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Davejorg last won the day on January 14 2020

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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. I get the same issue. Any suggestions?
  2. Great help and insight @tmschltn . To add to the the comment above the steps to get this working with Alfred 4 are as follows. 1. From @deanishe - Download the zipped repo, extract it, then drag the folder into your workflows directory. To quickly get to your workflows directory, open Alfred Preferences, right-click on any workflow and choose Open in Finder. Then go up one level to the directory named "workflows". 2. If you have Alfred 4, Open the workflows.php folder and modify lines 41 and 42 to change Alfred-3 and Alfred 3 to just say Alfred (or whatever the path of your Alfred directory is in /Library/Application Support) : $this->cache = $this->home. "/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/".$this->bundle; $this->data = $this->home. "/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Workflow Data/".$this->bundle; 3. Modify the asana.php file in your text editor of choice. Go to asana.php line 440 (in version 2.2) and change $workspace['id'] into $workspace['gid']. If you use a specific project instead of a space, probably the same happens on line 466 and 469. Change id to gid. 4. While logged in to asana, create a personal access token - label it what every you'd like "Alfred Workflow" is fine : https://app.asana.com/0/developer-console 5. set your api key in the Alfred workflow by typing akey and pasting the personal access token code that you will copy when you create it. Everything should work after that.
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