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Everything posted by JolinM

  1. Oh, both solutions are brilliant, thanks a lot for the insight!
  2. I thought "." was a wildcard in GREP 🤔. I actually want to filter based on the presence of absence of a query. My keyword has «Argument optional».
  3. I right now use a Condition if {query} is less than «.», but it somehow seams wrong. Isn’t there some more elegant way to do it? Best,
  4. Updated version, with antonyms and combinations. https://www.packal.org/workflow/antidote-10
  5. Great, that helps! Was able to fix my workflow with the last info, thanks a lot! Can be found here
  6. That helps a lot, thanks. I also found the answer to my original question! Needs to be "{query}" between brackets and with ". Here’s my final script: tell application "AgentAntidoteConnect" launch module dictionaries resource definitions word "{query}" end tell
  7. Hi @AntidoteConnect, thanks for the answer. Still not really sure how to make it work. Is it an issue of writing it in French vs English? tell application "AgentAntidoteConnect" lance module ‌dictionaries word q end tell The new error I have is the following « given », « in », « of », expression, « with », « without », autre nom de paramètre, etc. prévu(s) mais jeton inconnu trouvé(s). And after that, I still have to plug it in Alfred, which I don’t know how to do 😞.
  8. Hi, total N00b here. I’m trying to fix this workflow. Right now, I have this (running it as /usr/bin/osasciprt (AS) with imputes as {query} running instances Sequentially tell application "AgentAntidoteConnect" lance module dictionnaire mot q end tell The error message I receive is the following [14:29:52.840] ERROR: Antidote 10[Run Script] 56:68: execution error: La variable dictionnaire n’est pas définie. (-2753) But running it in Script editor does work… any clues?
  9. Okay, I’m now at tell application "AgentAntidoteConnect" lance module dictionnaire mot q end tell The error message I receive is the following [14:29:52.840] ERROR: Antidote 10[Run Script] 56:68: execution error: La variable dictionnaire n’est pas définie. (-2753) But running it in Script editor does work… any clues?
  10. Working on an update right now! ––– Actually, I need a bit of help with this one 😔 I have an updated Applescript that works well tell application "AgentAntidoteConnect" lance module dictionnaires mot "bougie" end tell But I don’t know how to translate it with the {query} so it can run in Alfred (/user/bin/osascript (AppleScript)). So far, I have this, but it doesn’t work. on run set theQuery to "{query}" tell application "AgentAntidoteConnect" lance module dictionnaire mottheQuery end tell end run
  11. @dood, you could try that https://cl.ly/b92edbcafa20 Basically, just changing the first line of the script to tell application "Brave Browser" Can’t test it, as I don’t use Instapaper anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. And here’s an updated version for Antidote 10.
  13. And when that is correct, it works! Thanks for your kind support, it really is appreciated. I packaged this part alone, if it’s of any help to someone else: download.
  14. Tried with another shortcut, and a keyword, but something ain’t right. I’ll try to do it like a pro ? – The modified workflow – Alfred 3.6.1 – MacOS 10.13.5 Starting debug for 'Safari Assistant' [2018-06-18 13:57:32][ERROR: action.script] ? 13:57:32 workflow.go:614: ------- Safari Assistant/0.5 (AwGo/0.13.2) ------- 13:57:32 tabs.go:131: &{2 1 Debugger Utility - Alfred Help and Support https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/utilities/debug/ false} 13:57:32 update.go:171: 19h29m since last check for update 13:57:32 workflow.go:790: --------------------- 0.15s ---------------------- [2018-06-18 13:57:32][utility.debug] . /--- TAB ACTIONS IN ---\ query= variables={ "ALSF_HISTORY_ENTRIES" = 1000; "ALSF_INCLUDE_BOOKMARKLETS" = 0; "ALSF_SEARCH_HOSTNAMES" = 1; "ALSF_TAB" = 2; "ALSF_TAB_CTRL" = "Close Tabs to Left"; "ALSF_TAB_FN" = "Open in Private Window"; "ALSF_TAB_OPT" = "Close Tabs to Right"; "ALSF_TAB_SHIFT" = ""; "ALSF_URL" = "https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/utilities/debug/"; "ALSF_URL_CTRL" = "Open in Chrome"; "ALSF_URL_FN" = "Open in Private Window"; "ALSF_URL_OPT" = "Open in Firefox"; "ALSF_URL_SHIFT" = "Open in Current Tab"; "ALSF_WINDOW" = 1; } \----------------------/ [2018-06-18 13:57:32][ERROR: action.script] /Users/jolinm/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3/Workflow Scripts/322D9109-6C48-41C2-BF05-5203B690B4B0: line 2: ./alsf: No such file or directory
  15. Oups! You indeed just did, the post before mine… I feel a bit ashamed about not spotting it, sorry! Thanks for your quick answer; I can’t manage to make it work, thought… any clues
  16. Indeed, fantastic tool to help move around between browsers. I would second bk161124 suggestion, if ever
  17. Hi Carlos-Sz, this looks so great. Unfortunately, the download link is down Love your work!
  18. I have been looking for a long time for a way to simulate a keypad to be used for InDesign. So here is a script that can do just that. opt + 1 will give you opt + keypad 1 Here’s the download link.
  19. Actually, I’m using Alfred as a by pass. It’s for a script called Quick Ref that puts a menu item inside InDesign. And InDesign doesn’t allow keyboard shortcut for menu item coming from scripts, as the scripts are loaded after the shortcuts… therefore, I’m currently using Keyboard Maestro to overcome that. But I would like to transfer it to Alfred, if that’s possible.
  20. It does work, but not with InDesign. And it is still faster to access it directly by code with a keyboard shortcut. Would Applescript allows that?
  21. Hum, works with Illustrator CC2015, but not with InDesign :/
  22. Is there a way to select a menu item, similar to what’s possible in Keyboard Maestro?
  23. Updated Workflow original created by Hugo Davoust Adapted from the Antidote 8 workflow Here’s the workflow.
  24. Well, at least I feel a little better about my (lack of) programming skills. I’ll try to contact him. Thanks for the support and follow up!
  25. Hum :/ Not proud of myself here, and I feal kinda dumb, but even after reading a little bit more from what you told me, I have seriously no idea what I’m doing…! Here is my file script.sh #!/bin/bash open focus://focus And here is me trying to run it from terminal, and failling! Jolins-iMac:~ jolinm$ chmod +x /Users/jolinm/Desktop/script.sh Jolins-iMac:~ jolinm$ /Users/jolinm/Desktop/script.sh The file /Users/jolinm/focus:/focus does not exist. Jolins-iMac:~ jolinm$ .//Users/jolinm/Desktop/script.sh -bash: .//Users/jolinm/Desktop/script.sh: No such file or directory Jolins-iMac:~ jolinm$ /Users/jolinm/Desktop -bash: /Users/jolinm/Desktop: is a directory Jolins-iMac:~ jolinm$ ./script.sh -bash: ./script.sh: No such file or directory Jolins-iMac:~ jolinm$ chmod +x script chmod: script: No such file or directory Jolins-iMac:~ jolinm$ chmod +x script.sh chmod: script.sh: No such file or directory Jolins-iMac:~ jolinm$ /Users/jolinm/Desktop/script.sh The file /Users/jolinm/focus:/focus does not exist.
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