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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. I'm new to Alfred. I've installed the Alfred 5 powerpack, and things run smoothly. I've installed the "Stack Exchange" workflow shown here as a demonstration file for scripting. When I try to run the script I type .so as shown. Everything looks fine - it seems like I'm going to search stack overflow. Anything I type after that bounces me into the default apps, and not stack overflow. Any suggestions on what I need to change would be appreciated. Thanks,
  2. I'm writing a workflow to take selected text and dump it into Grammarly. The plan is to select the text use shortcut keys, and have Grammarly open; wait for me to select the "New Document" button and automatically paste my text into the window. If you know Grammarly, there are few menu items, and AFAIK, none can make this happen cleanly. It doesn't matter where the New Document button is on the screen, as I will find it myself; anything that acknowledges a mouse click should work. I'm not interested in waiting for a pause. If I get distracted, I want the workflow to wait. Shell scripts work too, so I don't have to wait for the click in Applescript. Another scripting language should work fine. Can anybody help?
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