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Everything posted by wrjlewis

  1. Hey Glad you're enjoying the workflow. So the workflow operates by sending the URL to Alfreds Open URL action. This will be notion:// (if you're using the desktop app) + the object id of the page. I'm not sure if there is anything thet can be added to this URL in order to ensure that the page is opened in a new tab when using the desktop app, would be happy to make a change if someone knows. When using the web app, it always opens in a new tab.
  2. Thanks! I've added an issue for it: https://github.com/wrjlewis/notion-search-alfred5-workflow/issues/5 I'll fix this in the next release đź‘Ť
  3. I'm using 3.9.13, by the way. I experience the same SimpleCookie silent parsing fail but the braces in my cookie are after all the information I need, I'm not sure what dictates the cookie key/value ordering but seems folk like me are currently getting lucky. I did a bit of digging and thanks for your code snippet, it is the perfect example because it seems other have pointed out the same issue in Python due to google's oauth cookie implementation, which demonstrates the issue well. Example isse: https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/92936 It looks like a fix has been merged but obviously won't be available in all but the latest version of Python (if thats been released since the merge, I'm not sure). Could you please post the patch, or PR, with the fix you made? At least we can fix it locally for now. Thanks.
  4. Hey, thanks for posting your update, its incredibly helpful and allows me to improve the workflow further. So were you getting the latin-1 codec error? Interestingly I have curly braces in my cookie, so that seems standard, but I do not get an error. Any thoughts on why that might be?
  5. I'm not sure if it's considered a dependency, but this workflow needs python3 installed and sometimes folk need to run Install Certificates.command from their python installation folder.
  6. Hey It is possible to do, but its way beyond the scope of making a few modifications to this script. This workflow searches pages, it doesn't get the contents of pages (or databases) and do things with it. You would need a new workflow, new code, and different calls to Notion. After a quick look, you'd want to make a call to https://www.notion.so/api/v3/queryCollection? with the appropriate query parameters, the database contents will be within the response in recordMap - block - value - properties.. There you'd need to apply some logic to figure out which is the corresponding account code. Quite a lot of work to do, and for quite a custom use case.
  7. Strange. There’s no difference in that part of the code 🤷‍♂️
  8. If that doesn't work, I would be interested if installing the older version again, works for you.
  9. Looks like nothing is being returned at all. Can you please try obtaining your cookie and space id again, and adding them to the workflow, if you haven't already? Sometimes Notion changes the token on their side and it needs updating in the workflow.
  10. Hi was everything working on 0.5 or prior versions? does any error appear in the search results itself in Alfred? When you type ns something thanks
  11. I am the author 🙂. Github repo for Alfred 4 version Github repo for Alfred 5 version (just created) There is an optional dependency for cairosvg, for the purpose of converting svg to png since Alfred doesn't support svg icons. It is completely optional and a minor feature, the dependency is documented in the readme. I have updated the screenshots in the readme, but I do not have a retina screen I'm afraid! Apparently I do have a retina screen, though from 2015.. the screenshot in the github repo is updated following your instructions. Thank you, let me know if there is anything else I can do to support this workflow. Thanks, Will.
  12. Since Oct 24th! I didn't get the update notification, so maybe my old iMac is finally out of support..
  13. Try this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52805115/certificate-verify-failed-unable-to-get-local-issuer-certificate/58525755#58525755
  14. I presume Venture is still in public beta? So it's not supported yet. Out of interest, what is the error you are getting, can you screenshot what happens when you try to search?
  15. Can you copy everything after Cookie: in your screenshot, and use that as your cookie value to paste into the workflow environment variable
  16. Hi Thanks for trying but @vitorsuggestion is intended for me to make in combination with the fix for the Unicode issue, so your workflow won’t work until I make a change to the workflow (on top of the advice given). You will get odd error codes until that’s done.
  17. Thanks for the explanation, thats helpful. The problem I have now is that I'm unable to reproduce the error on my local machine. I've created a new page in notion, filled it with unicode characters such as “ and … which is referenced in the errors above, but I don't encounter an error when the results come back in the workflow.
  18. Thanks for sharing. I think your original issue, with team spaces, will persist after this error has been solved, unfortunately. Because I haven't been able to change anything relating to that. This error is because I introuduced this line in order to accommodate for Korean and other languages. alfredQuery = unicodedata.normalize('NFC',alfredQuery) Some googling suggests that character U+201C Left Double Quotation Mark is not present in the Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) encoding, which presents this error. I don't know enough about unicode and latin-1 to fully understand this, so any help would be appreciated from someone who does.
  19. Thanks for double checking, I don't use team spaces and I'm not a part of an enterprise organisation anymore so I can't test this out (personal or personal pro accounts don't have team spaces), unless someone is able to facilitate that for me or patch the workflow code. It could be that team spaces is causing the issue, but impossible to tell without the above.
  20. Interesting. The cookie starts with the same text as mine, so it looks fine on that front, the important thing is that it contains the 'token_v2=' value. Some people are having issue with Python certificates, it might be worth checking this stack overflow answer just in case it fixes the issue. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42098126/mac-osx-python-ssl-sslerror-ssl-certificate-verify-failed-certificate-verify
  21. Welcome. Just to check, you've set the useDesktopClient variable to True, and it's only opening up one specific page each time? I've just tested on my desktop app and it's working as expected. It might be worth force quitting the notion app and starting it up again to see if that makes a difference.
  22. Welcome! It seems to be working as far I can tell. Have you got the latest version?
  23. I second what @vitor says, but also would suggest updating your cookie and space id, as per the instructions here.
  24. Hello There should have been a prompt but it may have been missed, you will need to install developer tools for it to work it seems. let me know if this works for you.. run this in terminal: xcode-select --install
  25. If you type something into the quick search bar, it triggers the "https://www.notion.so/api/v3/search" call where I get the cookie and space ID from. Rather than using the teV1 call which is triggered just from loading the quick search box. But I don't know if they yield different results at all in terms of the cookie or space id, wouldn't expect so. Complete shot in the dark but other people have had issues with Python certificates when they've installed it manually and rectified it with the command in terminal: Install Certificates.command
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