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Everything posted by astrofin

  1. Thanks deanishe, appreciate your help with this. It's lead me to the right place. Thanks for confirming that the script works and the full path are required. I had tried full path previously, but there was also another issue preventing it working. I originally created list.csv from the terminal. I hadn't checked file permissions, which were very restrictive and preventing the script reading the file. I've set permissions to something more sensible, and the script now works. Thanks !
  2. Thanks deanishe Can I please confirm that on your machine you're able to read `list.csv` if called from `script.js` using an absolute path? I've updated `script.js` to use `var file = "~/Documents/list.csv";`. It's still not working for me, which would suggest the problem lies elsewhere rather than with the script. It would be very useful if you're able to confirm this. I note your suggestion to move everything into the workflow. For various reasons, `list.js` needs to be accessible outside the workflow, otherwise I would follow this suggestion. Thanks for taking the time to help!
  3. Thanks deanishe I've put everything on GitHub. The repo contains the workflow to be installed into Alfred as usual, plus the files `script.js` and `list.csv` that should be placed in your `~/Documents` directory. Thanks for your help
  4. Thanks deanishe, I appreciate your help with this. The following is a minimal version of the workflow that creates this issue. The workflow is very simple for testing purposes. It consists of only a Script Filter outputting to Large Type. The Script Filer runs my script.js file, which is not located within the workflow package because Alfred is not the only way I access it. The Script Filter script field contains only: ~/Documents/script.js list ~/Documents/script.js looks like this: #!/usr/bin/env osascript -l JavaScript ObjC.import('stdlib') ObjC.import('Foundation') const app = Application.currentApplication(); app.includeStandardAdditions = true function run(argv) { try { return selectCommand(argv) } catch (e) { return e } } function selectCommand(argv) { const cmd = argv[0] if (cmd === 'list') { return list('all') } $.exit(0) } /** * Commands */ // Build the list function list() { // init an empty object to hold the results var result = { 'items': [] } // the csv file var file = "list.csv"; // read the csv file var csv = app.read( Path(file) ) // split the csv string into an array of rows var rows = csv.split('\r\n') // get the headers row var headers = rows[0].split(','); // drop the header row rows.splice(0,1) // iterate through the rows rows.forEach( (row) => { // init an empty object to hold the results var obj = {} // split the row into an array of attributes var currentRow = row.split(',') // iterate through the headers headers.forEach( (header,i) => { // add the key/value pair to the obj container obj[header] = currentRow[i] }) obj["autocomplete"] = obj["title"] obj["subtitle"] = obj["title"] obj["arg"] = obj["uid"] // push the current row object into the results array result.items.push(obj) }) return JSON.stringify(result) } ~/Documents/list.csv looks like this: uid,title 1,OptA 2,OptB Alfred debugger shows Error: Can't convert types. message:Can't convert types., errorNumber:-1700, line:44, column:23, stack:[native code] Line 44 is var csv = app.read( Path(file) ) Is there a better way to read the file?
  5. Thanks deanishe, this has is very useful. I have modified my script to `return JSON.stringify(result)`. When I run the script in terminal, I'm now getting the same JSON that appears to be correctly formatted for Script Filter. $ ~/Documents/myscript.js list {"items":[{"uid":"1","title":"OptA","autocomplete":"OptA","subtitle":"OptA","arg":"1"},{"uid":"2","title":"OptB","autocomplete":"OptB","subtitle":"OptB","arg":"2"}]} However, I'm still getting the same error. I have tracked the source of this to the following line. I'm obtaining the data to populate the list from a csv file that is located in the same directory as script.js. const app = Application.currentApplication(); app.includeStandardAdditions = true // path to the csv file var file = "list.csv"; // Read the file using a specific delimeter and return the results var csv = app.read( Path(fileString) ) When I run this script in the terminal, the current application is able to read the csv. When I run this from Alfred, the script appears to fail at this point. What is the correct way to read the contents of text file?
  6. I have a js file that ends with msg = JSON.stringify(result) $.NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardOutput.writeData( $.NSString.alloc.initWithString(String(msg)) .dataUsingEncoding($.NSUTF8StringEncoding) ) When I run the script from the terminal, it returns JSON that appears to be correctly formatted for Script Filter. $ ~/Documents/myscript.js list {"items":[{"uid":"1","title":"OptA","autocomplete":"OptA","subtitle":"OptA","arg":"1"},{"uid":"2","title":"OptB","autocomplete":"OptB","subtitle":"OptB","arg":"2"}]} In Alfred, I created a workflow that contains a script filter. `Alfred filters results` is checked, language set to `bin/bash`, and it is configured to run my JS script: ~/Documents/myscript.js list When I type the keyword into Alfred, the workflow is displayed but no list results are returned. Alfred debugger returns ERROR: Script Filter to Script to Notification[Script Filter] JSON error: JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set. in JSON: Error: Can't convert types. I assume this means that whatever Alfred has received is not recognised as valid JSON, is this correct? Is there a way to interrogate Alfred to inspect what has been received into the script filter? Or is there a better way to debug this error?
  7. I'm creating my first Alfred workflow. It takes a keyword, and creates a new outgoing message in Mail.app using AppleScript. Something like this... on alfred_script(q) set theSubject to q tell application "Mail" activate set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {visible:true} tell theMessage set subject to theSubject set content to theContent end tell end tell end alfred_script This works fine when I explicitly set theContent to be a text string set theContent to "this is my content" However, there is more complexity and conditional statements in my actual script, and to keep things organised I want to set theContent to read from a text file. set theContent to paragraphs of (read file "the_content.txt") This doesn't work! I'm very grateful for some pointers to help me get my first workflow up and running: Where should I place "the_content.txt"? In Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.123? Would I need to define the absolute path to "the_content.txt" in my AppleScript? Or will a relative path suffice? Am I reading "the_content.txt" correctly?
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