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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Do the steps posted November 5th. That’s what has been working for most people. I understand you want your problem solved, but you also have to put in a bit of effort to search for the resolution and read the thread. We help those who help themselves. This was a problem caused by Apple that doesn’t affect everyone, so different solutions may work for different people.
  2. This is the third time I’m asking you to provide the information requested in the second post. You keep posting the debugger output when I also need all the rest, like version information. I can’t help you if you won’t follow that simple request. I will also need access to you cache. It’s the file in ~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.googledrive/cache.db. To avoid sharing it with the world, you can send me a link to it via private message.
  3. @greedist Please provide all requested information. You only did one of the points. Also, do you have English results that the Workflow correctly returns, or are you just assuming it doesn’t return Korean? It looks more like your cache may be empty and not returning anything. Do all steps in this earlier post. If you skip any, you’ll have an incomplete setup.
  4. You may find TrialSounds useful. It exists precisely to ease choosing a sound.
  5. @deanishe has a Workflow specifically for triggering Services.
  6. Yes. You can use yt-dlp to search Youtube from the command-line and turn those into Alfred results. Though note that is probably not “allowed” or at the very least may be frowned up by Google. They have a search API you can use, but it requires more setup. That’s dependent on your apps, not the Workflow. If you have yt-dlp and mpv or VLC, you tell the Workflow to open whatever Youtube link in that app and they handle the rest.
  7. Yes. You can’t edit the default themes, only duplicate them (and then edit those). Doing that requires the Powerpack.
  8. Language shouldn’t make a difference and I can’t reproduce. The problem likely lies somewhere else. I would need the information asked in the second post, plus access to your cache (Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.googledrive/cache.db) to test, but you may not be comfortable giving that. I don’t use Google Drive so my knowledge here is limited, but I didn’t find a way to programatically do that (being available on right-click is a wholly separate thing). You mean like this (press ⇧↵ on the result)?
  9. You can do it with a [Snippet Trigger](https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/triggers/snippet/). You can have it expand your snippet and increment a number in a file. Then read back the file when you want to see the number of calls.
  10. [HOW TO] Get frontmost tab’s url and title of various browsers covers exactly this. The code works as is for your use case. This Workflow does what you ask. It outputs the title and URL each on their own line.
  11. No, I mean what I asked. It’s possible to have more than one icon per application. In the case of Brave, by leveraging several profiles at once.
  12. No. In this case it should show, yes. I’m unable to reproduce your issue.
  13. It’s the number of Brave icons you have in your Dock.
  14. How about the number of Brave instances? That’s the most important, because AppleScript can’t handle multiple instances of the same app. But your setup is pretty large. I’m thinking of turning this into a proper Workflow with support for more browsers, so I should probably get to that first and then we’ll see from usage from other users if we can discover the root of the issue, because it’s not failing in my tests.
  15. That helps. Now we have something specific to diagnose. That looks like it might be waiting for you to give it permission to do it’s thing but you haven’t authorised it then it gives up waiting. Go to System Preferences → Security & Privacy → Privacy → Automation. Look for Alfred 4.app and make sure the Brave Browser.app checkbox under it is ticked. Then try again. Failing that, how many Brave windows do you have open? And (roughly) how many tabs amongst them? Also, how many instances of Brave do you have open (i.e how many Brave icons do you have in your Dock)?
  16. Yes, you mentioned the name but didn’t link to it. I had no way of knowing where you got it from and I was on a (very slow) phone at the time, meaning that if I changed tabs to spend an unknown amount of time searching the web for whatever you might be mentioning, I could’ve lost what I had already written. So it was either helping with the limited information you gave, or possibly being unable to help at all. When requesting assistance, you should strive to make life easier to potential helpers. That helps you by lowering the friction needed for people to look into your issue. The higher the friction, the lower the chance other people will investigate.
  17. As Dean mentioned, please use the debugger and post the output. I can’t diagnose if you don’t provide information. I need to know exactly what you’re doing. Consider a video. Also, redownload and reinstall the Workflow (same link) as I’ve made an unrelated correction.
  18. Specifically, it’s View → Developer → Allow JavaScript from Apple Events.
  19. I wouldn’t call this a problem, Alfred does it by design. Making your Workflow mostly independent of external changes benefits you both as a Workflow developer and a Workflow user: by ensuring everyone has a similar starting point, changing the environment must be a conscious decision with clear consequences. Then that is what it will use. That’s the default on macOS. That doesn’t matter if the Workflow is using a full path to the executable. There’s no error there. I don’t know which Workflow you’re talking about, so it’s impossible to say. Where did you get it from? You should ask this on the forum post or GitHub repo where you found the Workflow, so the creator and it’s users can see your issue and help.
  20. The likeliest explanation is that you haven’t enabled “Allow JavaScript from Apple Events” (or similarly named). The debugger should give a clue regarding that. The option is under one of the menus at the top. I can be more specific when I’m back at the computer.
  21. Welcome @thilleson, This is already being addressed at length on another thread. In particular, check this post. If you have further questions, please ask there so as to not split the conversation.
  22. Three ways: Use the full path to your tool. Instead of python3.9, call /usr/local/bin/python3.9 (or whatever the path is). Simplest method.source your shell’s configuration file before calling your script. Example: source "${HOME}/.zshrc". Highest chance of success, but may make your code marginally slower.Set PATH before calling your python installation. Similar to 1 and gives you access to more tools.
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