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    JJJJ reacted to pseudometa in Hyper Seek: Inline Search Results, without a keyword   
    @JJJJ Hi, thanks for the kind words!
    I just pushed an update that should fix that problem. Try release 1.1.5?
  2. Like
    JJJJ reacted to pseudometa in Hyper Seek: Inline Search Results, without a keyword   
    This one quickly became one of my personal drivers, since it speeds up search so much. 
    Relies on a few hacks, so I don't know whether it'd be something for the Alfred Gallery. But at the very least, I wanted to share it here.
    Inline Search Results, similar to Spotlight on iOS. Works without a keyword. Results are always shown alongside your other keywords. Multi-Selection of URLs to open. Global Search Hotkey: Search for terms, open URLs, write mails, etc. Add link to selected text: Turns selected text into a Markdown link.  
    ➡️  https://github.com/chrisgrieser/hyper-seek

  3. Like
    JJJJ reacted to pseudometa in atop – Process Management & System Monitoring   
    Just submitted this to the Alfred Gallery yesterday.
    Process Management: CPU & Memory, kill processes, restart apps Bluetooth Devices: Battery Information (if available), Connection Network Connections Removable Volumes Uptime & Reboots Speedtest Live refreshing  
    ➡️ https://github.com/chrisgrieser/alfred-atop

  4. Like
    JJJJ reacted to svenko99 in Spell Checker   
    Hi everyone,
    I am excited to submit the "Spell Chacker" workflow for Alfred. Workflow allows you to quickly check the spelling of selected text (US English). By selecting the desired text and pressing the configured hotkey, the workflow sends a request to the Ginger Software API to retrieve spelling corrections. The corrected text is then replaced with the original selected text.
    I am the original author, and the source code and other informations can be found on GitHub at: https://github.com/svenko99/alfred-spell-checker
    Submission Requirements:
    - It doesn't have auto-updates - as requested
    - It doesn't include any binaries or other libraries, use only python 3 standard library
    - All instructions are written in English
    - A large-enough icon is included
    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  5. Like
    JJJJ reacted to svenko99 in Genius Lyrics Finder - search for song lyrics   
    Hello everyone ,
    I am excited to submit the "Genius Lyrics Finder" workflow for Alfred. The workflow allows you to quickly search for song lyrics using the Genius API. I am the original author, and the source code and other informations can be found on GitHub at: https://github.com/svenko99/alfred-genius
    Workflow Features:
    - Quick and Easy Lyrics Search: Simply type " lyrics" followed by the lyrics you're looking for, and the workflow will fetch the results.
    - Lyrics Results: The workflow displays the song title, artist, a snippet of the lyrics, and a link to the full lyrics page on Genius.com.
    - Optional Image Download: You can choose to download and display the song's header image as an icon in the workflow results.
    - Image Cache Management: The workflow automatically deletes old header images from the cache to free up disk space, although image sizes are usually very small (150 KB).
    Submission Requirements:
    - It uses the new Workflow Configuration
    - It doesn't have auto-updates - as requested
    - It doesn't include any binaries or other libraries, use only python 3 standard library
    - All instructions are written in English
    - A large-enough icon is included
    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  6. Like
    JJJJ reacted to yinan in Easy Homebrew   
    Hi there!   
    I am submitting Easy Homebrew. An Alfred workflow to make homebrew right on Alfred -- search, get details and run commands.
    I am the original author, and just updated it to v1.1.
    Github: https://github.com/yinan-c/alfred-homebrew
    Forum discussion: 
    Workflow Usage:
    Simply type `brew` to show and search for all formulae and casks  by default, casks will be listed first, you can add 'cask' or 'formula' to your query (before or after) to further filter results (for example `brew vim formula` or `brew formula vim` will filter out casks results and only list formula. Quicklook information page on brew.sh by pressing `command + Y` on selected entries.
    Continue to type the full name or tab-complete the selected items (if enabled in Alfred) to show details of information (Analytics, install versions and newest versions, URLs...). Press `enter` on URLs will open them in the browser. Quicklook URLs are supported for all URLs.
    In the dropdown list, select any items and press `enter` to see more details and applicable commands, commands include install, uninstall, upgrade, show info ... Commands will depend on install status.
    View lists of homebrew leaves, installed formulae and casks, and outdated ones by typing keywords `leaves`, `list`, and `outdated`. I also added the default search_keyword `brew` to show installed and outdated lists, so that you can see whether a package is installed, or outdated.  In the outdated list, you can update one-by-one or all-at-once with a simple `enter`.  In `leaves` and `list`, tab-complete to view info and `enter` to view/run commands are also available.  In `leaves`, quicklook is also available.

