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  1. I'm pretty sure I got the right file. Here is a peek at the contents of Alfred.alfredpreferences > Alfred.alfredpreferences: The snippets and workflows appear to be the right ones (based on looking inside). These are the current preferences set to be used by Alfred. However, workflows and snippets are empty. Thanks!
  2. Hi @Vero! Thank you for the quick response. Here are the details you asked for: macOS version 11.0 (20A5354i) Alfred 4.1.1 [1172] I am not syncing settings as much as I am migrating them, I copied the .alfredpreferences file from my previous install (which was synced via Dropbox -- I'm not using Dropbox on my new machine) to a local folder on my newly set up machine and pointed Alfred at that folder. I note that when I "show package contents" on the .alfredpreferences file (and the one nested inside of it) I can see my snippets and workflows When setting the sync location, the location selection menu said that it would use the existing preferences. On restart, it didn't appear to do that As I said, this was more of a migration than a sync Let me know if you need any further info. Perhaps it is something with changing from Dropbox to no longer using Dropbox. Thanks!
  3. I recently installed Alfred on a Mac running the Big Sur beta. I followed the instructions for setting up a second Mac from here in order to sync settings from another machine. However, on restarting Alfred none of my settings were imported. No workflows, no snippets, or anything else as far as I can tell. Thanks in advance for any help!
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