [10:51:33.744] Reddit Browser[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [10:51:33.754] Reddit Browser[Script Filter] {"variables":{"cacheWasUpdated":"false"},"skipknowledge":true,"items":[{"title":"Alfred 5.5 Beta: Exciting New Workflow Views & ChatGPT/DALL-E integrations","subtitle":"🆕 61↑ 35● ","arg":"https://old.reddit.com/r/Alfred/comments/1b0nvyj/alfred_55_beta_exciting_new_workflow_views/","icon":{"path":"icon.png"},"quicklookurl":"https://old.reddit.com/r/Alfred/comments/1b0nvyj/alfred_55_beta_exciting_new_workflow_views/","mods":{"cmd":{"arg":"next"},"cmd+shift":{"arg":"prev"},"shift":{"valid":false,"arg":"","subtitle":"⇧: ⛔ No External URL"}}}]}
  5. Interesting idea! The Show all fields option sounds great, especially for when I know certain fields by heart and as a result won't need to rely on the automatic copying function.
  6. @Andy Rosen Would it be possible to add different behavior/options for credit cards? For instance, to be able to copy the credit card number upon hitting Return, or being able to view fields such as expiration month and year and CVV in the workflow itself?
  7. Ooh, I figured it out – I set up a hotkey that executed self.list rather than self.search. Very cool!
  8. Hi @Andy Rosen, happy to report that I was able to use the workflow with the Bitwarden Client ID and Secret (and without needing to set a different Server URL). On my machine at least, this workflow retrieves passwords much faster than the other one – great work! The only thing I'm not sure about is the browser integration – that section of the workflow doesn't seem to have any impact on the order of results that appear, etc.
  9. After entering my e-mail and password, the verification email doesn't appear to get sent out. Based on my experience with the other workflow, I think this may be related to the server URL. Would it be possible to allow the user to specify a server URL? (e.g. https://vault.bitwarden.eu)
  10. Very cool, thanks for those details! Look forward to giving it a try!
  11. Looks solid! Are there any significant differences with this other Bitwarden workflow?
  12. Hi @pseudometa – would it be possible to have a setting to only show "new" posts (i.e. those that don't have the "new" tag/icon)?
  13. Hi @biati, just started to get this error: full message is: "You have not supplied an API Access Key. [Required format: access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY]"
  14. oops, you're right! thanks @pseudometa
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