    Submission Requirements:
    Uses Workflow Configuration Does not include binaries, `requests` libraries and pre-installed in the workflow.  
    Hope you guys will like it. I would appreciate any feedback, thanks 😄
  7. Like
    JJJJ reacted to xilopaint in YouTube Search   
    YouTube Search


    An Alfred workflow to search YouTube.


    The workflow requires an API key, which can be requested and set up by following the steps 1–3 that you can find here.

    Search videos via the yt keyword, channels via the ytc keyword, and zplaylists via the ytp keyword.
    When displaying channels, select one of them and use the ⌘ modifier key to show its description.


    To report a bug or request a feature, please create an issue or submit a pull request.
  8. Like
    JJJJ reacted to dnnsmnstrr in Custom Web Search for Alfred Gallery   
    I found myself wanting to quickly search for workflows in the Alfred Gallery, so I created this custom web search:
    Maybe someone finds it useful...
    Happy searching!
  9. Like
    JJJJ reacted to Praxder in ZipIt - Zip and Unzip Files   
    Zip and unzip files using Alfred File Actions
    1. Download directly from here or from the GitHub releases page here
    2. Double-click the workflow to install it
    Select files you want to zip in Finder Activate Alfred File actions Select "Zip Files" Confirm the path and name of the compressed archive  
    Select file you want to unzip in Finder Activate Alfred File actions Select "Unzip Files"  
    You can configure the compression level between 1-9. 1 is the fastest but least compression, whereas 9 is the slowest but highest compression.  



    Zip icons created by Freepik - Flaticon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/zip
  10. Like
    JJJJ reacted to zeitlings in How to show user input form?   
    Hey @andy4222, there is no way to do this with Alfred as far as I know. However, you can build it yourself from scratch.
    I just finished an experiment that raises a graphical prompt that passes the values you enter to Alfred. This works by wrapping the GUI, i.e. SwiftUI components, in an  NSWindow instance.
    To make it work for your needs, you will need to customize the SwiftUI view and its components.
    I think the results are quite promising though. 😄
    You can download the experiment here

  11. Like
    JJJJ reacted to zeitlings in Generate GIFs from Video   
    GIF from Video
    The workflow allows you to convert video of popular formats to animated GIFs.
    To do this, it uses ffmpeg as a dependency.

    Usage Note
    Either send a video to the workflow's File Action or invoke the workflow using the keyword and search for the video file you want to convert.
    Then select the image size you want the resulting GIF to have from the list to start the conversion. You can also specify the desired number of frames per second (FPS) in the workflow configuration to further influence the size of the exported file.

  12. Like
    JJJJ reacted to Stephen_C in Move to new folder   

    This workflow takes a file or files selected in Finder and moves them to a folder which is newly created in the course of the workflow. You are prompted for the location of the new folder and for the name of the new folder.


    1. Simply select a file or files in Finder, press your Universal Action hotkey (⌘ + / by default) and, if this workflow title does not appear at the top of the list of your Universal Actions, start typing Move until you see the name of this workflow.

    2. Choose the folder in which you wish to create the new folder. Just start typing the name of the folder to see a list of matching folders from which you can select the appropriate one. (See also the important note below about discovery of folders.)

    3. You will then be prompted for the name of the new folder.

    The new folder will be created and the files moved (not copied) to it—with a notification to confirm what has happened.

