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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Updated to 2024.1. Add External Trigger.Skip Input as Universal Action.Use const for name and description.
  2. In the macOS paradigm, ⌘↩ is a submit. Try it e.g. on a comment box on GitHub or this forum. It submits what you have in the textarea. Newlines are typically ⌥↩ and/or ⇧↩. ChatGPT is the name of the service. A GPT is a related but different thing. This makes the keyword more obvious. And as you noted, you can customise it to your liking very easily. Some people use just c.
  3. If you’re looking to manipulate the position of Finder windows, you could do that previously. Use the Open File Action to open a specific folder and connect it to the Set Custom Window Bounds Automation Task. Chain a few in a row and watch your windows open and be layed out. Like so: You’ll need to do the math on the positions and sizes to construct your grid.
  4. This will be live in the Gallery soon at https://alfred.app/workflows/godbout/music-volume/. You’re welcome! I know you mean nothing by it—but just as a reference to avoid a faux pas if you’re ever interacting with another Portuguese—we almost exclusively use that word (the diminutive of “thank you”) sarcastically. Think “yeah, thanks a lot” in English. I’m not sure if that connotation is shared by other countries with Portuguese as the first language, though. Either way, no harm no foul. Since you went through the trouble of learning the words, I thought you might like the context. Have a great weekend!
  5. Looking at the workflow, it might work if you simply change the Language dropdown in the Run Script to /usr/bin/python3. That is assuming it’s not using features which changed in Python 3, but it’s small enough it might work.
  6. Try the fake_key suggestion above. What do you get?
  7. And just to be sure: on step 2 you got no results? Had another idea: Try setting the API key to something obviously wrong, like fake_key. What do you get then when using the workflow?
  8. Remove the workflow. Try to use it. This step is important to make sure you don’t have e.g. some duplicate copy that you’re calling.Install it again, from the Gallery page. Make sure it’s version 2024.3 and that the configuration field for the key is empty.Add your API key to the configuration field.Try again. What do you get now? If you’re still getting a notice with the old key after that you may have to contact OpenAI. Maybe they’re correlating both keys and sending an incorrect message. But the workflow only uses whatever string in pasted into the configuration, nothing else.
  9. What exactly do you mean by this? Are you editing the default value in the configuration builder? Don’t, that should be left empty. But yes, even if doing that it would still use the key set in the correct place, that’s working as intended. As per above, that error message is not in the workflow, it’s being returned by OpenAI themselves. Make sure you’re not using an old or invalid key or pasting extra stuff. That’s an issue which can only be solved from your side.
  10. Where exactly are you adding the key? Please provide a screenshot.
  11. The API doesn’t allow that, so that’s a request you have to make to OpenAI.
  12. If you’re looking to import snippets from CSV files, you can use the official Snippet Transformer.
  13. Updated to 2024.1. Skip Input as Universal Action.Remove colons in keyboard shortcuts.Edit shortcut with Automation Task.Add Hotkey.Use JSON caching.Split between shortcuts which take input or not.Convert scd to JXA.Shorter Objective-C functions.Fix typo.
  14. That works now. Set the type key in the JSON to file. Or try it just by sending a list of files to the Grid View with Object Input as the Source. Try ⌘0. That shift in size is remembered per object, which means that you can have them bigger or smaller depending on context and also adapt on demand.
  15. Apple has an official support forum. You can also use Feedback Assistant to make a feature request or report a bug to system apps like Mail.
  16. It’s not possible to define a hard minimum for the Gallery at the moment. The ones requiring 5.5 show it as a dependency at the top but would still be updated. That said, while new objects couldn’t possibly be backwards compatible, caching and the number slider will just be ignored gracefully in pre-5.5. Meaning Alfred won’t use the feature but users can still install and use the workflow.
  17. That doesn’t seem related to Alfred at all. Why not ask in the forum of the app’s creators?
  18. That message is not in the workflow, meaning it is being returned by the API. In other words, you’ll have to ask OpenAI why your key isn’t working. The given link (also not in the workflow) has some hypothesis but only you or OpenAI can know the cause.
  19. By design there’s no option to search a specific folder. You either search only the Desktop (and optionally its subfolders) or everywhere. If you want to view images in an atypical folder, I recommend you use instead the Thumbnail Navigation workflow.
  20. That’s just the default. You can change that in the Workflow’s Configuration (checkbox right at the top).
  21. You may be doing it too fast. You need to give the webpage time to load or you’re pasting into nothing. Try with a Delay Utility. If that doesn’t work, please share the workflow you have.
  22. @Praxder That was fixed earlier today. Please update to 2024.2 and it should be resolved.
  23. As with most things in computing, using local models has tradeoffs. You’ve mentioned some of the positives, but some of the challenges include having to download multi-GB files, requiring better machines, and being harder to set up. None of that is insurmountable, but it is an extra hurdle that can confuse most users. There are so many different knobs and dials, even when using one specific service, that an early explicit goal of this workflow remains to avoid configuration fatigue. We’re aware alternative models exist and are certainly not averse to them, but for this workflow right this moment the operative word is focus. The great news is that everything in the workflow is built on top of the new Text View, which is content agnostic. In other words, as you’ve noticed, there’s nothing tying Alfred to a particular approach and anyone can build their own!
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