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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Thank you for the submission. As this one is just a Hotkey connected to a regular object, it won’t go in yet. It’s not exactly listing just screenshots, but every descendant of the folder.
  2. I’d first recommend you get yourself familiar with creating workflows in general. With Automation Tasks you can do a ton of stuff without code, and understanding how things connect and flow is relevant. On the programming front, make sure you understand how to get command-line arguments from Python and how to build a JSON. Go for Python 3, and if possible stick with 3.8.9 (or under) features because that’s the version macOS has, meaning code written in it will be easier to share. Also, I’m sure some would disagree but consider staying away from any library which doesn’t ship with Python until you have an understanding of the basics of programming.
  3. Open the Debugger and you’ll see the order. The top one executes first.
  4. As mentioned in the other issue, that one does not offer a download.
  5. That’s quite curious, in particular the segmented shadow. Perhaps a reboot would help? Does your theme use the deprecated Classic Blur? Could you share it?
  6. More importantly, see @Stephen_C’s workflow for listing and switching to the settings.
  7. Same as the others, the screenshot is missing the shadow. Apologies for the repetition, but it makes it more straightforward to track what’s been done or not.
  8. vitor


    Same as the others, the screenshot is missing the shadow.
  9. vitor


    Same as the others, the screenshot is missing the shadow. Perhaps you have disabled it?
  10. Same as the others, the screenshot is missing the shadow. Perhaps you have disabled it? As for the Workflow Environment Variables, from your explanation that is exactly why they should be User Configuration. To the average user, a checkbox is significantly more understandable than manually changing a 0 / 1 value (and for you it means no need for error checking on bad or missing values). And for the extra Shortcut, you can explain it right there, in context.
  11. Thank you for the screenshots, but they have no shadow. Perhaps you have disabled it? It’s configuration. It’s to be set whenever you need to change the setting, be it at first usage or later on when you change your mind. There are still situations where they make sense, but for user-facing features User Configuration is the way to go. Plus, outright removing them wouldn’t make sense, as older workflows continue to be supported. Vastly clearer for users, in a standard location in the editor, with documentation included in context (e.g. setting a description), plus simplified code which does not need to check for absent variables or empty values, or invalid strings (checkboxes; popover buttons). You can still have your keyword (kmdelay, which I’ve had to recheck several times while replying, as opposed to User Configuration which is just there) change the setting via AppleScript (the latest pre-release adds support for it, with no code changes necessary).
  12. @dserodio This has been addressed in the current pre-release: 5.0.4 b2089.
  13. That’s because it tries to automate the System Preferences app, which is now System Settings which has poor AppleScript support. It’s helpful if you use the Feedback Assistant app and let Apple know you want AppleScript support in System Settings. The more people do it, the higher the chance it’ll be implemented.
  14. Welcome @Usman, You can’t just copy any random file to the clipboard. Well, you can¹, but it’ll just be a bunch of data with no guarantee of being accurately pasted. That’s why copying image data is a specific action, it’s done properly to accommodate the input. Lest this be an XY problem, please describe what you want to do instead of how you think it could be accomplished. ¹ Use a Run Script Action with default actions and code pbcopy < "${1}" to copy the contents of whatever file path is given as input.
  15. vitor


    It is not, but thank you for the thought. And thank you for the kind words too.
  16. See Making Python 2 Workflows work on macOS Monterey 12.3 and above for an explanation and fix. That workflow may need further fixes, but it’s no longer available for download.
  17. Not only can’t I reproduce, that’s not something I remember seeing.
  18. If you share the method as well, it’ll be easier to give assistance.
  19. This is what I’ve mentioned before. System Settings have poor AppleScript support. The way to handle this is to open the Feedback Assistant app and let Apple know you want AppleScript support in System Settings. The more people do it, the higher the chance it’ll be implemented. If no one tells them and instead try to use workarounds, it’ll never get done. Now is the time to ask.
  20. vitor


    This one is also using Workflow Environment Variable instead of User Configuration.
  21. This one is also using Workflow Environment Variable instead of User Configuration.
  22. Just noticed this workflow is using Workflow Environment Variable instead of User Configuration. I’d submit a PR, but there seems to be no repo.
  23. @suliveevil It’s necessary to look at workflows in context to see how they call a language, and only then can a fix be suggested. There is no place in the workflow one could easily change the Python path, and someone without experience in it wouldn’t know how where to use that command or what to do with its result. @CWM See the help page for installing Python 3.
  24. You can modify the workflow to do what you ask. Replace the Add Tags Keyword Input (blue icon) with a List Filter Input. Make sure it’s set with Argument Optional. Then add your common tags on the bottom—set the Title and Arg to the same thing. It requires you to edit the list manually, but it’ll give you the result you seek.
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