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weqopy last won the day on March 20 2020

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  1. this is the second situation And for now this only happens when search Chinese character(Number and English characters is Okey). (And it did happened when search English characters before) @Andrew
  2. I met the similar situation url="{query}" if [[ ${url:0:7} == "http://" || ${url:0:8} == "https://" || ${url:0:4} == "www." ]] then open $url else open https://www.google.com/search?q="$url" fi It was fine on MacOS 10.15 before, but this hotkey disabled frequently after updating to 11.1 And the hotkey disabled for two scenes: 1. delay to open the url 2. occur an error which is like (open /usr/****/https://www.google.com/search?q='$url') and I forgot save a screenshot. (I will upload it when this situation happens next time)
  3. I'm trying to write a workflow by Python and Alfred-Workflow by @deanishe but confused because of the auto-update feature. Here is my Github site: https://github.com/weqopy/aw_update_test/releases , the latest version is 1.6. Then I set the version file to 1.5 on Mac and try to get the update, it always return False. Here is the code: So I wonder if there is something I was wrong?
  4. @Carlos-Sz Thanks for the workflow first. I'm using yinxiangbiji, the Chinese version of evernote, is there any way to change the source from evernote to yinxiangbiji?
  5. Yes, 'switching Alfred's Focusing mode to "Compatibility" mode' worked. Thanks.
  6. macOS 10.14.4 (18E226) Alfred 3.8.1[961] 1. Using Chrome 2. Open Alfred and enter 12/3, enter again 3. Back to Chrome 4. Keyboard can't be used now 5. Switch to another app then keyboard can be used I have a video to show this process but it's too large to upload.
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