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  1. Oh, sorry! I was being unclear. I meant to say that I'm not being able to run anything in Spotify mini anymore. Alfred is running just fine. Whenever I try to play a song from Spotify mini it just launches the Spotify desktop app and nothing happens. After the Spotify desktop app has started and I'm trying to play songs using Spotify mini it doesn't do anything either. I am connected to my account and I can browse around in Spotify mini, but it doesn't want to play anything.
  2. When first installing the workflow it worked very nicely, but it started to open the spotify desktop app, not really being able to run anything using Alfred anymore. I've tried removing and adding the workflow (including related folders) and reinstalling Alfred. Any suggestions?
  3. Thank you very much. It's a bit glitchy when you're sending it to Brave when it's closed and it has to open the program. Sometimes Brave just starts up and is at a blank page. That might be a problem with Brave and not the workflow, I guess.
  4. I'm thinking about the original workflow. Do you know what I'd have to change to achieve that?
  5. Is there any way to get this to work with Brave? I've tried modifying the script without any luck. (I have no idea what I'm doing)
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