    Important notes
    In order for a folder to be found in the second step of the workflow it must be within your default search scope. (See Alfred Preferences → Features → Default Results and look under Search Scope.) However, if you want to be able to find folders outside that scope just double click on the workflow File Filter, go to Scope and drag in the folder(s) you wish to be included within the file filter search scope. The sound can be muted in the workflow configuration.  

    I am indebted to @sepulchra for the provocation to write this workflow but, particularly, for invaluable help and advice developing and testing the workflow. However, if there are errors or infelicities in the final workflow they are mine.
    GitHub download link
  13. Like
    JJJJ reacted to Chris Messina in Make it easier to find, filter, and update Workflows with Gallery updates   
    The Alfred Gallery is such a significant update to the Alfred Ecosystem — but it seems like the benefit of maintaining and keeping Workflows up to date still isn't sufficiently supported in the Workflows area. At a minimum, it seems like the number of available updates should be made more visible in the default options:

    Additionally, when there is >1 update and a group of Workflows are selected, it would be nice if it were possible to batch update them from their context menu:

    No doubt there might be other ways to improve Workflow updates, but these two stood out to me.
  14. Like
    JJJJ reacted to biati in Calculate Anything   
    A new update has been released. This update includes a lot of changes and fixes, it should work with Alfred 4 and 5. If you are using Alfred 5 you can use the new workflow configuration window.
    New: Now the workflow uses the new Alfred 5 Configuration window New: Now you can convert from fiat currency to crypto currency New: Now you can convert from crypto currency to fiat currency New: Now if you convert to a currency code that it's both a fiat currency and crypto currency, the workflow will convert to both and display the two results see example New: Now you can use negative numbers for example -25F to C New: Now you can use numbers starting with dot for example .250km to meters New: Added new language: Swedish New: Added new option to configure the decimals separator to support multiple inputs New: Added new option to configure the number of decimals in currency conversions New: Added new option to configure the number of decimals in cryptocurrency conversions New: Added new option to configure the output format of numbers New: Added keyword _clear to clear all workflow cache Improved: Unit conversion works a lot better and the code was reduced a lot Fixed: Time keyword not working with certain PHP versions Fixed: Binary mode not working for data storage conversions Removed: Auto updater was removed as Alfred 5 will handle future updates Removed: The old key ca to configure the workflow is removed Removed: Convertor library was removed Many fixes and improvements to list them all. I've submitted the workflow to the Alfred Gallery, we just need to wait, in the meantime you can try the latest version downloading it directly from https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases/tag/4.0.0
  15. Like
    JJJJ reacted to vitor in Shrieking Chimes — Set Timers and Alarms   

    Set a timer via the timer keyword followed by a number. Minutes are the default but you can specify hours or seconds.

    Set an alarm via the alarm keyword followed by a time.

    Pressing ⌘↩ allows setting a name for the alarm.

    Edit alarms and timers in the macOS Clock app.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  16. Like
    JJJJ reacted to godbout in Wooshy: Window to the Foreground!   
    actually 2.5.1: https://github.com/godbout/WooshyWindowToTheForeground/releases/tag/2.5.1
    small fix in Alfred Result for when no window is found.
  17. Like
    JJJJ reacted to dnnsmnstrr in BetterTouchTool Workflow   
    I made a workflow that allows searching and running named triggers with the most recent version of BetterTouchTool.
    Here is the GitHub repository: https://github.com/dnnsmnstrr/alfred-btt
    The only dependency is obviously BTT at version 4.034 or higher.
    Searching for named triggers (the Spotify triggers are not built, these are user-created)

    Predefined Actions (These are part of BTT)

  18. Like
    JJJJ reacted to vitor in Window Switcher — Switch to a specific window of an app in the current Desktop Space   
    Updated to 2023.1.
    Rewritten in Swift for a massive speed boost. Show windows in stacking order. Improved messaging when no windows found. Improved handling of Unnamed windows.
    You can download the update on GitHub. It’s not yet live on the Gallery as I’d like some feedback. If you’re on Big Sur or Monterey, please give it a spin and let me know if raising the window works.

