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    Terminal got a reaction from Alan He in Snippet Preview   
    Would it be possible to preview the dynamic content of a snippet?

  2. Thanks
    Terminal got a reaction from matthewstroh in Can Alfred search Apple Notes?   
    seems relatively updated
  3. Like
    Terminal got a reaction from cocoaaa in Can Alfred search Apple Notes?   
    seems relatively updated
  4. Thanks
    Terminal got a reaction from Markus2781 in Can Alfred search Apple Notes?   
    seems relatively updated
  5. Like
    Terminal got a reaction from devalias in Configuration Builder - Hotkey   
    It would be nice if we could make Hotkeys available via the configuration builder. I love that thing, and think it is the best way to configure workflows! 

  6. Thanks
    Terminal got a reaction from dood in RSS Feed Reader   
    Thanks, I’ll have an update out shortly to address off of these issues. Been a bit busy with personal life. 
  7. Like
    Terminal reacted to vitor in RSS Feed Reader   
    Looking better, but I’m still bumping into issues. Specifically, the parser fails with certain feeds. Try this one: https://developer.apple.com/news/rss/news.rss

    A few other notes, which aren’t as pressing but should get some attention:
    The About has outdated information. It’s still mentioning ~/.alfred_feeds and the screenshots show :rss as a keyword. There’s seemingly no way to delete a feed, other than manually editing the config file. That could be handled in the workflow with something like ⌘↩ on a feed. Suggestion: Instead of having to ask for all information (feed name, description, URL, XML or JSON), I’d consider an option to ask just for the URL and then derive the rest of information from there. That would allow you to verify if the feed is valid too. Then maybe add a ⌥↩ option to open the file for editing so users can make manual tweaks if desired. That’s just a recommendation, though, it doesn’t affect inclusion. What matters now are the other points.

  8. Like
    Terminal reacted to yinan in Easy Homebrew   
    Hi there!   
    I am submitting Easy Homebrew. An Alfred workflow to make homebrew right on Alfred -- search, get details and run commands.
    I am the original author, and just updated it to v1.1.
    Github: https://github.com/yinan-c/alfred-homebrew
    Forum discussion: 
    Workflow Usage:
    Simply type `brew` to show and search for all formulae and casks  by default, casks will be listed first, you can add 'cask' or 'formula' to your query (before or after) to further filter results (for example `brew vim formula` or `brew formula vim` will filter out casks results and only list formula. Quicklook information page on brew.sh by pressing `command + Y` on selected entries.
    Continue to type the full name or tab-complete the selected items (if enabled in Alfred) to show details of information (Analytics, install versions and newest versions, URLs...). Press `enter` on URLs will open them in the browser. Quicklook URLs are supported for all URLs.
    In the dropdown list, select any items and press `enter` to see more details and applicable commands, commands include install, uninstall, upgrade, show info ... Commands will depend on install status.
    View lists of homebrew leaves, installed formulae and casks, and outdated ones by typing keywords `leaves`, `list`, and `outdated`. I also added the default search_keyword `brew` to show installed and outdated lists, so that you can see whether a package is installed, or outdated.  In the outdated list, you can update one-by-one or all-at-once with a simple `enter`.  In `leaves` and `list`, tab-complete to view info and `enter` to view/run commands are also available.  In `leaves`, quicklook is also available.

    Submission Requirements:
    Uses Workflow Configuration Does not include binaries, `requests` libraries and pre-installed in the workflow.  
    Hope you guys will like it. I would appreciate any feedback, thanks 😄
  9. Like
    Terminal reacted to luckman212 in Allow Universal Actions to appear or not based on a regex pattern match   
    I'd like to suggest a feature:
    - Allow Universal Actions to appear or not based on a regex pattern match. This would be better than just "Text" or "URL". My Universal Actions list is pretty long and unwieldy. There are easily 30-40 items when I call up the menu. Yes I know latching brings the most used ones to the top, and I know I can filter them by typing a few letters. But sometimes my brain works at very low capacity. Having it limited by regex would make Universal Actions a lot nicer!
    related tweet: https://twitter.com/luckman212/status/1532802001620414464
  10. Like
    Terminal got a reaction from vitor in python script stopped working   
    If you chose to get offend that’s fine. @vitor is being clear that to further assist you, it’s best if you can upload the workflow file. 
    that has nothing to do with one’s intelligence 
  11. Like
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    Terminal got a reaction from Charlotte415 in Instantly search your Qnap files and emails via Qsirch API - Workflow   

