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  1. Andrew. That sounds logical. I wonder if this is because I have the Alfred preferences store on a Google Drive to be shared between multiple machines. Is there a remedy here where I can still keep Alfred as a login item and keep the preferences on GD?
  2. Hi, Vero. some hotkey combo examples: CMD-OPTION-V or CONTROL-OPTION-SHIFT-S I'm using a standard US keyboard. The hotkeys do not work only right after the system restart. Alfred is a login item. So, I just have to restart Alfred, after the system restart. Then no problems. Checked all the other login item apps and their keyboard shortcuts. Nothing seems to be interfering. Haven't tried creating a dummy account yet. Thanks.
  3. Running MacOS 10.14.3 and Alfred 3.8.1 I have Alfred as a login item, if that makes a difference. The main Alfred hotkey CMD-Space always works. But all the other hotkeys (clipboard, workflow, etc.) do not work until I restart Alfred.
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