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  1. Looks like the issue is known, I solved rebuilding the spotlight index from recovery following this: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254848225?answerId=259026449022#259026449022 Anyway: 1. Same 13.5.1 2. MacBookPro18,4 3. Natively
  2. I have the same issue and had to reset Search Scope to Full Disk in order to be able to find anything. Looks like everything is indexed under "/System/Volumes/Data/Users/" and not "/Users/"
  3. I think you should redefine the hotkey by yourself in the workflow window. Have you tried with the keyword instead?
  4. I stumbled upon this old 0.9 workflow from awhitebox which allowed to upload file with cloudapp, but I can't make it work inside Alfred 2. Is there someone able to update it and fix it? It might be very useful for someone else too as I'm seeing a lot of workflow uploaded to cloudapp. Thanks!
  5. You could add something like: try tell application "Finder" set input to the target of the front window as alias end tell on error set input to (path to home folder) end try tell application "Terminal" do script "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of input & ";clear" activate end tell in order to open the current folder in terminal.
  6. Hello there! With this workflow you could either use cmd+alt+n or the keyword txt to create a new txt file in the front window of the Finder. If no window is open, the file will be created on the Desktop. Comment out the line (delete the --) -- tell application "Finder" to open theFile to open the file after it has been created. Download
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