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  1. Yes, something must be happening, not all users get that error, I'm able to see the error directly with Alfred about the API key. The workflow won't be receiving anymore updates in a while, I've a lot of work and don't have time, if anyone wants to open a PR that would be great.
  2. Hi Everyone Please note exchangerate.host started to require an API key like a week ago, exchangerate.host was only supported to save users the trouble of getting an API key, that's not the case anymore so it was removed from the workflow. No other providers will be added as Fixer works and getting an API key takes like two minutes. You just need to set a Fixer API key and that's all. You can find information in the readme https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything Several issues have been opened lately about the same error. Please just configure your API Key and currency conversion will work. Thank's
  3. @vitor thank's for letting me know. Still @zeitlings if you require help please use Github, I do not frequent this forum, Github is the right place to get help.
  4. @zeitlings you need to set your fixer API key and make sure you are using the latest version (I've no idea how the gallery works) Other users have confirmed that this has been fixed https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/issues/134 If you need more help please create an issue on Github, I do not provide support here.
  5. Someone created an issue on Github, please follow up there https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/issues/130
  6. A new update has been released. Improved: Workflow description now includes more examples Fixed: Not able to convert to multiple default currencies if the first default currency is the same as the input currency Fixed: Some users were not able to use currency conversion, depending on their PHP installation Fixed: Time keyword not working in PHP 8.2+ Fixed: Time keyword not grabbing the new config value for Alfred 5 I've submitted the workflow to the Alfred Gallery, we just need to wait, in the meantime you can try the latest version downloading it directly from https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases/tag/4.0.1
  7. Hi @vitor i did not even notice i replied in another thread, anyway i've published the update https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases/tag/4.0.1 I've one question, If the workflow is added to the workflow gallery, will current users have to reinstall it from the gallery so Alfred can handle the updates? Please let me know if it requires changes.
  8. A new update has been released. This update includes a lot of changes and fixes, it should work with Alfred 4 and 5. If you are using Alfred 5 you can use the new workflow configuration window. New: Now the workflow uses the new Alfred 5 Configuration window New: Now you can convert from fiat currency to crypto currency New: Now you can convert from crypto currency to fiat currency New: Now if you convert to a currency code that it's both a fiat currency and crypto currency, the workflow will convert to both and display the two results see example New: Now you can use negative numbers for example -25F to C New: Now you can use numbers starting with dot for example .250km to meters New: Added new language: Swedish New: Added new option to configure the decimals separator to support multiple inputs New: Added new option to configure the number of decimals in currency conversions New: Added new option to configure the number of decimals in cryptocurrency conversions New: Added new option to configure the output format of numbers New: Added keyword _clear to clear all workflow cache Improved: Unit conversion works a lot better and the code was reduced a lot Fixed: Time keyword not working with certain PHP versions Fixed: Binary mode not working for data storage conversions Removed: Auto updater was removed as Alfred 5 will handle future updates Removed: The old key ca to configure the workflow is removed Removed: Convertor library was removed Many fixes and improvements to list them all. I've submitted the workflow to the Alfred Gallery, we just need to wait, in the meantime you can try the latest version downloading it directly from https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases/tag/4.0.0
  9. @vitor The workflow has been updated, it includes a lot of changes including the new Workflow configuration window. Author: I'm the author Alfred forum link: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/13974-calculate-anything/ Github: https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/ Dependencies: PHP (it can be any version, PHP7+ or PHP8+ it should probably work with even old versions like PHP 5.6) Screenshots: We have a banner in the Alfred forum link, hopefully that can be used This is the link to the latest version https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases Please let me know if we need to adjust something.
  10. Hi @vitor yes, its planned but i'm having a lot of work this past months so i had to postpone it, i think i'm really close to finish the update but i need to finish some paid projects first.
  11. @afridho @alfredpanda Version 3.5.0 is out and should fix that problem. As always, you can find the code and the latest version here https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases
  12. Hi @afridho thank's for letting me know, I'll take a look at it this weekend.
  13. It's been a few months since the last time I posted here. There has been a few updates since then (I think I never posted those updates here) but today we released an update and just wanted you to know that the workflow is still maintained. Version 3.4.0 New: You can now provide a workflow variable to define the duration of the currencies cache New: Support for more cryptocurrencies, up to 5,000 New: You can also define custom cryptocurrencies Updated: Fixer.io API now uses API Layer, the workflow will validate your API key to avoid errors. Old API keys will work without problems. Improved: Now the workflow shows a message when it's updating currency and cryptocurrencies rates Improved: Replaced file_get_contents with curl for some operations Fixed: datastorage_force_binary was not working as expected Fixed: No output in cryptocurrencies when "from" and "to" were the same Fixed: Error on updater not working correctly with some PHP versions If you find a bug please create an issue on the Github repository. As always you can download the update from https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases
  14. hi @Fanghao For now it's not planned, you are welcome to open a feature request in the Github repo to see if other users would like this to be implemented.
  15. hi @Fanghao a base unit for what? please provide more info, examples, etc.
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