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  1. Thanks so much! I reckon that I should study hard about workflow.😁😁
  2. Hello,everybody! I write a javascript in alfred workflow, try to return the json and copy the result to clipboard at the same time. Could anybody tell me how to make it?Thanks~ function run(argv) { var temp = argv[0]; var num; num = temp * 1000; return JSON.stringify({items: [ {title: "The number is :", subtitle:num } ]}) //return num;//It dosn't work. }
  3. It has been solved by a transform utility. Thanks a lot !
  4. I make a demo to convert meter to kilometer, but the output always with a line break. What's wrong with it?
  5. It works! Thank you~~~πŸ˜‰ Sometimes Python seems to be more friendly than other language. And I prepare to rewrite the workflow for some other functions(easy calculations), hmm~~~😁
  6. Hello,everybody! I want to implement a very simple function by workflow. First, type the keyword as a trigger and a number (for example decimal 23.45678) as a query. Then, convert it to 23.46(keep two decimal places). Finally, copy the consequence to the clipboard. It seems a really easy job. But I don’t know how the query or arguments input and output through python. After searching answers for several hours, I can’t find similar demos from internet. It makes me a little depressed. Could anybody do me a favor? Thanks so much!
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