    If you don't already have PHP installed. You can do that via Homebrew. I will not be maintaining this as I don't use Qnip
  13. Like
    Terminal got a reaction from Charlotte415 in Instantly search your Qnap files and emails via Qsirch API - Workflow   
    I’ll record a video tonight 
  14. Like
    Terminal reacted to lycopodiopsida in Automatic triggers for Alfred   
    Since we are moving in a new amazing direction, are there plans to introduce more automatic triggers, e.g. do something based on application focus switch or application activated?
    I am aware that it also a scope thing - such things can be done with Keyboard Maestro, Hammerspoon and BTT. However, since we are already moving in that direction with window management and all these applications use the same API, why not? In the end, it can mean 1 app less to buy/configure for some people and also more sophisticated workflows in general.
  15. Thanks
    Terminal got a reaction from akrabat in Compress Universal Action   
    Love this workflow
  16. Like
    Terminal reacted to akrabat in Compress Universal Action   
    This is simple Universal Action that compresses the selected file or folder and creates a zip file in the same directory.
    The GitHub Directory is here: https://github.com/akrabat/alfred-compress. and you can download the latest version from https://github.com/akrabat/alfred-compress/releases/latest.
    To use, select a file or folder in Finder and trigger Alfred's universal actions. Start typing "compress" or "zip" in order to find the action and then press enter. A Zip file of the same name as the selection will appear in the Finder window.     In this example, the file My Report.zip appears on the Desktop.  
  17. Like
    Terminal got a reaction from Jasondm007 in Feature Request: Make Snippets Visible in Alfred’s Clipboard History and Sort Accordingly   
    Actually it would likely be a trivial task to just add an option on this snippet level to `Mark as transient ` when creating a snippet. Which defaulting to that is like what they already do. 
  18. Like
    Terminal reacted to vitor in Automation Tasks - Window Management   
    Checking for the number of arguments in several places increases the amount of code and surface area for problems but doesn’t offer a benefit and doesn’t address the situation, it hides the cause. The problem isn’t the number of arguments, it’s that there’s no window to move. And there’s no window specifically because your frontmost app (the Finder) has no open windows at the time. In other words, it’s not about the Desktop. Thus a path here could be to check if a window was successfully obtained and show a helpful error message if not. However, due to type of object returned we only know if we were successful when we try access its properties. Which comes with a performance cost. We could have it into a try clause, but it’s a sizeable piece of code which uses the Objective-C bridge so keeping it simple matters.

    In sum, we we need to return an error in that situation anyway, because it is indeed an error. At best the message could be a bit more instructive, but that’s a tiny improvement for a niche (and understandable) situation which comes at either a cost of code comprehension or execution speed, neither of which are good tradeoffs because you want this to be as fast as possible and maintainable.

    I do have ideas for a revamp of this code to make it faster, and if the plan is workable the messaging would be taken care of in the same swoop. No promises or ETA as more exploration is in order and it requires futzing with some low-level APIs. It’s important that it continues to work, and it does now.
  19. Like
    Terminal reacted to sepulchra in Right vs Left Modifiers   
    As someone who remaps ctrl+option+commad+shift to my caps lock for more hotkey freedom, it would also be wonderful if alfred could detect a right option, control, or command  and potentially use a separate hotkey from say a combination with a left modifier.
  20. Like
    Terminal reacted to Irret in Importing settings from Alfred 4 to 5   
    Thank you for the link about local storage @Stephen_C! That directory is local right now and I've marked it as "make available offline" - seems that's the way to have Dropbox not every smart sync it to the cloud, I'll have to do more reading on that. Great tip!
    Setting the sync directory under the "Advanced" panel in Alfred 5 got all my settings sync'd up exactly the way I needed them. 🎉 I'm not sure why I thought there would be a bunch of setting that I'd need to manually move around.

    Appreciate both of y'all help here. Alfred 5 seems to be working great on both of my machines now; I'll give it a couple weeks to settle in before I delete Alfred 4 using the instructions @Vero shared in this comment when I'm ready to call the upgrade complete. ✅ 
  21. Like
    Terminal reacted to yinan in Github Star - List and search your starred repositories in Github   
    Hi there!
    I am a new user of Alfred, and I really appreciate the spirit of sharing in this community.
    So, I've created a new Alfred workflow that I'd love to share with you today! It allows you to list all your starred repositories in GitHub and search within them easily.
    The usage is quite simple.
    - Simply input `ghs {query}` and you'll see a list of your starred repositories in order of when they were added,  with their names, number of stars, and descriptions.
       -  Press "Enter" on a selected result to directly open the repository in your browser
       -  "Command + Enter" to copy the URL to clipboard.
       -  "Control + Enter" to copy the `git clone` command to clipboard.
    Here is a link to [Github Repo](https://github.com/yinan-c/alfred-github-star). This is my first time writing workflow, hope you like it.
  22. Like
    Terminal reacted to iGreg in Is the clipboard history secure or encrypted in some way??   
    I use a password application for all my passwords. Easiest thing to do is add it to the ignore list in clipboard history preferences.
  23. Like
    Terminal reacted to dbrandt6 in Can Alfred search Apple Notes?   
    Terminal... Thank you!!
  24. Confused
    Terminal reacted to uservin in Alfred clipboard copies when it shouldn't   
    maybe, but then I tested this issue with other clipboard app, Maccy, it does not copy the selected text. all is normal. 
  25. Like
    Terminal got a reaction from Alan He in [WIP, POC] Spotlight like rich preview pane for alfred workflows   
    is something like this coming to core soon? I know it’s probably more likely you won’t give a time frame. But I really figured I would ask. 
    I’ve recently switched the primary using Raycast due to its rich UI but it doesn’t come close to being as polished as Alfred. 
    this is truly something that would put Alfred back on top. 
    thoughts of what I would use this jira visualization, etc. 
    would be even more awesome if it accepted inputs 
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