    Also pinging @xilopaint, as we’ve discussed the speed before.
  19. Like
    JJJJ reacted to Acidham in Sum-Up   
    https://transfer.sh/nl61tv/Basic Universal Actions (Text & URL).alfredworkflow
  20. Like
    JJJJ reacted to zeitlings in Calendar++   
    I have been sitting on this one for a while. Perhaps one or the other has a use for it, too 🤗
    The concept of the workflow will look familiar as it started out as a clone of an existing variant. The difference is that it integrates a search functionality for your events and a per-week interface for interacting with calendar events. It implements a couple of gimmicks, such as a customizable icon for today, a location preview with Apple Maps and the option to open locations in Google Maps, an inline indicator for days with events, or a graphical representation of the relative position of the event in a day. 
    I've also been experimenting with a smooth way to handle permissions. Let me know how and if that works out for you! 


  21. Like
    JJJJ reacted to Acidham in Alfred Window Manager   
    Alfred Workflow to move/resize/position windows
    For actions like Left/Right Position, Maximize, and Center Two Thirds, the workflow saves the window state so that you can restore it at any time.
    Author: @Acidham
    Git: https://github.com/Acidham/alfred-window-manager

  22. Like
    JJJJ reacted to Stephen_C in Alfred Gallery: "One workflow can be updated”—but which one?   
    I have three workflows all showing the comet icon indicating that they are in the Alfred Gallery. When I click on Alfred Gallery and choose Check for Workflow Updates I see the message One workflow can be updated with an up arrow icon. However, there is no indication which workflow can be updated and, so far as I am aware, I'm running the latest version of each of the three.
    Is there a quick and easy way to discover which workflow is capable of being updated? (Sorry if I've missed something obvious.)
  23. Like
    JJJJ reacted to TomBenz in Search Apple/iCloud Notes   
    I have commented these lines of code for now to avoid the error in AppleScript block for "nc":
    tell application "System Events"
                    tell process "Notes"
                        set focused of text area of scroll area of group 1 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1 to true
                        key code {125,125} -- down, down
                    end tell
                end tell
  24. Like
    JJJJ reacted to Stephen_C in Firefox: search Google from DuckDuckGo   
    This workflow has no dependencies although:
    it uses a little AppleScript; it requires DuckDuckGo as your default search engine; it uses Firefox.  
    As a Firefox user I like to use DuckDuckGo as a search engine because it does not track me. However, sometimes the results are not as good as those you can obtain from Google. This workflow allows for a direct seach using Google even when:
    DuckDuckGo is your default search engine; you are in a Firefox private window (although being in a private window is not a prerequisite for the workflow).
    This workflow:
    relies on Firefox being installed (and uses Firefox for the search); relies on DuckDuckGo being the default search engine in Firefox; uses a DuckDuckGo !Bang to search Google (see this DuckDuckGo help page for more about !Bangs); will work in a Firefox private window.
    (Note that <https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=!guk  -amazon -youtube -ebay> can be configured as a fallback search in Alfred but cannot be forced to execute in a Firefox private window. This workflow will execute in a private window.)

    In the User Configuration you can change:
    the default keyword (guk); the default !Bang (so, e.g., you could use !g to search Google generally as opposed to the default UK Google site); the default exclusions from the search result (-ebay -amazon -youtube).
    This is the Github link for the worklfow.
  25. Like
    JJJJ reacted to vitor in System Settings — Open macOS System Settings Panes   

    Open System Settings panes via the workflow’s keywords: about, accessibility, airdrop (and handoff), appearance, appleid, battery, bluetooth, control centre, date (and time), desktop (and dock), displays, extensions, family, focus, general, game centre, game controllers, icloud, internet accounts, keyboard, language (and region), lock screen, login items, mouse, network, notifications, passwords, printers (and scanners), privacy (and security), profiles, screen saver, screen time, sharing, siri (and spotlight), software update, sound, startup disk, storage, time machine, touch id (and password), trackpad, transfer (and reset), users (and groups), vpn, wallet (and apple pay), wallpaper, wifi.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
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